Symbols - What does heaven look like
Everything in the spirit world is organised around classes of things – Spirit Entities – and those Spirit Entities consist of the Class Name [see Names] and the functions that are part of that class. They are given the name of Intelligences. But, because they are Conscious, they also have Creating functions - a Will, the Creativity and Imagination functions, reasoning, and so on. They also have a number of attributes.
In effect, both the Creator of systems and the systems themselves – the Created are ‘one’ as such Creator and Created are just views of the overall Intelligence hierarchy.
If we make it simpler to understand we can also use the analogy of the software computer package world, which is not quite right, but may be easier to understand
- The Creator - constructs the systems of the universe, all the functions of the universe that animate it. So analogously like a master computer package developer.
- The Created - are the functions – the package that has been created, but it is the master copy.
All Intelligences are then the sum total of both Creator and Created.
The copies that each Intelligence then makes of itself is then the third part of the Trinity.
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