Observations placeholder
Bingen, Hildegard of - Out of body
Type of Spiritual Experience
One extremely interesting consequence of the migraine [if migraine it was] that Hildegard experienced were ‘out-of-body’ experiences. In effect we have here an indication that migraine may cause in certain susceptible people the sort of out-of-body experiences that shamans had, and have and her description is quite clear on this…………
A description of the experience
Hildegard of Bingen from The Vita
But the visions I saw I did not perceive in dreams, or sleep, or delirium or by the eyes of the body, or by the ears of the outer self, or in hidden places, but I received them while awake and seeing with a pure mind and the eyes and ears of the inner self, in open places, as God willed it. How this might be is hard for mortal flesh to understand