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Extreme pain

Category: Events


Involuntary and voluntary

Introduction and description



Pain is the signal for us to do something, it is the body’s way of letting us know we need to act to stop whatever we are doing that is causing damage to it.  If we are silly enough to put our hand on a hot stove, the pain tells us to stop doing it to prevent us from being burnt.  Clamping your goollies in a vice produces messages from the body saying it is not happy with this approach to life and you need to stop.  Clamping your nipples using a bulldog clip also has the same effect.

In effect pain is perceived as a Threat and the worse the pain, the more Threat messages come flooding in.


Physically after pain has been experienced for some time, the body tends to realise we may be incapable of acting to prevent the pain, and it then sends out Endorphins to counteract the signals. When a nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, Endorphins are released which prevent nerve cells from releasing more pain signals.

Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") are endogenous opioid peptides that function as neurotransmitters.   They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus when anyone experiences extreme pain.  They are thus the body’s natural pain killers.  They are in effect the endogenous opiate in our body being able to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being.

They only kick in after extreme pain has been experienced for some time and are a protective mechanism, providing protection from pain that perhaps cannot be allayed. 

How it works

You need to have the Model of the Mind open and have read How spiritual experence works.

If we look at this from a logical point of view, what we see is that the Will is being assaulted by a Threat of extraordinary proportions. 

The 5 senses along possibly with the nervous system are telling it that it is in danger, that the threat is both real and enormous.  Thus the Will is being told DO SOMETHING. 

But what if it can do nothing?  It has searched the Memory for a learnt function to deal with it and finds nothing and the Threat is there now, it has no time to learn.  If you cannot avoid the threat – the messages get louder and louder – THREAT ,THREAT ,THREAT – we are about to die captain we don’t want to go with you, your little cells and organs want to live.

There is little input from the Reasoning function – after all what can it do?  And the intensity of the messages being sent it from Perceptions is overwhelming – DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING!!!  The Will may first tell the Autonomic system [via Endorphins] that it can do nothing and to cease complaining, but there comes a point where the Will gives up, exhausted, and lets the Composer take over.  The ego has been squashed.

And we get our spiritual experience.


The majority of the observations describe the spiritual experiences directly resulting from pain, but I have also added some healing experiences, where some input - a food for example - has resulted in pain relief.


Related observations