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Some science behind the scenes

Sacred geography - gardens

Gardens are symbolic. 

On a personal level, the garden represents the Soul. It is the symbol of the combination of the Conscious self and the Subconscious self. We can see it in visions, but the gardens we ourselves create also say a lot about our state of mind – so the spiritual and physical are both very telling.

It can represent ‘nature subdued’ or more correctly the subconscious subdued – or it can represent nature used and enhanced – in this case the Subconscious has not been suppressed, but given an equal place  – the beauty in nature is brought out.

But larger gardens can also be used to display a whole range of spiritual truths and symbols.  They can include statues, lakes, ponds, hills, trees, castles and moats, islands, fountains, springs and so on - every one a symbolic object and every one capable of being used to learn about the spiritual world.

Many of the larger Stately homes in the UK were laid out in this way, as were the royal gardens in France.  The Persian gardens were once a wonderful array of beauty and symbolic content, there are some beautiful gardens in Spain that are also laid out on symbolic lines - I have provided some examples to show this.

India, of course, was also blessed at one time with gardens of quite exquisite beauty, immensely symbolic, even the animals in them were specifically chosen for their symbolic value.  Japanese gardens are extraordinary in their designs and symbolism.

And so we could go on, China,  other countries in Europe, at one time the symbolism behind features was known and incorporated.

They were a mechanism of preserving spiritual truths and also teaching people about them - and what could be a more pleasant way of learning about the symbolism of the spiritual world than walking round a beautiful garden spiritual guide book in hand [I suppose it would be an i-pad these days!] learning about what the flower, trees and features symbolism means.

The photos I have included are of Chatsworth in Derbyshire.  This vast garden incorporates just about every symbol, but the present Duke and Duchess of Devonshire have also added some extra statues of their own choosing - all of which have interesting symbolic content.








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