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Observations placeholder

Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Stone circles were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

T C Lethbridge – ESP Beyond Time and Distance

I have suggested then that we can bend our rays in whatever direction we like. Of course we would not bend the whole ray for I suspect that this is how the life force really reaches us. But we can send out a beam at an angle to the main axis of our body.

We do not do this, unless we are experimenting, consciously at all. But it can be done.

I have no idea what forces can move up and down these rays, which apparently could form the string to the sun preventing the earth from flying off its course. But they may be very great, far greater in fact than the relatively trivial power, which is at present assumed for the earth's field.

I think that it must have been this power which was the object of the practitioners of the old religions to harness. They collected a large number of persons, each with a given capacity for absorbing power from outside. Then they excited them to increase their potential. They did this in prepared places where the collected power could not escape and drift away over the country-side. We still see the remains of some of these places as stone rings, which are often protected today from being destroyed by an order from the Government. The surrounding stones had been specially prepared for this purpose by having their fields impregnated by the correct magic inductions.

Whether it really worked, I have no idea. But I do think that this was the intended purpose of the stone circles, which still survive in many parts of the land. They were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed.

Stone circles were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed

The source of the experience

The Ancestors

Concepts, symbols and science items



Activities and commonsteps



Extreme emotion

