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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of Plants containing LUTEIN



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases


Plants Containing LUTEIN

Ordered by quantity


Rheum rhabarbarum L. -- Rhubarb Pt 34 ppm DUKE1992A
Vaccinium myrtillus L. -- Bilberry, Dwarf Bilberry, Whortleberry Fruit 26 ppm DUKE1992A
Prunus domestica L. -- Plum Fruit 24 ppm DUKE1992A
Ribes nigrum L. -- Black Currant Fruit 22 ppm DUKE1992A
Persea americana MILLER -- Avocado Fruit 16 ppm DUKE1992A
Pyrus communis L. -- Pear Fruit 11 ppm DUKE1992A
Actinidia chinensis PLANCHON -- Kiwi Fruit 9 ppm DUKE1992A
Ribes uva-crispa L. -- Gooseberry Fruit 9 ppm DUKE1992A
Vitis vinifera L. -- European Grape, Grape, Grapevine, Parra (Sp.), Vid (Sp.), Vigne Vinifere (Fr.), Weinrebe (Ger.), Wine Grape Fruit 7 ppm DUKE1992A
Malus domestica BORKH. -- Apple Fruit 5 ppm DUKE1992A
Rubus idaeus L. -- Raspberry, Red Raspberry Fruit 4 ppm DUKE1992A
Citrullus lanatus (THUNB.) MATSUM. & NAKAI -- Watermelon Fruit 3 ppm DUKE1992A
Citrus sinensis (L.) OSBECK -- Orange Fruit 3 ppm DUKE1992A
Fragaria spp -- Strawberry Fruit 3 ppm DUKE1992A
Prunus persica (L.) BATSCH -- Peach Fruit 2.8 ppm DUKE1992A
Ribes rubrum L. -- Red Currant, White Currant Fruit 2.3 ppm DUKE1992A
Citrus reticulata BLANCO -- Mandarin, Tangerine Fruit 2 ppm DUKE1992A
Vaccinium macrocarpon AITON -- American Cranberry, Cranberry, Large Cranberry Fruit 2 ppm DUKE1992A
Citrus limon (L.) BURMAN f. -- Lemon Fruit 1.2 ppm DUKE1992A
Citrus paradisi MacFAD. -- Grapefruit Fruit
Musa x paradisiaca L. -- Banana, Plantain Fruit


Sun Dec 6 07:27:18 EST 2015

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

