Observations placeholder
Bhagavad Gita - Destiny
Type of Spiritual Experience
Know yourself, know your destiny, mind your own business and don't interfere in other's destiny, unless what you are doing appears to be part of your destiny too.
Sacrifice means the sacrifices you have to make to acheve your destiny.
We are all on the wheel [unless we are privileged enough to be at the hub], what we do must be guided by destiny and not desire
A description of the experience
The Bhagavad Gita [translated by W J Johnson]
Know that action originates from Brahman – Brahman whose source is the imperishable. Therefore all pervading Brahman is eternally established in the sacrifice
Whoever in this world does not turn the wheel thus set in motion, Partha, lives in vain, making a pleasure garden of his senses, intent upon evil…
Therefore without attachment, always do whatever action has to be done; for it is through acting without attachment that a man attains the highest…………
………It is better to practise your own inherent duty deficiently than another’s duty well. It is better to die conforming to your own duty; the duty of others invites danger