Symbols - What does heaven look like

Although the fiddle through its music can indeed provoke a spiritual experience it has a quite different symbolic meaning.
Symbolically the fiddle is the body and the action is masturbation. Thus to fiddle is to use sexual stimulation to provoke a spiritual experience.
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- Chagall - Cheval rouge
- Chagall - danse
- Chagall - le cirque rouge et bleu
- Chagall - the fiddler
- Cock a doodle
- Cohen, Leonard - Dance me to the end of love
- Engel, C - The indefatigable fiddler
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Instruments
- Hey diddle diddle
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Nymphs and the Songlines
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Triumph drawn by Centaurs
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Flute, zither, reeds and fiddles
- Matisse - Music
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The two Fiddlers
- Old King Cole
- Renoir - Clowns and Pierrots
- Riding The Wet Horse: On Onsen Orbital Orgasm Hot and Cold Bathwater by el forestero
- Thomas, Dylan - Was there a Time
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 1 Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Williams, John - Sunrise sunset from Fiddler on the roof.