Observations placeholder
Uruk – The Anu district of Kulaba
Type of Spiritual Experience
Uruk went through several phases of growth, from the Early Uruk period (4000–3500 BC) to the Late Uruk period (3500–3100 BC).
The Anu District was originally called 'Kullaba' (Kulab or Unug-Kulaba). Kullaba dates to the Eridu period when it was one of the oldest and most important cities of Sumer. Then later it merged with the Eanna District. The temple complexes at their cores became the Eanna District and the Anu District dedicated to Inanna and Anu, respectively.
Anu is ‘heaven’, equivalent to the Ultimate Intelligence. Thus as a city state, before it merged with the Eanna distruct, it was the ultimate and pre-eminent state.
In order to understand the cosmology of Sumer it is essential one has a grasp of the Intelligence hierarchy and the Tree of Life.
Anu - in mystic cosmology, the Ultimate Intelligence - is all the functions of the universe – analogously the Universe master software package. It then divides itself and creates two subsets – a Creator and Created division, masculine and feminine and in the Sumerian cosmology these were Enlil and Ninlil. Analogously, the total functionality was split so that there are a set of functions that do all the creating [and destroying and maintaining] - the masculine - and a set of functions that are what has been created [or has been destroyed or is being maintained]. That which animates [the feminine].
In order to create the Tree of Life, further splits of functionality are made into classes [entity types] and sub-classes [entity sub-types]. So one gets a group of functions related to the way water functions, another related to the way air and gases function, and another related to the way heat/cold and fire functions. And all the Earth creature are split too into plants, then types of plant and so on – the Linnean hierarchy.
There has to be a ‘store’ for these functions – so analogously a place to hold them as a sort of database so they can be distributed out to all the little physical objects that need them; and the physical planets were linked with groups of functions. All the other city states werre dedicated to the Planets and Signs of the Zodiac - the stars.
The Anu District was built on a terrace with a temple at the top . Uruk was “extremely well penetrated by a canal system that has been described as, Venice in the desert." This canal system flowed throughout the city connecting it with the maritime trade on the ancient Euphrates River as well as the surrounding agricultural belt. So it was like Amsterdam or Venice – also built using sacred geography.
A perfect representation of the cosmic egg.
A description of the experience
Here we have some very imaginative representations of what Atlantis - the Atlantis described by Plato - might have looked like. Given that all these early cities were built around the principles of sacred geography, their layout would have been similar, altered only by the topography of their site.
The source of the experience
Mesopotamian systemConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Sacred geographySacred geography - altars
Sacred geography - ancient trees
Sacred geography - bridges
Sacred geography - cities
Sacred geography - crossroads
Sacred geography - cursus
Sacred geography - enclosures and camps
Sacred geography - gardens
Sacred geography - islands
Sacred geography - ley lines
Sacred geography - mark stones
Sacred geography - mountain
Sacred geography - natural hills
Sacred geography - obelisk
Sacred geography - palace
Sacred geography - rivers and streams
Sacred geography - sacred grove
Sacred geography - water sites
Sacred geography - ziggurat