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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's top 20 plants with laxative properties



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Plants with chemicals having 'Laxative' activities.


The number in () indicates how many separate chemicals each species has for the above activities. For example if the activities are Bacteristat and Antibacterial and the count for a species is (3) then that plant contains three separate chemicals with those activities which may indicate more potency than a plant with a single chemical with those activities.


The maximum number of chemicals a plant can have with the above activities is 48.


Punica granatum [ 13 chemical(s) - View ]
Allium cepa [ 11 chemical(s) - View ]
Allium sativum var. sativum [ 11 chemical(s) - View ]
Aloe vera [ 11 chemical(s) - View ]
Daucus carota [ 10 chemical(s) - View ]
Apium graveolens [ 9 chemical(s) - View ]
Cinnamomum verum [ 9 chemical(s) - View ]
Achillea millefolium [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Carica papaya [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Cocos nucifera [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Coriandrum sativum [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Curcuma longa [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Glycine max [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Helianthus annuus [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Hordeum vulgare [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Juniperus communis [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Malus domestica [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Panax ginseng [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Panax quinquefolius [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]
Plantago major [ 8 chemical(s) - View ]

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

