Observations placeholder
Evan Hadingham – Ancient Carvings in Britain - Sacred geography
Type of Spiritual Experience
Maps have been recorded carved in stone and also painted onto cave walls. Because the carving of stone is so tedious, the maps on stones use coded symbols, much as we use symbols in ordnance survey maps. The symbols are of course spiritual symbols of what might be expected at a certain location.
A description of the experience
Evan Hadingham – Ancient Carvings in Britain (1974)
The careful siting of complex patterns not merely on the nearest available flat rock but on impressive slabs which usually overlook wide ranging views should excite the visitor’s curiosity.
The source of the experience
CelticConcepts, symbols and science items
World mapScience Items
Sacred geographyActivities and commonsteps
Visit sacred sitesVisiting standing and marked stones
Visiting telluric hot spots