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Observations placeholder

Suso, Henri - Stella maris Maria hodie processit ad ortum



Type of Spiritual Experience


He heard words which means the person he met with - the helper - was human but probably out of body too.

Thus this is two out of body souls meeting in the spiritual world and can thus also be classified as inter composer communication


A description of the experience

Henry Suso – The Life of the Blessed Henry Suso by Himself – Henry Suso [translated by T F Knox] 1865

Once at this time, while he sat thus at rest, he heard within him something which rang so tenderly that his whole heart was stirred by it. The voice sang in tones sweet and loud, as the morning star uprose, these words – ‘Stella maris Maria hodie processit ad ortum’ [Mary the morning star has risen today].

This strain resounded in him with such unearthly sweetness, that it filled his whole soul with gladness and he sang with it joyously.

After they had thus sung together, he was embraced in a way ineffable [he must have been out of body for this to happen] and it was said to him at the time; ‘The more lovingly thou kissest me, so much the more ravishingly and lovingly shalt thou be embraced by my glory'.

Upon this he opened his eyes and the tears rolling down his cheeks, he saluted the morning star according to his custom.

The source of the experience

Suso, Henri

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

