Symbols - What does heaven look like
The context in which the spider is seen is key as the spider can have several symbolic meanings
- Underlying fear - If we are frightened of spiders it can simply represent a fear we have, just one of perhaps many underlying things blocking our spiritual progress. Thus maybe we are frightened of change or death, or our parents, or of forming close friendships or relationships for fear of being hurt.
- Spirit being - Spiders – especially if they are not very realistic looking spiders - can be used as the image of some spirit beings particularly those that are related to man made pharmaceuticals and chemicals. They have even been used to represent food additives where the food additive is clearly poisoning the person and the composer wants the person to know about it. Again, a fear of spiders is being used to reinforce the message – lay off the chemicals!
In effect where the person has a fear of spiders, it is being used to provide a message of warning and help, lay off the chemicals and conquer the demons!
BUT, outside of these more prosaic meanings the spider has considerable significance and the significance is that related to the symbolism of the web.
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- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE
- A bird flying round the room and a wasp trying to sting her
- A huge hole right in front of her face with spiders crawling out
- A Subwoofer Full of Water Spiders by Wow EROWID
- A woman holding on to my lamp shade spinning around really fast
- All laughing at me because I'm wearing no makeup
- Black bars hovering over her like a cage
- Cirlot on spiders
- Disembodied heads
- Engel,C - German folk myth
- Frost, Robert - I found a dimpled spider, fat and white
- Ghanaian Khente cloth
- Giant spiders after an operation
- Grant Gronewald - HTML flowers - Arguing with my imaginary friend in the alley
- Grant Gronewald - HTML flowers - Brothers hand mirror
- Grant Gronewald - HTML flowers - Endless mansion
- Grant Gronewald - HTML flowers - We take of our hands to heal
- Insects flying round his room
- Keats, John - The Tapestry of Life
- Laura Kennedy: Night-time visions of monsters in my room seem normal – at the time
- Little Miss Muffet
- Mayan - Hummingbird symbolism
- Mircea Eliade - The Moon, Spiders, Fate and Destiny
- Miro - A Dew Drop Falling from a Bird's Wing Wakes Rosalie, who Has Been Asleep in the Shadow of a Spider's Web
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Oliver Sacks - Donald Fish has scary hallucinations
- Oliver Sacks - Little Devils on a bicycle
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 3
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 09 – The Great Work
- Saw her son's baseball shoes levitating over her chest
- Spider dreams
- Spider dreams 'so frequent that I'm not really even afraid anymore'
- Spiders
- Spiders
- Spiders crawling on her bed
- Spiders, always spiders!!
- Spiders, objects like hooks and mechanical devices
- Tarantella
- There was a presence in my room pointing at me