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Symbols - What does heaven look like


Chhinnamasta (Sanskrit: छिन्नमस्ता, Bengali: ছিন্নমস্তা(অর্থাৎ যার মস্তক ছিন্ন), Chinnamastā, "She whose head is severed"), often spelled Chinnamasta and also called Chhinnamastika and Prachanda Chandika, is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother.

Chhinnamasta can be easily identified by 'her fearsome iconography'. The self-decapitated goddess holds her own severed head in one hand, a scimitar in another. Three jets of blood spurt out of her bleeding neck and are drunk by her severed head and two attendants. Chhinnamasta is usually depicted standing on a copulating couple - symbol of the mechanism by which this form of experience was obtainesd - one of the sexual stimulation techniques.

And here we have the entire symbolism of the goddess.  She is a symbol of rebirth.