Observations placeholder
The Ancestors - Bryn Celli Ddu - The Ritual Pit
Type of Spiritual Experience
BRYN CELLI DDU - Norman Fahy – The Ritual Pit
Central to the henge existed a 5ft deep ritual pit which had been scorched and contained charcoal, un-burnt hazel, cremated human bone, a human right ear- bone and two pieces of Jasper. The whole was covered with an infill of clay and stones and apparently served as ballast for an upright post or menhir.
The ritual pit and contents were carefully covered by a slab of schist which in turn was partially covered with earth, followed by the laying of a grit stone slab inscribed with arcane flowing patterns.
The carvings on the 'Pattern Stone' appeared crisp and un-weathered; this may suggest that it once stood as part of the stone circle and was toppled soon after its erection' or that it was specifically carved with the intention of being hidden - this practice appears to have been popular during the megalithic period.
A description of the experience
The source of the experience
The AncestorsConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Sacred geographySacred geography - altars
Sacred geography - ancient trees
Sacred geography - artificial hills
Sacred geography - barrows
Sacred geography - beacons
Sacred geography - bridges
Sacred geography - crack or crevice
Sacred geography - cross
Sacred geography - crossroads
Sacred geography - cursus
Sacred geography - enclosures and camps
Sacred geography - henges
Sacred geography - hollow roads
Sacred geography - ley lines
Sacred geography - mark stones
Sacred geography - pole
Sacred geography - rivers and streams
Sacred geography - sacred grove
Sacred geography - underground secret passages
Sacred geography - water sites