Symbols - What does heaven look like
Fire walking
In all shamanic and mystic society, the path of the true shaman or mystic is called the path of the Sun. Only the Sun path can give you the power to prophesy and also the powers to change the laws of the universe [make spells!] – act as a co-creator. The path of the Moon is the path of reincarnation, the path of the Sun is the one of glory where you become one with the Sun [the Creator] and become a co-creator in the next level of the spiritual world on your ‘death’ [which is not a death at all] . Meanwhile, before you go, you take the role of a co-creator on earth in the physical world.
The path of the sun is recognised throughout the world as the mystic path. It is found in heraldry, in the Tarot and in numerous coats of arms of the powerful and famous who have the aspiration to be on the path [but given their behaviour and lack of knowledge, not a hope in hell’s chance of getting there] . The French ‘Sun King’ also had aspirations in this direction. The Egyptian ‘god’ Ra a powerful shaman in ancient times, was a sun god.

The Kabbalah twin pillars – the two routes to heaven show one pillar going to the Moon and the other to the Sun. The alchemic symbol showing a male/female Higher spirit has the Moon and the Sun………..

And so we could continue, the symbolism is almost universal worldwide, what I have shown you here is but a drop in the ocean when compared to the number of cultures who once recognised the symbolic significance of the path to the sun and the path to the moon.
The Path to the Sun is the path of fire. In reality it is a terrible path to follow because you are burned, figuratively speaking, of the dross in your character, purified and purified and purified until nothing remains. This is also the alchemist’s path.
Thus fire walking is both a symbolic act as well as a proof of power. One – as a shaman – is walking the path of fire in a literal sense and a figurative sense and to prove that your powers are as you say they are, you can affect the laws of Nature or if you prefer the Laws of the Universe by negating two important Laws – that of ‘gravity’ and that of ‘burning’.
If you falsely claim powers then you die, it is a good way [well effective anyway] of removing the charlatans.
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- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Fire walking
- Blessed Giovanni Buono - Firewalks
- Chambers' Book of Days – On fire walking and other fire ceremonies
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – How the Holy Men were tested by fire
- Clinical Psychologist firewalks
- Dr Brigham firewalks
- Dr. B. Glanvill Corney witnesses the Fijian fire walk
- Flames of a butter lamp
- Home D. D. – Fire experiments November 30, 1868 – Lord Adare’s testimony
- Home D. D. – Fire experiments – Lord Lindsay’s testimony
- Home D. D. – Fire experiments – Mr. Jencken’s testimony
- Home D. D. – Fire experiments – Samuel Carter Hall, F.S.A ’s testimony
- Home D. D. – Fire experiments – Stainton Moses’s testimony
- Jacques Romano on the feats of Kuda Bux
- Kahuna - Fire walking on Suva
- Kahuna - Hector MacQuarrie fire walks
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Rifai Sufi school
- King Aethelred, King Canute, Queen Emma, their son Edward and the Fire Test
- Kuda Bux - Over hot coals
- Mirdea Eliade - Fijian fire walking
- Nathan Coker – Able to firewalk and handle fire
- Richardson the famous fire-eater - Handles and eats fire
- Rites of the Firewalkers of Japan - W. C. Jameson Reid
- Saint Francis of Paola - Fire handling
- Saint Francis of Paola - The Gift of Miracles
- Saint Peter Igneus - Firewalks
- Schwarz, Jack - Beyond Biofeedback by Drs Elmer and Alyce Green – Demonstrations given to the Los Angeles County Medical Association, arranged by psychiatrist Dr. Kurt Fantl
- Shingon Buddhism - The Kiyomori Festival - Firewalking 01
- Shingon Buddhism - The Kiyomori Festival - Firewalking 02
- Shingon Buddhism - The Kiyomori Festival - Firewalking 03
- The Fiery Ordeal of Fiji - Maurice Delcasse
- The Mohammedan Fire walker witnessed by Mgr. Despatures, the Catholic bishop of Mysore in India
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 22 He placed his face right among the burning coals, moving it about as though bathing it in water
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 35 We asked, “How many spirits present?” and were told “Nine."
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 46 He took a red-hot ember from the fire, and spoke a few words to Miss Douglas on the subject of faith. She held out her hand, and he placed the coal in it