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Observations placeholder

Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – An experiment in materialisation with Mr F T Blake



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The beginnings of Seership – Vincent Turvey

(No. 66)


June 9, 1908.


Knowing that you are interested in all things psychic, I thought you would be able to explain the following experience which I had some time since. Some few nights ago, following my usual custom after supper, I went into my office to write some letters, etc. Here let me explain, my writing-table is immediately in front of a large window facing the street, there is a small lawn some twelve feet across, between the window and pavement, immediately in front of the window on the edge of the pavement stands an ordinary street lamp, the light of which penetrates into my office.

My window is covered half-way up by paper to represent stained glass; the room is well lit by three electric lights suspended from the centre of the ceiling.

As I sit at my desk, the door is in the left-hand corner of the wall at my back. I mention all this so as to do away with all possible suggestion of shadows.

Now as near as I can judge it must have been between eleven-thirty and twelve o'clock (I had some time since, watched the man extinguish the street lamp, which he usually does at about eleven o'clock).

While writing, I became conscious of someone being present, and turned round expecting to find my wife (who beside myself was the only one not yet retired for the night) standing in the doorway of my room. You can imagine my surprise to see a shadowy ethereal form, which I was able to recognize as yourself.

I waited for some sign or impression, but got neither; but watched the form disappear, as it seemed to me in the darkness of the hall, I went to my wife, who I found sewing in another part of the house and told her what I had seen. We both agreed to say nothing about it, but wait to hear if you had consciously endeavoured to make your presence known to me on that particular evening, or rather night. As we have not heard from you, I thought it would prove of interest to you,

Yours sincerely,


The source of the experience

Turvey, Vincent N

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

