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Dr Dukes plant database

Category: Website

Dr Duke with Peggy

Dr James A. Duke (4 April 1929 – 10 December 2017) was an American botanist, although this term hardly does him justice. 

He was the author of numerous publications on botanical medicine, including the CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs and was well known for his 1997 bestseller, The Green Pharmacy.

He developed the Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases at the USDA.  He was a PhD in Ethnobotany,  and a PhD in Botany  (UNC, Chapel Hill; Phi Beta Kappa; Distinguished Alumnus), served  3 years with Missouri Botanical Garden,  7 years with Battelle Memorial Institute in Panama, Colombia and Columbus Ohio, as an ecologist; and 27 years as economic botanist, with USDA in Beltsville, Md. On Sept. 30, 1995, he retired from the USDA. 

Before retiring, Dr. Duke brought his  ethnobotanical and phytochemical database online at USDA. It is now one of the most frequently consulted areas of the USDA website. 

Dr Duke served as distinguished herbal lecturer with the Tai Sophia Healing Institute, Laurel MD and wrote more than 30  books on medicinal plants.

He was married to Peggy Duke who was distinguished in her own field - also botanical. 


Peggy K. Duke was a professional botanical illustrator with many scientific and popular publications, including the Flora of the Carolinas, The  Herbaceous Flora of Maryland  and The Green Pharmacy. She hand coloured prints of her original pen & ink drawings in the traditional fashion. Peggy studied watercolour painting for many years and oriental brush painting for some twenty years.  She was a member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Society of Woman Geographers, Potomac Valley Water Colorists, the Laurel Art Guild, the Sumi-e Society of America, and was the National Capitol Area Chapter President for several years.

Dr Dukes plant database



This extraordinarily helpful site provides information on the chemical constituents of plants.  The sub sections, which essentially define what the website contains, are as follows:




Plant Searches
  • Chemicals and activities in a particular plant.
  • High concentration chemicals.
  • Chemicals with one activity.
  • Ethnobotanical uses.
  • List chemicals and activities for a plant.
Chemical Searches
  • Plants with a chosen chemical.
  • Activities of a chosen chemical.
  • List activities and plants for a chemical.
  • List common activities (synergies) for a list of chemicals.
Activity Searches
  • Plants with a specific activity.
  • Search for plants with several activities.
  • Chemicals with a specific activity.
  • Lethal dose (LD) information for a chemical.
  • Search for plants/chemicals with one or more activities.
  • Search for plants/chemicals with a superactivity.
Ethnobotany Searches
  • Ethnobotanical uses for a particular plant.
  • Plants with a particular ethnobotanical use.
Database References
Reference citations.





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