Observations placeholder
Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Double crescent [Barrow]
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The double cresent is a somewhat rare symbol, because the structure it describes is also rare. Unfortunately the few stones that have the symbol on - and we have used the one from Dunrobin museum - have been taken from their location and are often only fragments making is even more difficult to decipher the meaning.
But the symbol describes a special type of barrow within the overall sacred geography of the Picts. One of the best examples is that to be found at Camster. Camster is also a water site. We have an entry for Camster as a whole in the observations on sacred geography, but the plan of the barrow itself shows how the symbol relates to the barrow itself:
Plan of Camster Long the development of forecourts with horns at the north-east and south-west ends
The source of the experience
PictsConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Sacred geographySacred geography - barrows
Sacred geography - ley lines
Sacred geography - mapping the spiritual onto the physical
Sacred geography - mark stones
Sacred geography - rivers and streams
Sacred geography - water sites