Some science behind the scenes
Sacred geography - islands
Islands take their symbolism from islands.
If they contain small hills, or single trees or groves of trees, castles and palaces and causeways leading to them all the better. Islands were often a primary site for performing the ceremonies associated with the Mysteries because of the number of symbols.
As with gardens and groves, mountains and fountains, people have attempted to recreate on earth what they saw in visions
In effect, like many spiritually perceived visions, people have actually tried to recreate what they have seen, by building islands on earth to copy the spiritual ones in heaven. In the observations I have provided a few examples.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Amsterdam
- Angkor Wat
- Babylon
- BBC - The growth of St Oswald's healing cult
- Christian islands
- Cirlot on islands
- Cornwall - Saint Michael's Mount
- Delos - 03 The sacred geographical features
- Eridu
- Evelyn Lip - Chinese Geomancy
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of Sun and Moon 1
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of the Sun and Moon 2
- Glastonbury
- Glastonbury Tor
- Hernan Cortes - Aztecs and Mexica - The view from Tlatelolco
- Incas - Macchu Picchu
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 03 Sacred geometry layout
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 04 Water and the step wells
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 02 Layout and plan
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 03 The Citadel
- Isole Madre
- Japanese islands
- John Michell - The View over Atlantic – The sacred geography of China
- Karnataka and South India - 03 Airavatesvara Temple
- Karnataka and South India - 04 Bhoga Nandeeshwara and Arunachaleswara Temples
- Karnataka and South India - 05 Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur
- Kish - The Kish archaeological site
- Lagash
- Lagash - Sacred geography
- Lake Maggiore - Borromee
- Larsa - And the Great Hymn to Shamash
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – On contrast, interrupters and conductors
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Stone circles were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed
- Malta - 01 Introduction
- Malta - 02 The Temples
- Malta - 02 The Temples detail
- Malta - 03 The 'cart tracks'
- Malta - 06 Tarxien Temples
- Malta - 08 Mnajdra Temple
- Malta - 09 Xagħra Stone Circle
- Malta - 10 Ħaġar Qim
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 09 Creating a sacred geography
- Mount Agung Bali
- Nineveh
- Nineveh - Jonah prophecies the destruction of the city
- Norse - Faro
- Norse - Gamla Uppsala - The Three Great Mounds
- Norse - Gamla Uppsala - The Ynglinga and Njals saga
- Norse - Gutasaga
- Norse - Helgo
- Norse - Jelling
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - Knight - The Whitham Shield
- Paris
- Paul Devereux - The realm of the dead
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 02 Surroundings and cosmic egg
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Rivers and streams
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Temples with pronaos
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Islands
- Sacred geography – Picts
- Sacred geography – Picts – Citadels 02 – Callanish
- Sacred geography – Picts – Citadels 03 – Orkney and the Brough of Birsay
- Sacred geography – Picts – Crannogs 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Crannogs 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Mark stones
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 05 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Sacred sites and the FieldREG experiments
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – 01 Reconstruction of an Initiation ceremony
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Concentric circles [Complex site]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Double disc and Z rod [Crannog]
- Tepe Hasanlu - aerial views
- Tepe Khatkuda Kalandar
- Tepe Sialk
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Marlborough Mound
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Silbury Hill
- The Ancestors - Castlerigg Stone Circle
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - Maes Howe
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - The Ring of Brodgar
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - The Standing Stones of Stenness
- The Sacred geography of the Amazon basin
- Ur
- Uruk
- Uruk - The Anu ziggurat
- Uruk – The Anu district of Kulaba
- Uruk – The Eanna district of Uruk
- Vatican
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - Cave of Trophonius
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Pyramids as the site of the Mysteries
- Watkins, Alfred – The revelation that helped the discovery of the UK’s sacred geography
- Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu
- Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 12 Creating a sacred geography