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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Geopathic Stress by Richard Creightmore



Type of Spiritual Experience

Out of body

Number of hallucinations: 1


A description of the experience

Geopathic Stress by Richard Creightmore [extract]

Geopathically disturbed zones may differ from surrounding regions in the degree of ionisation, from altered electro magnetic field charges; in AC changes; in enhanced electrical resistance; in altered acoustic levels and radio reception; and in increased gamma radiation.

Associated also with such areas are increased ‘occult’ phenomena.

The relationship between haunted houses and ley-line crossings is well known. Astral projection is easier and stronger along the paths of ley-lines. Vampirism is associated with the discharging energy fields (see below), and poltergeist phenomena and other materialisations with the charging field zones. Any geomagnetic disturbance is mirrored on every plane.

As the Earth rotates on its axis, it functions as an electro-magnet generating electrical currents in the molten metals found within its core, and an electromagnetic field on the surface which oscillates at an average frequency of 7.83 Hz, which is almost identical to the range of alpha human brainwaves. Life on earth has evolved with this background magnetic field, and creatures are accustomed to living within its presence and are able to cope with the slight fluctuations over time caused by electrical storms and the sun’s activity.

The Physicist W.O. Schumann identified this frequency in 1952, and it has become known as ‘brainwaves’ or Schumann Waves. The space agency NASA has had to build Schumann Resonators into their space shuttles in order to artificially generate this electromagnetic frequency, which is known to safeguard the health of astronauts when they are beyond the influence of the earth’s vital frequency.

Geopathic stress (GS) represents a distortion of this natural frequency by weak electromagnetic fields created by streams of water flowing underground, geological fault lines, underground caverns, and certain mineral deposits (notably coal, oil, and iron). For example, where the inner Earth’s vibration of 7.83 Hz crosses a water vein 200 – 500 feet below ground, stress lines vibrating at up to 250 Hz can be created.

Man-made disturbances to the earth’s surface can give rise to further distortions, including quarries and mines; road and rail cuttings and embankments; building foundations, especially tall buildings with steel pilings; tunnels, sewers, drains, buried utility pipes and wires; as well as artificially created electromagnetic fields from overhead or underground cables and electricity-generating stations and sub-stations.

Any distortion of this 7.83 Hz level creates a stress with the potential to weaken the immune system of any mammal living above the distortion, leading to greater susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative disease, and a wide range of health problems. Many dowsers use a 0 – 16 scale known as the Von Pohl scale (after its originator) to measure the strength of geopathic stress, in which 0 represents the healthy 7.83 Schumann frequency, and 16 an extremely strong locus corresponding to 250 Hz. For example, people who are sleeping on a GS locus of 9 or more (perhaps a combined score from the presence of several geopathic features) are likely to develop cancer…………………….

In the acupuncture tradition a point on the hand just distal to the fourth and fifth metacarpal junction (Triple Heater 3-1/3rd) is a prime Geopathic Stress test point, for both diagnosis and treatment. Kinesiology (muscle testing), electro-dermal screening devices such as the MORA and VEGA machines, and Blood Crystalline Analysis may also be employed to diagnose GS as significant for a patient.

The source of the experience

Scientist other

Concepts, symbols and science items




Activities and commonsteps

