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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of Anti-inflammatory activity for Thyme



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Inflammation activities for Thymus vulgaris



Analgesic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Analgesic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Analgesic - BORNEOL. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - BORNEOL. Leaf. [15 - 1462 ppm.]
Analgesic - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Analgesic - CAMPHOR. Plant. [5 - 45 ppm.]
Analgesic - CARYOPHYLLENE. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Shoot.
Analgesic - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Plant.
Analgesic - COUMARIN. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - EUGENOL. Plant.
Analgesic - FERULIC-ACID. Plant.
Analgesic - GALLIC-ACID. Plant.
Analgesic - GERMACRONE. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - LINALOOL. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - LINALOOL. Plant. [20 - 17420 ppm.]
Analgesic - MENTHONE. Plant.
Analgesic - MYRCENE. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - MYRCENE. Plant. [36 - 676 ppm.]
Analgesic - P-CYMENE. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - P-CYMENE. Plant. [146 - 20800 ppm.]
Analgesic - SELENIUM. Leaf.
Analgesic - SELENIUM. Leaf.
Analgesic - THIAMIN. Plant. [5 - 6 ppm.]
Analgesic - THYMOL. Plant. [15 - 24100 ppm.]
Analgesic - THYMOL. Essential Oil.
Analgesic - THYMOL. Shoot.
Analgesic - TRYPTOPHAN. Plant. [1860 - 2009 ppm.]
Analgesic - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Analgesic - ZINC. Leaf.
Analgesic - ZINC. Leaf.
Analgesic - ZINC. Plant. [55 - 74 ppm.]
Anesthetic - CAMPHOR. Plant. [5 - 45 ppm.]
Anesthetic - CARVACROL. Essential Oil.
Anesthetic - CARVACROL. Shoot.
Anesthetic - CARVACROL. Plant. [8 - 18720 ppm.]
Anesthetic - CINNAMIC-ACID. Plant.
Anesthetic - COUMARIN. Essential Oil.
Anesthetic - EUGENOL. Plant.
Anesthetic - LINALOOL. Essential Oil.
Anesthetic - LINALOOL. Plant. [20 - 17420 ppm.]
Anesthetic - LINALYL-ACETATE. Plant. [15 - 4680 ppm.]
Anesthetic - THYMOL. Plant. [15 - 24100 ppm.]
Anesthetic - THYMOL. Shoot.
Anesthetic - THYMOL. Essential Oil.
Antiedemic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiedemic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiedemic - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antiedemic - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiedemic - CARYOPHYLLENE. Essential Oil.
Antiedemic - COUMARIN. Essential Oil.
Antiedemic - EUGENOL. Plant.
Antiedemic - GERMACRONE. Essential Oil.
Antiedemic - LINALOOL. Essential Oil.
Antiedemic - LINALOOL. Plant. [20 - 17420 ppm.]
Antiedemic - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiedemic - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Inflorescence.
Antiedemic - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Shoot. [5000 - 13500 ppm.]
Antiedemic - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiedemic - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-LINOLENIC-ACID. Plant. [6900 - 7452 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-PINENE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-PINENE. Plant. [15 - 1598 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-TERPINEOL. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-TERPINEOL. Plant. [36 - 6500 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - ANETHOLE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - APIGENIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - APIGENIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-PINENE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-PINENE. Plant. [15 - 420 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - BORNEOL. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - BORNEOL. Leaf. [15 - 1462 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - CARVACROL. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - CARVACROL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - CARVACROL. Plant. [8 - 18720 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - CARYOPHYLLENE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - CINNAMIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - CIRSILINEOL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - CIRSIMARITIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - CITRAL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - COPPER. Plant. [8 - 9 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - COUMARIN. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - DELTA-3-CARENE. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - ERIODICTYOL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - EUGENOL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - FERULIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - GALLIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - GERMACRONE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - ISOEUGENOL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - ISOTHYMONIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - LIMONENE. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - LIMONENE. Plant. [15 - 5200 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - LINALOOL. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - LINALOOL. Plant. [20 - 17420 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - LINOLEIC-ACID. Seed.
Antiinflammatory - LINOLEIC-ACID. Plant. [5000 - 5400 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - LUTEOLIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - LUTEOLIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - MAGNESIUM. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - MAGNESIUM. Plant. [1630 - 2992 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - MAGNESIUM. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - NARINGENIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - OLEIC-ACID. Plant. [4700 - 5076 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - OLEIC-ACID. Seed.
Antiinflammatory - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Inflorescence.
Antiinflammatory - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Shoot. [5000 - 13500 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - SALICYLATES. Leaf. [180 - 1830 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - STIGMASTEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - THYMOL. Plant. [15 - 24100 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - THYMOL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - THYMOL. Essential Oil.
Antiinflammatory - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - VANILLIC-ACID. Plant.
Antilymphedemic - COUMARIN. Essential Oil.
Antinociceptive - COPPER. Plant. [8 - 9 ppm.]
Antinociceptive - LUTEOLIN. Leaf.
Antinociceptive - LUTEOLIN. Plant.
Antinociceptive - MYRCENE. Essential Oil.
Antinociceptive - MYRCENE. Plant. [36 - 676 ppm.]
Antinociceptive - MYRCENE. Essential Oil.
Antinociceptive - MYRCENE. Plant. [36 - 676 ppm.]
Antinociceptive - STIGMASTEROL. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - BETA-CAROTENE. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - BETA-CAROTENE. Plant. [24 - 25 ppm.]
COX-2-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - CIRSILINEOL. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - CIRSIMARITIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - EUGENOL. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - EUGENOL. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - ISOTHYMONIN. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - LAURIC-ACID. Plant. [2300 - 2484 ppm.]
COX-2-Inhibitor - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Inflorescence.
COX-2-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Shoot. [5000 - 13500 ppm.]
COX-2-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Plant.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - CARVACROL. Essential Oil.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - CARVACROL. Shoot.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - CARVACROL. Plant. [8 - 18720 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - GALLIC-ACID. Plant.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Plant. [80000 - 100000 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - THYMOL. Plant. [15 - 24100 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - THYMOL. Shoot.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - THYMOL. Essential Oil.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Diuretic - 4-TERPINEOL. Plant. [73 - 8320 ppm.]
Diuretic - APIGENIN. Plant.
Diuretic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Diuretic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Diuretic - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Diuretic - CALCIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - CALCIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - CALCIUM. Plant. [16935 - 22534 ppm.]
Diuretic - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Shoot.
Diuretic - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Plant.
Diuretic - FIBER. Plant. [179294 - 693000 ppm.]
Diuretic - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Diuretic - LUTEOLIN. Leaf.
Diuretic - LUTEOLIN. Plant.
Diuretic - MAGNESIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - MAGNESIUM. Plant. [1630 - 2992 ppm.]
Diuretic - MAGNESIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - OLEANOLIC-ACID. Plant.
Diuretic - POTASSIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - POTASSIUM. Plant. [7667 - 9302 ppm.]
Diuretic - POTASSIUM. Leaf.
Diuretic - TERPINEN-4-OL. Essential Oil.
Diuretic - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Shoot.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CINNAMIC-ACID. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - LUTEOLIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - LUTEOLIN. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - P-COUMARIC-ACID. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Inflorescence.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - ROSMARINIC-ACID. Shoot. [5000 - 13500 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Plant. [80000 - 100000 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - URSOLIC-ACID. Plant. [15000 - 18800 ppm.]
Natriuretic - KAEMPFEROL. Plant.
Natriuretic - LITHIUM. Plant.

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Extreme pain



