Symbols - What does heaven look like
There are many on the spiritual path, with a complex destiny, whose lives are almost entirely stage managed for them by their spirit helpers and their Higher spirit. Looking back they can only laugh, but at the time those people may have absolutely no inkling of how much their life has been decided for them.
The events of their life unfold as though they were relatively normal, but their lives are not their own.
People enter their lives and they are the better for those people having been there. People with names like Cole, or VerCruz or Cossar [a horse rider]. They may look back with great fondness on them and how much they contributed, they may in some sense say they loved those people because of the help they gave.
And there may be any number of things these people with a destiny did, for no apparent reason other than they felt like it. Perhaps they decided they wanted to go to India or Bhutan, to the land of the Native American Indians, to the land of the Maoris and the Polynesians and the land of the Aztecs and South American cultures. Then they worked and found themselves working in Australia and decided on a whim to visit the heartlands of the Australian aborigine.
No reason, no one they knew had ever been to some of these places, no one they knew had even heard of some of the places they decided in the end to go to. Perhaps they ended up going to just about every spiritually rich place in the world, at a time when they were not at all spiritually inclined – or thought they weren’t.
They didn’t know why, they just did and loved it. They remembered every moment, almost as if they had been there before.
And their work also seemed to follow some odd pattern not of their own making. Opportunities just kept turning up leading them on into places they had never ever considered from a work point of view. They researched when they had never researched before. Were asked to write books when they had never written before. Asked to teach when they hadn’t taught before. Steep learning curves, but somehow a feeling of an upward path leading to something, without ever really knowing what.
Maybe the daughter of one of their dearest friends contacts them out of the blue wanting help. And that person gives help and in doing this they meet and in meeting the daughter, whose husband just happens to be a cardiologist, notices that this person is dying. And her husband saves the life of this person – 5 days away from dying. Not before however, this person has seen enough visions and hallucinations to last them a lifetime and open them to the spiritual world.
And they may find that some people they loved come back to them and re-enter their lives at very key moments and have a truly profound effect – a truly profound effect - perhaps provoking grief of a terrible terrible kind.
And at this point the door opens and they understand their destiny.
But all the way through their lives have actually been organised for them. Their wishes and desires have been manipulated, the people who help them and turn up at just the right moment also manipulated. Our Higher spirits co-operate and they co-operate with those whose Higher spirits are also able to manipulate their lives.
So puppets meet puppets.
We are all bound by threads and cords to the spiritual world.
Sometimes we are simply a glove with no hand to guide us, a sad limp empty thing. Sometimes we are a shadow puppet dancing on the walls of the cave unaware of the Light behind us.
But some puppets eventually do cotton on.
And once they know their destiny, they really don’t mind the strings that bind.
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