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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of Plants with Antibrucellosic activity



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Number of Chemicals in Plants

with Antibrucellosic Activity

Acacia farnesiana (Cassie) Flower - 1 chemicals

Aloe vera (Aloe) Plant - 1 chemicals

Ammi visnaga (Visnaga) Plant - 1 chemicals

Apium graveolens (Celery) Plant - 1 chemicals

Artemisia annua (Qinghao) Plant - 1 chemicals

Artemisia capillaris (Capillary Wormwood) Plant - 1 chemicals

Artemisia dracunculus (Tarragon) Plant - 1 chemicals

Capparis spinosa (Caper) Plant - 1 chemicals

Cinnamomum aromaticum (Cassia) Bark - 1 chemicals

Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon) Bark - 1 chemicals

Citrus aurantium (Petitgrain) Fruit - 1 chemicals

Daucus carota (Carrot) Root - 1 chemicals

Dipteryx odorata (Tonka Bean) Seed - 1 chemicals

Ferula alliacea (Garlic Ferula) Plant - 1 chemicals

Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) Plant - 1 chemicals

Galium odoratum (Woodruff) Plant - 1 chemicals

Hordeum vulgare (Barley) Plant - 1 chemicals

Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane) Plant - 1 chemicals

Justicia pectoralis (Curia) Plant - 1 chemicals

Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender) Plant - 1 chemicals

Lavandula latifolia (Aspic) Plant - 1 chemicals

Tue Nov 3 08:32:08 EST 2015

Concentration of Chemicals in Plants

with Antibrucellosic Activity

Dipteryx odorata (Tonka Bean) Seed - 70,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Galium odoratum (Woodruff) Plant - 26,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Myroxylon balsamum (Peru Balsam) Seed - 8,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Zizyphus jujuba (Da-Zao) Leaf - 6,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Melilotus officinalis (Yellow Sweetclover) Plant - 4,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender) Plant - 3,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Lycopus europeus (European Bugle) Plant - 2,400 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Zea mays (Corn) Leaf - 2,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Ageratum conyzoides (Mexican ageratum) Shoot - 1,040 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Peumus boldus (Boldo) Leaf - 250 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Tecoma stans (Yellow Elder) Bark - 160 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Eupatorium triplinerve (Triplinerved eupatorium) Plant - 150 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Lavandula latifolia (Aspic) Plant - 44 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Mentha x piperita subsp. nothosubsp. piperita (Peppermint) Leaf - 0.4 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Tue Nov 3 08:34:14 EST 2015


The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

