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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of Plants with Mydriatic Activity



Type of Spiritual Experience


Mydriasis is the dilation of the pupil.  It occurs in low light and under the influence of certain drugs.  It can also occur during any 'fight or flight' response.

Any plant extracts that can produce this have a potential use if the eye is diseased and needs to be examined, or the eye simply needs to be better examined to see there is no disease as a preventative measure.

Topical use in the form of eye drops is the normal means of administration.


A description of the experience

Number of Chemicals in Plants

with Mydriatic Activity

Mandragora officinarum (Mandrake) Root - 4 chemicals

Aconitum carmichaelii (Fu-Tsu) Root - 3 chemicals

Aconitum napellus (Aconite) Root - 3 chemicals

Anisodus tanguticus (Zang Qie) Plant - 3 chemicals

Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna) Root - 3 chemicals

Coptis spp (Generic Goldthread) Rhizome - 2 chemicals

Datura candida (Borrachero) Root - 2 chemicals

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Flower - 2 chemicals

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Root - 2 chemicals

Datura stramonium (Jimsonweed) Seed - 2 chemicals

Duboisia myoporoides (Pituri) Leaf - 2 chemicals

Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow Jessamine) Root - 2 chemicals

Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane) Leaf - 2 chemicals

Latua pubiflora (Latua) Leaf - 2 chemicals

Brugmansia amesianum (Culebra) Plant - 2 chemicals

Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Bark - 2 chemicals

Scopolia carniolica (Scopolia) Root - 2 chemicals

Acacia senegal (Kher) Plant - 1 chemicals

Adonis vernalis (Spring Adonis) Plant - 1 chemicals

Alchornea floribunda (Niando) Plant - 1 chemicals

Anadenanthera colubrina (Niopo) Seed - 1 chemicals


Wed Feb 3 10:32:41 EST 2016

Concentration of Chemicals in Plants

with Mydriatic Activity

Coptis chinensis (Huang-Lian) Rhizome - 180,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Coptis spp (Generic Goldthread) Rhizome - 180,000 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Coptis japonica (Huang-Lia) Rhizome - 140,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Root - 120,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Catharanthus lanceus (Lanceleaf Periwinkle) Plant - 100,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Plant - 60,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Rhizome - 60,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Ephedra sinica (Ma Huang) Plant - 45,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Phellodendron amurense (Po Mu) Bark - 20,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna) Root - 17,600 ppm total [3 chemical(s)]

Ephedra gerardiana (Pakistani Ephedra) Plant - 14,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Leaf - 13,900 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Latua pubiflora (Latua) Stem - 10,000 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Root - 9,460 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Root - 8,420 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Mandragora officinarum (Mandrake) Root - 7,140 ppm total [4 chemical(s)]

Datura stramonium (Jimsonweed) Seed - 7,080 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Shoot - 7,000 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Datura candida (Borrachero) Plant - 6,600 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Seed - 6,470 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Wed Feb 3 10:33:09 EST 2016


The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

