Symbols - What does heaven look like
Takes its symbolism from the levels and layers. But more specifically as they are seen in the Egg. Five gold rings are thus the five levels and layers.
The Olympic rings are a direct symbolic representation of the five rings even with the colour coding Blue – water, yellow – air, red – fire, green - earth and in this case black for aether because a white ring wouldn’t have shown up!
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Aladdin's cave
- Beowulf - Treasure
- Beowulf - Burial at Sea
- Black Elk - Native American Indians - Circles within circles
- Chagall - at the circus
- Chagall - le cirque rouge et bleu
- Clare, John - The rule of five
- Clement of Alexandria - Protrepticus - Describes the Dionysian mysteries
- Cohen, Leonard - Here it is
- Crowley - 0 The Fool
- Desnos, Robert - Ring of stars
- Dionysos - Villa of Mysteries Pompei - The Bride
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - The Word and the unit of energy
- Enûma Eliš - Fourth Tablet
- Ernst, Max - Montrant a une Jeune Fille la Tete de son Pere
- Frost, Robert - We dance round in a ring and suppose
- Gardner, Ingrid - A large room full of mirrors and crystal
- Gentling the Bull – 00 Foreward by Chi-yuan to Master Kakuans Ten Bull pictures
- George Harrison - Circles
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - A ringdove wailed and a sad lover complained
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Flashes of lightning gleamed to us
- Jami - SALÁMÁN AND ABSÁL – from 01 The Story
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Elk Dreamer
- Misc. source - Mayan maypole
- Mucha, Alphonse - The Slav Epic
- Native American Wisdom - White Buffalo Calf Woman
- Navajo - Native American Indians - Wind chant
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - I have flown into mine own heaven with mine own pinions
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from In praise of King Fakhrod-Din
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Poets and Poetry 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Seclusion 01
- Paul Devereux - Sacred Places - Symbols
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Dreams of Rings, Circles, Eggs and Stars
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The World Clock Vision
- Pillar of the Boatmen
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Fafnir [extract]
- Poussin - Dance to the music of time
- Previn, Dory - Mythical Kings and Iguanas
- Ride a cock horse
- Ring o ring o roses
- Rock a bye baby
- Rops, Felicien - Rare fish
- Saint Brendan - 12 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Scottish fasting
- Sting - Until
- Taq Bostan 02
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - The Power of the Drum
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 1 Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Twelve drummers drumming
- Vaughan, Henry - The World
- Vaughan, Henry - Vanity of spirit