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Some science behind the scenes

Sacred geography

The UK and Europe as a whole is blessed with an enormous number of tumuli, cairns, mounds, baileys, wells, standing stones, stone circles, mark stones, ponds, moated islands, posts, barrows,  and similar remnants of lost civilisations.  Most of these predate Celtic history and may even predate Neolithic times.  The generic name given to most of these is ‘prehistoric site’.  Quite a large number of these are still recognised as being sacred, the sacredness of other sites has long since passed out of human memory and legend.

The combination of the sacred sites and the lines that link them form a sort of sacred geography, a sacred geography that certainly exists in Europe, but also exists all over the world, as such sites and straight line roads exist on every continent.

Sacred geography and the ‘sky map’

Ley lines and sacred sites are connected, and can be found all over the earth.  Superficially they appear simply to connect points on the surface of the earth that have been chosen because they are the focus of strong telluric currents.  They are sacred because they help with spiritual experience.  But telluric currents have a cause and the cause is the combination of the magnetic forces under the earth’s surface interacting with the planets and other heavenly bodies in the sky.  What is above influences what is below a great deal.

Alfred Watkins, the pioneer of the discovery of ley lines in the UK, found that some stones had maps of the ley lines on them [see cup and rings].  Yet others have noted that stones such as the dolmen of Rocenaud, France, has cup marks which are grouped to resemble the Pleiades.

By deduction, others have now worked out that cup marked stones are BOTH ley maps AND Constellation maps.  They diagrammatically represent a star constellation, but at the same time that star constellation has been physically marked out on the earth, using sacred sites, mark stones, ley lines, and so on with the exact proportions that occur in the constellation – as above so below. 

We can thus state that Sacred geography is representing heaven and its constellations here on earth.

In its own way, this must be one of the most wonderful and startling aspects of the sacred geography system.  Many thousands of years ago, there were civilisations advanced enough to plot the entire star map of the heavens on earth. 

By doing this they could travel from sacred site to sacred site simply by looking at the sky.  If they found the constellation which symbolically they were in, and knew the star equivalent of the site to which they were headed, and the star equivalent of the site from which they had come, they could follow the map in the sky with its proportional directions and intermediate location finders to get to final destination.  In essence one was plotting a route on the earth which corresponded to the one in the sky.

This means of course that every sacred marker from broch to pyramid, from crannog to ziggurat, has its equivalent star or galaxy.  A galaxy might merit a very prestigious site, a tiny star needs only a mark stone.

But, you may say, what about all the telluric currents and the ‘blind springs’ that mark the meeting points of the currents.  Aren’t some sites chosen for their potency?

The constellations have an influence upon us, even at great distance.  The activity of the sun, moon and planets and very close constellations are not without their physical effects.  We are washed all the time by the solar wind.  The Moon affects our tides.  There is a 'gravitational pull' – an attractive or repulsive force between every object in the sky even if it is very weak.  And then there is cosmic radiation.  We probably only know a fraction of what is being delivered to us from afar.

The Ancients believed that a site became potent when constellation and sacred site were ‘aligned’, at that time a tunnel opened between the constellation and the site and ‘communication’ took place.  Maybe they were right.

Names and naming

A sacred landscape maps spiritual features and symbols onto the physical landscape using a mix of naturally occurring and man-made features which have spiritual 'power'.  Thus a symbol or concept name may be used to name a site, but it may also have once been used to name a star or planet, or as you will see in the section on constellations, a symbol may also be used to name a constellation.  

The landscape at one time must have been immensely beautiful as a result of this matrix of lines and sacred sites, all named using spiritual concepts and symbols, all accessible by using the night sky as a map.  The civilisations that built this landscape were advanced, we delude ourselves by thinking that we are advanced.


The activity descriptions on the site to help you find and plot sacred sites are the following

and if you would like to create your own sacred geography and architecture

There is also a warning section related to the problems created by man's ignorance of what is sacred and their desecration of sites that were once sacred by thoughtless construction or deliberate destruction

List of entries

A description of the measuring system that was used can be found under

The entry for telluric currents can be found under

The following links take you to the detailed sections on the features themselves


Additional information to help in finding information on the site:

  • The Great Pyramid of Giza - There is one sacred site that we have placed under the symbols section, simply because the sub-sites [sphinx, pyramids, etc]  were all observations in their own right, please follow the link to find a description and the related observations.
  • Henges - we have one link described above and one entry for both stone henges and wood henges , however, we have some sub-sections under the symbols section to describe the further symbolic meaning of both woodhenges and stone henges.  Please follow the links.  There are no observations for these entries, all observations are here under the more general 'henge' category
  • World and T-O Maps - A World Map is a spiritual map, attempting to show the layout of the Cosmic Egg, an early version of which was called a T-O map.  Generally speaking the majority of 'views' were as though one were positioned outside the Egg looking at the surface.  Please follow the links to obtain a more full explanation and a number of example observations
  • Water sites - we have one link that describes a great number of different sorts of water sites, principally because distinguishing between a pond and a lake for example can become complex. Rivers and streams have been separately described.  For the symbolism of the following types of water sites, please follow the link
  • Lake
  • Ocean and sea
  • Pond
  • Waterfall
  • Spring
  • Fountain
  • Water spout
  • Marsh
  • Well
  • Well dressing - there is a description of this activity and its symbolism in the symbol section, follow the link.
  • Japanese gardens - we have a special section on Japanese gardens that describes both how they might work to give you a spiritual experience, but also the symbolism inherent in their design
  • Trees - we have links to both ancient trees found in landscapes and sacred groves, [if they have survived the ravages of materialism and its obsession with 'harvesting' ancient woodland], however, the symbolism of each different kind of tree - oak, ash, christmas tree and so on can be found in the symbol section under the tree's name.  For a more generic explanation follow the link, which also has further links to some of the more common trees.  The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life have their own entries. 
    It is rare to find a forest specifically planted simply to provide an example of the symbol of the Forest, as such we have no entry for this in the list above.  Finally, an explanation of tree symbolism in the design of columns in Greek temples  can be found by following the link
  • Gardens - we have an entry for gardens in the list above, but we also have an entry in the symbols section for flowers, with links to many of the more common flowers and their symbolism.  If you cannot find the flower in this list simply look it up in the symbol section as it may well be there.
  • Portals and doors - Barrows and physical caves can be portals and doors to the spiritual world, giving a person a spiritual experience.  There are also examples of people travelling in their mind through cracks and crevices.  But we have not included all the portals and doors in sacred architecture simply because their number would be too great.  Suffice to say that they are all found in sacred architecture:
  • Portals
  • Doors and
  • Gates
  • Deserts - A desert may form part of a sacred landscape, but it will, of course, be incorporated not made , please follow the link to obtain an explanation of the symbolism of the desert.  Note that the same is true of the marsh .
  • Poles and flag poles - We have an entry for poles, but the symbolism of prayer flags, pennants or standards and flags needs to be found using the symbol section
  • Palaces and temples - in sacred geography, temples and palaces are treated the same. 
  • Castles - a castle is symbolically a person, it is synonymous with a house.  Thus within sacred geography and architecture, the symbolism of the roof and room are relevant
  • A Classification of the different types of site - Earth, Water, Air, Fire etc and an explanation can b efound by following this link


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