Symbols - What does heaven look like
Red ochre
See blood.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Dieri initiation
- Ancestors, the - Art - Anthropomorphic Female Neolithic ceramic figurine
- Ancestors, the - Art - Being left handed
- Ancestors, the - Art - Blood, Red ochre, Bhimbekta and the Red Lady of Paviland
- Ancestors, the - Art - David Lewis-Williams from The Mind in the Cave
- Ancestors, the - Art - Ecstasy
- Ancestors, the - Art - Totemic groups
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 09
- David Lewis-Williams - Bull roarers
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - O doves that haunt the arák and bán trees
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - They mounted the howdahs on the swift camels
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - Temple of the Moon
- Incas - Sacsayhuaman - henges and fountains
- Indus valley - Harappa - 03 Torso and pot
- Indus valley - Mehrgarh
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 08 The Hierophant
- Jacquetta Hawkes – A Land – And so to apes and men
- Jacquetta Hawkes – A Land – The beauty of rock art
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Cardinal Directions
- Malta - 07 The Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
- Malta - 09 Xagħra Stone Circle
- Mircea Eliade - Eggs as a universal symbol
- Palenque - Mayan - Overview
- Paul Devereux - Native American Indians - Mazinaw Rock
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Desana Creation Myth
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Rattles
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Egypt as the axis of the Mysteries
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Hermes-Thoth
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – The roles
- Seven Ages of Man - Thomas Keightley et al - Spiritual capabilities
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - Skara Brae
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - The Power of the Drum
- Totem group – Picts – 00 Tattoos
- Watson, Lyall - Blood