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Some science behind the scenes

Sacred geography - ancient trees

Alfred Watkins noted that a large number of sacred sites included trees.  A tree is symbolic.  He lists a huge number of places where trees must have once been sited – Gospel Oaks, Mark Ash, Mark Oak, Broad Oak, Weobley Ash, Cross elms, Cold Ash, Cold Oak and so on.  He also noted that Taylor’s 1757 map of Herefordshire actually depicts many ‘sacred trees’

Alfred Watkins – The Old Straight Track
There is every reason to surmise that trees were planted in prehistoric times as sighting marks, although it is obvious that none so planted can now exist.  As a matter of present day observation the outstanding conclusion after exploring hundreds of leys about Hereford shire is that the Scotch fir is the typical tree of the ancient track

He also noticed, however,  that the tree was to be found on islands in ponds.

Alfred Watkins – The Old Straight Track
An intermediate type of water sighting point [was] the pool or small lake with an island.  One at Lyonshall in a field a third of a mile distant from the castle is typical…...  In its centre is a small island with several trees one being a Scotch pine, the only one – as is often the case – within sight….

It appears that the shamanic markers of the map of sacred geography planted trees in symbolic spots – a tree on an island surrounded by water combines three forms of symbolism.
Where the invisible ley lines actually crossed over or better intersected at an existing tree it was made sacred.  Where no tree and no obvious natural formation could be found they planted a tree.  On mounds they might have combined symbols such as the tree of life with the mound of heaven.


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