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Observations placeholder

Yassawi - 08 from HIKMET 14 & 17



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Yassawi – from HIKMET 14

I found out, he who uses not his inner sight.
Will not be worthy of His Abode,
Remembering, these words in Haqiqat,
From the Lord I learned this lesson in Lamakan, Yes, I…….

Whether a king or fakir in love, you cannot breathe,
Unless the Lord gives His word,
Who hears the word of the Lord relinquishes worldly wares.
From the Lord I learned this lesson in Lamakan, Yes I.

At seven this servant Ahmed learned this lesson,
At eight all worldly goods gave up,
At nine the Face of God he knew,
From the Lord I learned this lesson in Lamakan, Yes I....................

from HIKMET 17

Whatever may happen, trust in God,
As He asked Yusuf to leave Kangan,
So He asked me to leave Turkestan, my native land,
In deep sadness I came to Him, Yes, I.

Anguish, yearning-and longing for native lands,
Where the tomb of my great ancestors lay,
The spirit of my grandfather drew me to this lonely path,
Ill understanding why this was my destiny, Yes, I.

Servant Ahmed, repeat the name of the Lord,
For those friends who know not, let me enlighten you,
Carrying the sadness of exile I returned to my native Turkestan,
Where, as a tomb, I remained, Yes I.

The source of the experience

Yassawi, Khoja Akhmet

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


