Brain damage
Category: Illness or disabilaties
Introduction and description
Brain damage is damage to one or more of the organs of the brain. I have classified it as suppression because the overall effect is to suppress one or more of the functions of the brain. If you turn to the section – the brain and its functions, you will be able to see that if you damage an organ, you effectively remove or impair a function.
The spiritual experiences that result - their intensity and type depend a bit on how many of these organs are suppressed – that is conked out. Knock out most of Memory for example, and you are going to get some zonkeroonies of experiences [technical term].
The Problems of diagnosis
The medical community, at the moment, practise symptom based medicine. They take a group of symptoms and give it a name. As the body is a whole unit this can of course get very complex, as if there are 1000 symptoms, for example, we have the possibility of 1,000,000 names for illnesses. And every day someone somewhere does indeed put his name to a new grouping. This means that only those with an extraordinary memory are able to practise medicine. And people with extraordinary memories are not necessarily very intelligent - having a good memory says nothing about one's reasoning function.
As people are used to some of the names doctors have invented for problems with the brain and as many of the helpful scientific papers [and spiritual experiences] use these names, I have provided a description of many of them as separate entries, but in the end all of them are brain damage - permanent or temporary, really serious or perhaps less serious, physical or functional [and a vast number are functional]. So you will find entries for:
- Schizophrenia
- Alzheimer’s and dementia,
- Migraine
- Bipolar disorder or manic depression
- Depression
- Mastoiditis
- Autism,
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Brain haemorrhage
- Brain tumour
- Concussion
- Stroke
- Meningitis
- Traumatic injury to the brain and head banging
- Encephalitis
- Epilepsy
- Transient Global amnesia
- Hydrocephalus
- Epidural hematoma
- Atonia and atonic seizures
But take any one case of these so called diseases and you will find that very few people show the ‘classic symptoms’ they are supposed to. Some people with Schizophrenia appear to be a bit Bipolar, some with Parkinson’s disease show signs of Dementia, some people with Migraine go Deaf.
Logic should tell us why.
Damage to the brain is principally caused by environmental factors. It can happen whilst we are a fetus, it can happen after we are born, but generally speaking it is the environment that attacks us.
Viruses, fungi, pharmaceuticals, illegal drugs, chemicals used for household use, pollutants, food additives, Bacteria, Parasites, any which are present in overdose proportions can cause damage. Heavy metal poisoning such as Mercury poisoning and Lead poisoning cause severe brain damage. Very very high functional overload from Stress or other High emotion can also cause damage. Sustained fear can cause damage, Sustained abuse or deprivation can cause damage. See the Physical effects of high emotion.
None of these is a targeted attacker, all of these do damage in an entirely arbitrary way when they enter our system. Thus whatever damage they do to the brain is arbitrary, they can affect any of the organs, much depends on where the attacking substance seeps through to.
Even functional overload can be arbitrary in the damage it does. If the ‘stress’ chemicals [neurotransmitters] such as Glutamate and Adrenaline are there in excess, then they are just as likely to do the damage as an environmental input. Medics call this ‘Excitotoxicity’ - excessive Glutamate or Adrenaline release but the name says it all – even the body’s own chemicals are toxic at overload proportions. Researchers have already established that a host of illnesses and diseases are the result of overload – to quote “ uptake occurs as part of the ischemic cascade and is associated with stroke and diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lathyrism, autism, some forms of mental retardation, and Alzheimer's disease. Glutamate has been implicated in epileptic seizures”.
So ultimately I could have grouped all these diseases under one heading, with their hundreds and hundreds of observations and called them all brain damage. But this would not help those who have been given some arbitrary diagnosis by a doctor. So I have kept the descriptions separate. Thus this section has only a few observations for people with no classified damage, for the rest you will need to go to the relevant descriptions for each class of symptoms.
The next question you should all be asking is – how can the organs of the brain be damaged by external [or even internal] chemicals, viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites and so on?
Chemicals, viruses, bacteria and so on can seep into our bodies via the lungs, via the skin, via open wounds, by mouth [we swallow it], via our eyes and nose and ears. They may even [heaven help us] be injected into our muscles or veins. Wherever we have an orifice or are exposed, things can enter. Our principal lines of defence are
- The Immune system – which launches its attack via the blood stream and lymph system
- The liver – see liver and its functions – the liver detoxifies poisons using enzymes which break the chemicals down into less harmful products
- The kidneys– which filter the blood
- The stomach and the acid in the stomach
- Intestines and the natural bacteria there
- The lymph system and the spleen which stores an emergency supply of blood and also stores white blood cells [our defences]
But in overdose proportions our body is often not able to handle any toxins which get into our system. Much of our body’s defences were designed to repel ‘natural’ pathogens and the fact we now bombard our body with so many unnatural ones from heavy metals to detergents, from weed killers to insect repellants and sprays, from exhaust fumes to pharmaceuticals, from illegal synthetic drugs to legal synthetic pharmaceuticals , means all these substances swill round out body via the blood circulatory system and other systems attacking our organs.
All our organs.
Generally speaking the brain itself is protected from harmful chemicals or substances in the blood by the Blood brain barrier. But the Choroid plexus also acts as a filter and as a blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier. All CSF enters the closed craniosacral system via the Choroid plexus from the blood and it leaves this system via the Skull back to the blood.
If either the Blood brain barrier or the Choroid plexus are ‘compromised’ – and they can both be compromised when substances reach toxic proportions – then toxins can get into the brain. And they can get into the brain in overdose proportions. There is quite a bit of evidence [on Pubmed for example] that many toxins accumulate in the cerebrospinal fluid and cause lesions in the spinal cord. The toxin that causes dysentery for example causes both development of brain lesions and mortality [eg Toxicity of Shiga toxin 1 in the central nervous system of rabbits Fujii J et al PMID: 11553604].
The brain has no nerves, so we will not be aware it is being attacked.
It is worth noting that Hypoxia can compromise these two safety valves by starving them of oxygen - see both Hypoxia and Hypoxia side-effects.
Parasites can also do great damage even in relatively small numbers.
There is also a route by which the blood brain barrier may be by-passed. The CSF and extra-cellular fluid circulation is bi-directionally linked to the lymphatic drainage channels of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. [see PMID: 17707408]. While this provides a facility by which the CNS may mount immunological responses to antigenic challenges from within, it is also a route by which products of nasopharyngeal infection may drain into the CNS. The nasopharyngeal system includes the adenoids.
The choroid plexus is a site of particular vulnerability. Our central nervous system and our brains are bathed in cerebrospinal fluid, hence any substance entering via this route has access to our entire brain.
So any drug, endogenous chemical or other stuff that finds its way into the CSF will also find its way to the brain and all the organs of the brain – from the hippocampus to the pituitary gland, from the temporal lobes to the amygdalas.
And the first thing these intruders in the brain may do is excite these organs and the second thing it may do is damage them.
And we are very very vulnerable when we are a little growing baby in the womb.
Barrier mechanisms in the developing brain - Saunders NR Liddelow SA Dziegielewska KM; Department of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC, Australia.
The adult brain functions within a well-controlled stable environment, the properties of which are determined by cellular exchange mechanisms superimposed on the diffusion restraint provided by tight junctions at interfaces between blood, brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These interfaces are referred to as "the" blood-brain barrier.
It is widely believed that in embryos and newborns, this barrier is immature or "leaky," rendering the developing brain more vulnerable to drugs or toxins entering the fetal circulation from the mother.
New evidence shows that many adult mechanisms, including functionally effective tight junctions are present in embryonic brain and some transporters are more active during development than in the adult. Additionally, some mechanisms present in embryos are not present in adults, e.g., specific transport of plasma proteins across the blood-CSF barrier and embryo-specific intercellular junctions between neuroependymal cells lining the ventricles.
However developing cerebral vessels appear to be more fragile than in the adult.
Together these properties may render developing brains more vulnerable to drugs, toxins, and pathological conditions, contributing to cerebral damage and later neurological disorders. In addition, after birth loss of protection by efflux transporters in placenta may also render the neonatal brain more vulnerable than in the fetus.
PMID: 22479246
For more details see Brain damage and children.
Clearly one does not set out to alter the shape of your brain [unless you happen to be one of those tribes who bound childrens' heads when young to do this].
But there are ways in which one can tell if all did not work out quite the way it should have done on your birth. The method is crude, but at least easily done, and the way is to use glasses - spectacles.
If adjustments have to be made to your glasses - reading or other - to level them up because your ears are at different levels or your eyes are, there is a real possibility that your brain will not have the same configuration as other people's and that you may have some unusual abilities.
How it works
It may be helpful here to refer to the Model of the Mind and the description of How spiritual experience works which provides a generic description of what is happening when you get an experience.
In the section of the Brain and its functions you can see the correlation between the organs of the brain and their functions.
The sophistication of the spiritual experience depends upon the amount of damage done and thus which functions are ‘knocked out’. If only the sensory systems have been damaged then fairly simple hallucinations may result. For example, Tumours or Cysts in the occipital lobe produce simple visual hallucinations, whereas if damage here is coupled with temporal lobe abnormalities, the hallucinations become increasing complex. As long as the amygdala and hippocampus are undamaged, Perceptions and Emotions may also be evoked, such that the experience becomes very profound.
Which parts of the brain are thus key to producing a spiritual experience? Or to put this another way where does the effect of damage to that part have its greatest effects? To obtain a spiritual experience we need to knock out the Intellect, but not knock it out so effectively that we cannot remember what has happened thus for example, all these will help;
- Reasoning system - if there is damage to the frontal lobe and very specifically the front rather than the back frontal lobe [which houses the motor cortex] then the reasoning function may be eliminated
- Nervous sensory input – if there is damage to the parietal region of the brain it will produce nervous sensory deprivation eliminating tactile sensory information such as pressure, touch, and pain.
- The 5 senses – damage to the occipital lobe - associated with interpreting visual stimuli and information – will eliminate visual sensory input and make it more likely we will get visual hallucinations . Damage to the superior temporal gyrus – associated with auditory stimulus processing – will eliminate auditory sensory input and may result in auditory hallucinations. Damage to the thalamus - which processes and relays movement and sensory information - would knock out sensory information and generally contribute to sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation of the 5 senses resulting in hallucinations and visions may also occur as a result of damage to the sensory apparatus
- Memory – damage to the left temporal lobe will serve to inhibit memory. Damage to the right may inhibit spiritual experience because it denies the composer some of the input it needs for recognition and identification. In effect, whilst left temporal lobe destruction aids spiritual experience by knocking out those aspects of memory which are used for reasoning, right temporal lobe destruction is detrimental to spiritual experience as it knocks out all the input needed to be able to perceive and give tags to the input being received.
It is thus damage to the left posterior region of the medial temporal lobe that may cause a spiritual experience by limiting memory recall and retrieval.
I hope you get the general idea.
References and further reading
see also Neurologic adverse events following vaccination Prog Health Sci, 2012, Sienkiewicz D., Ku?ak W., Okurowska-Zawada B., Paszko-Patej GObservations
As I explained the majority of the observations are grouped by named disease.
Related observations
Healing observations
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- Acupuncture and paralysis 006230
- Aluminium poisoning and ginger 017801
- Ameliorative effects of ferulic Acid against lead acetate-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunctions and toxicity in prepubertal rat brain 017777
- Aspergillosis and Hallucination, auditory - from FDA reports 024505
- Berberis vulgaris and Echinococcosis 010597
- Bingen, Hildegard of - Wheat 022680
- Braid, James - Brain damage and hypnosis 004226
- Brain-Invading Tapeworm That Eluded Doctors Spotted by New DNA Test Genetic sequencing of spinal fluid hailed as an advance over standard procedures for diagnosing brain infections 026293
- CA the blind musician 021833
- Cannabis and Parkinson's disease 012787
- Cod liver oil, Dementia and Alzheimers disease 012194
- Dance as a therapy for cancer prevention 020165
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 07 Conclusions and perspectives 016846
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 01 Introduction 016835
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 02 Essential metals 016836
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 03 Vitamins 016837
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 040 Edible Plants and Dietary Phytochemicals 016842
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 041 Table 3 016843
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 05 Probiotics 016844
- Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity - 06 Other dietary supplements 016845
- Dr David Harvey-Austin healing the side-effects of mercury amalgam fillings 012311
- Dr David Harvie-Austin - Case study with Angela Kilmartin 012313
- Dr Duke's list of Plants with Antiataxic activity 018348
- Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - Food is the Best Medicine 027894
- Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet 027895
- Dr Tom Nyerges - Chronic Mercury exposure from amalgam fillings 012312
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - Deep meditation 016637
- Eddie 021832
- Effect of silibinin in reducing inflammatory pathways in in vitro and in vivo models of infection-induced preterm birth 017220
- Eleanor C Merry - The Flaming Door - Plants and healing 013948
- Encephalitis and cannabis as an antiviral 007598
- Essential fatty acids and the brain 011998
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - And music therapy 015985
- Figs and anti-viral activity 012381
- George Meek's study of the work of the Philippine healers 011412
- Gupta, Robert – TEDtalk Between music and medicine - 01 021966
- Heavy metal poisoning and brain damage 006198
- Heavy metal poisoning and learning difficulties in children from Brazil 013085
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The importance of love in healing 014244
- How to Rid Your Body of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals: A 3-Step Plan to Recover Your Health 026662
- Hydroxysafflor yellow A attenuates lymphostatic encephalopathy-induced brain injury in rats 020855
- Hydroxysafflor yellow A protects against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury by anti-apoptotic effect through PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway in rat. 020853
- Immediate effect of mukha bhastrika (a bellows type pranayama) on reaction time in mentally challenged adolescents 016546
- Inhibitory potential of some Romanian medicinal plants against enzymes linked to neurodegenerative diseases and their antioxidant activity 019739
- Instenon and children with brain dysfunction 005769
- Interhemispheric compensation: a hypothesis of TMS-induced effects on language-related areas 026101
- Ketogenic diet in neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases 026609
- Lignans from Schisandra chinensis ameliorate cognition deficits and attenuate brain oxidative damage induced by D-galactose in rats 020878
- Liszt - The passage he played produced a visible effect on her similar to that of an electrical discharge 024531
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 15 Starting to see auras 011193
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 27 Diagnosing disease 011227
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 28 Thomas Penn diagnoses his granny's problems 011228
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 29 Thomas Penn and an accurate diagnosis of a gammy leg 011229
- Mercury in foods and fish and selenium as a chelation agent 013083
- Metagenomic testing as a means of determining the cause of mental illness 026757
- Metagenomic testing as a means of identifying the pathogens causing Schizophrenia and Manic depression 026780
- Music movement and autism 005836
- Music Therapy - Cathy Durham and Shireen with a severe brain haemorrhage 021969
- Music Therapy - Claire Flower and Sinead with Brain damage and Cerebral Palsy 021959
- Music Therapy - Oksana Zharinova and Daniel with Cerebral palsy 021957
- Music therapy - The Community Music Therapy project – ‘Music is about mystery Music is spiritual’ 022461
- Music therapy - The story of Sophie 022272
- Music therapy and stroke 005835
- Music Therapy – Judith Nockolds and Jim 021974
- Nicotine and head injuries 005285
- Nicotine treatment of mild cognitive impairment A 6-month double-blind pilot clinical trial 027600
- Oliver Sacks - Healing using music 022270
- Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine 019128
- Protection of seven dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans from Schisandra chinensis against serum and glucose deprivation injury in SH-SY5Y cells 020880
- PubMed - Steiner Eurythmy - And children with chronic diseases 013761
- PubMed - Successful applications of montessori methods with children at risk for learning disabilities 015194
- Schisandrin B Ameliorates ICV-Infused Amyloid β Induced Oxidative Stress and Neuronal Dysfunction through Inhibiting RAGE/NF-κB/MAPK and Up-Regulating HSP/Beclin Expression 020881
- Selenium and mercury in the brains of Beluga whales 013092
- Selenium and neurological diseases 013081
- Selenium as an alternative to chemotherapy 013093
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Curing his son of stomach ache 003685
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience 014693
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 01 022233
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 02 022234
- Sulforaphane as a potential protective phytochemical against neurodegenerative diseases 021407
- Tarantella 003028
- The additive and synergistic antimicrobial effects of select frankincense and myrrh oils--a combination from the pharaonic pharmacopoeia 012773
- The Australian fruit salad experiment 013364
- The Healing Power of Sleep 026790
- The Music Child 022328
- The neuroprotective effects of purslane (Portulaca oleracea) on rotenone-induced biochemical changes and apoptosis in brain of rat 018908
- The story of Elizabete Gouveia, who has cerebral palsy and cannot stand or sit up by herself, and hippotherapy 023248
- The story of Louis V.... as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité 028180
- Using dancing to rehabilitate those with brain injury 013371
- Vignoli, Tito - The healing power of music 003684
- Zinc deficiency 006866
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- A 41-year-old man with a 1-month history of postural headache 012426
- A 67 year old mother of seven 001651
- A case of argyria: multiple forms of silver ingestion in a patient with comorbid schizoaffective disorder 024198
- A case of biopsy-proven sarcoid meningoencephalitis presented with hallucination, nominal aphasia and dementia 026102
- A case of brief psychosis associated with an arachnoid cyst 017814
- A case of Castleman's disease with a variable neuropsychiatric symptomatology 016650
- A case of evolving post-ictal language disturbance secondary to a left temporal arteriovenous malformation: jargon aphasia or formal thought disorder 026099
- A case of small cerebral cyst and pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 that developed schizophrenia-like psychosis 017815
- A dangerous complication of spontaneous intracranial hypotension 012425
- A huge abcess and hallucinations 012333
- A Lilliputian army under the floorboards: persistent delirium with complete though prolonged recovery 023035
- A Mexican case of massive nonencephalitic neurocysticercosis 026295
- A set of male monozygotic triplets with schizophrenic psychoses: nature or nurture? 023522
- A theory of parasites and mental illness 006109
- A unified model of shared brain structural alterations in patients with different mental disorders who experience own-thought auditory verbal hallucinations-A pilot study 029518
- Abberant inverted U-shaped brain pattern and trait-related retinal impairment in schizophrenia patients with combined auditory and visual hallucinations: a pilot study 029516
- Abrin as a chemical weapon 006970
- Abuse of indigenous psilocybin mushroom - Psilocybe semilanceata 017378
- Accutane, Amnesteem and Claravis hallucinations 005249
- Acrylamide poisoning - Construction industry 014506
- Amebiasis of the central nervous system: report of six cases in Peru 023034
- Amnesic shellfish poisoning 012473
- An autopsy case of neuronal type Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (HMSN type II) with nerve deafness and psychiatric symptoms 019602
- Arachnoid cyst in a patient with psychosis: Case report 017813
- Arachnoid cyst of the lateral ventricle manifesting positional psychosis 017816
- Aspergillosis and Hallucination, auditory - from FDA reports 024505
- Association between central nervous system infections during childhood and adult onset schizophrenia and other psychoses: a 28-year follow-up. 027577
- Auditory dysfunction in patients with cerebrovascular disease 023396
- Auditory verbal hallucinations with 'rich emotional content' 012336
- Behavioral Evolution of Progressive Semantic Aphasia in Comparison with Nonfluent Aphasia 026097
- Biochemical responses and mitochondrial mediated activation of apoptosis on long-term effect of aspartame in rat brain 024039
- Blind artist Arthur Ellis, 66, paints his visual hallucinations 025260
- Blood-brain barrier flux of aluminum, manganese, iron and other metals suspected to contribute to metal-induced neurodegeneration 019574
- Brain damage and Chronic tactile hallucinations 014714
- Brain damage, blood pressure and hallucinations 005749
- Brain injury associated with widely abused amphetamines: neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and blood-brain barrier 023922
- Brain MRI and SPECT in the diagnosis of early neurological involvement in Wilson's disease 019600
- Cannabis and morning glory seeds - by Waking dream 015586
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- Cats and manic depression 006122
- Cats, CMV, herpes and being bipolar 006112
- Cerebral vasculitis secondary to Toxocara canis and Fasciola hepatica co-infestation 012757
- Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis presenting with auditory hallucinations and illusions 017903
- Chagas disease and neurological manifestations 012790
- Chiari malformations and hallucinations 006143
- CJD and hallucinations 012334
- Clinical correlates of septum pellucidum cavities: an unusual association with psychosis 017819
- Clinical review: Major consequences of illicit drug consumption 006854
- CMV stealth virus from vaccine gives hallucinations 006988
- CNS Diseases and Uveitis 027568
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The deranged Morning glory man 015587
- Common Drugs May Cause Cognitive Problems 021361
- Copper deficiency and the unborn child 006904
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - hallucinations and visions 016647
- Cysticercosis producing various neurological presentations in a patient: case report 026291
- Cysts on the brain cause hallucinations 006117
- Dementia with Lewy bodies in an elderly Greek male due to alpha-synuclein gene mutation 019466
- Depression, drugs and nanoparticles 006339
- Diazepam shakes and brain damage 002200
- Differential deposition of manganese in the rat brain following subchronic exposure to manganese: a T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study 023519
- Direct and indirect affection of the central nervous system by Fasciola [liver fluke] infection 012755
- Disturbed oxidative metabolism in organic brain syndrome caused by bismuth in skin creams 020551
- Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome: implications for patient care. 013025
- Dysphasia and phantosmia as first presentation of multifocal cerebral anaplastic astrocytomas: case report and review of the literatures 026100
- Echinococcosis affects a mother and child 012740
- Echinococcus cysts in mentally disturbed children 012739
- Effects of aspartame metabolites on astrocytes and neurons 024038
- Elevated Serum Pesticide Levels and Risk of Parkinson Disease 027717
- Encephalitis and cannabis as an antiviral 007598
- Epidermoid tumour within the collateral sulcus: a rare location and atypical presentation 017812
- Epidural haematoma masks as delirium tremens 012427
- Epilepsy and toxocariasis: a case-control study in Burundi 012732
- Epilepsy and toxocariasis: a case-control study in Italy 012733
- Epilepsy with 'pervasive visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions' 012343
- Fahr's syndrome 006861
- Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine 005761
- Flu and all its effects 006406
- Fluoride and brain damage 010968
- Girl has hallucinations from mumps 006930
- Goes, Hugo van der - Death of the Virgin 022282
- Gongylomena hallucinations in Iran 006114
- Hallucination from stomach cancer 006729
- Hallucinations after operations 013005
- Hallucinations and brain damage from molybdenum supplements 006333
- Hallucinations and cerebral atherosclerosis 006352
- Hallucinations from a faulty van 006798
- Hallucinations from brain damage 006348
- Hallucinations from drug withdrawal 014312
- Hallucinations from Encephalitis 006347
- Hallucinations from gunshot wound 006575
- Hallucinations from lung cancer 006852
- Hallucinations from Mumps encephalitis 006932
- Hallucinations from radiotherapy 006883
- Hallucinations from sodium imbalance 006846
- Hallucinations from work exposure to Toluene 006812
- Hallucinations, blindness and surgery 006350
- Hallucinations, brain damage and nanoparticles - Manufacturers and Cosmetic companies 006338
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- He believed he was the Pope with Lymes disease 010229
- Hearing disorders in brainstem lesions 023394
- Hearing music without a left brain 006150
- Heavy metal poisoning and learning difficulties in children from Brazil 013085
- Horton's disease and visual hallucinations 006146
- Hypertensive Encephalopathy: A Case of a Male Who Bit Off His Fingers 029521
- ICU Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Study Group - The nightmare seemed to go on and on 012210
- Ifosfamide hallucinations 006966
- Indian patients get hallucinations from parasites 006108
- Interhemispheric compensation: a hypothesis of TMS-induced effects on language-related areas 026101
- Joan of Arc - Oliver Sacks - Hallucinations 001647
- Joan of Arc - W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The trial of Joan of Arc 014049
- Lead in lipstick - Cosmetic companies 014501
- Leifchild, Reverend John – The death of her son is anticipated by Leifchild’s aunt in an hallucination 026980
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 07 2 Diseases which Can Produce the Phenomenon; Infectious diseases, and especially typhus 025273
- Little boy suffers electric shock 006576
- Long lasting impaired cerebral blood flow after ecstasy intoxication 016549
- Loyola, Ignatius of - Auditory hallucinations from fasting 000401
- Mad itching - 'sensory hallucinations of pruritogenic stimuli' 006133
- Madness in a bottle 010373
- Maggots in her toenails caused hallucinations 006113
- Mail online - How to get high without drugs: Is hyperventilating your way into a trance using 'holotropic breathwork' the latest new age craze 016547
- Malaria treatments, psychoses and anorexia 012798
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 12 Icy chill climbing their legs and apparitions on the wall 011190
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 17 Seeing Matron's dead Mum 011195
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 18 Putting to rest the soul of the cruelly treated 011196
- Marie Bottini, aged thirteen, fractures her skull and receives comfort from her dead father 025210
- Mayapple treatment for warts goes wrong 006956
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Menopause and mental illness 006744
- Mental illness and copper imbalance 006908
- Metal transporters in intestine and brain: their involvement in metal-associated neurotoxicities 019575
- metronidazole 001143
- Mexican 8 year old suffers hallucinations from parasites 006107
- Migraine, hallucinations and brainstem damage 005748
- Migraine-like visual hallucinations in occipital lesions of cysticercosis 026294
- Minds on replay: musical hallucinations and their relationship to neurological disease 023393
- Misdiagnosis and years of agony 006860
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of glutamate uptake in primary astrocytes exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles 022803
- Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis 027628
- Multihance 019553
- Muscular dystrophy and hallucinations 012328
- Musical hallucinations and the right brain 006148
- Musical hallucinations from Lymes disease 010228
- My Wealth of Knowledge - Drixoral Cough Liqui-Caps and Robitussin - by E. Gates 017472
- Neuroanatomic correlates of visual hallucinations in poststroke hemianopic patients 029515
- Neurocysticercosis presenting as schizophrenia: a case report 026296
- Neurocysticercosis presenting with psychosis 026297
- Neuroimaging auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia patient and healthy populations 028218
- Neurologic manifestations of hepatic distomiasis caused by Fasciola hepatica [liver fluke] 012758
- Neurological and ocular fascioliasis in humans 012754
- Neurological aspects of human parvovirus B19 infection: a systematic review 027588
- Neurological damage from chronic Chagas disease 012788
- Neurological manifestation of liver flukes 012753
- Neurological manifestations of Chagas disease 012789
- Neurological syndromes following organophosphate poisoning 027719
- Neurotoxicity of substituted amphetamines: molecular and cellular mechanisms 005810
- Niridazole / Ambilhar 006106
- Nuedexta 019724
- Olfactory hallucinations in primary headache disorders 014725
- Oliver Sacks - Brain damage 001334
- Oliver Sacks - L-DOPA, Parkinson's, Tourette's and mania 014344
- Oliver Sacks - Stephen goes out of body 001644
- Oliver Sacks - The twins, numbers and celestial music 005943
- On hallucinations, bizarre sensations, phantom phenomena and body-image disturbances 029523
- Paclitaxel hallucinations 006927
- Painful hallucinations and somatic delusions from Lymes disease 010227
- Paranoid hallucinations from Lymes disease 010230
- Parasitosis of the Central Nervous system 012791
- Parkinson's disease showing progressive conduction aphasia 026096
- Pathology of CNS parasitic infections 012792
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects 013056
- PIKHAL - Alexander Shulgin - 2C-E 014799
- Polymicrogyria and Congenital Parvovirus B19 Infection 027595
- Porencephalic cyst involving motor cortex and limbic system 017817
- Post stroke hallucinations 012623
- Potential developmental neurotoxicity of pesticides used in Europe 027714
- Progressive aphasia with Lewy bodies 026098
- Prostatic and Central Nervous System Histoplasmosis in an Immunocompetent Host: Case Report and Review of the Prostatic Histoplasmosis 027569
- Psychopathologic manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus 017714
- Psychosis after visiting a tanning salon 012465
- Psychosis and mineral imbalance 006859
- Psychosis and the menopause 006743
- Psychosis in an adolescent with Wilson's disease: A case report and review of the literature 019588
- Psychotic disorder induced by Fahr's syndrome: a case report 012794
- PubMed - Aggression and heavy metals 006907
- PubMed paper - Sleeping sickness and psychosis 006119
- Pubmed paper on hallucinations of epilepsy 002075
- Pubmed paper on hallucinations of epilepsy 002074
- Quinacrine, giardiasis and hallucinations 006115
- Radiation-Induced Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in a Patient with Brain Metastasis: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist 029532
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Nancy the nurse sees cartoons 014974
- Rare and rarer: co-occurrence of stroke-like migraine attacks after radiation therapy and Charles Bonnet syndromes 029529
- Retarded child and parasites 006120
- Schizophrenia-like psychotic symptoms in a patient with confirmed Huntington's disease: a case report 020776
- Selenium and neurological diseases 013081
- Shoe factory workers solvents and health 006815
- Systemic vasculitis associated with Fasciola hepatica [liver fluke] infection 012756
- Temporal lobe involvement in Capgras syndrome 026290
- Thalidomide - Chemie Grünenthal/Celgene Corporation 014496
- Thallium poisoning 006891
- The clinical spectrum of musical hallucinations 029526
- The effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on neuroinflammation response in rat brain 022801
- The mind with a radio of its own: a case report and review of the literature on the treatment of musical hallucinations 023397
- The neurologic aspects of vertigo: analysis of 400 cases 023392
- The neurological complications of chikungunya virus: A systematic review 027559
- The widening spectrum of C9ORF72-related disease; genotype/phenotype correlations and potential modifiers of clinical phenotype. 020775
- Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e Chapter 201 - Pesticides 027718
- Toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in central nervous system 022804
- Toxocara seroprevalence in schizophrenic patients in Turkey 012730
- Toxocariasis and a 'disturbed child' 012726
- Toxocariasis and epilepsy: systematic review and meta-analysis 012731
- Toxocariasis in an institution for the 'mentally retarded' 012727
- Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city 012729
- Two boys with encephalitis and anorexia 012799
- Unrecognised and avoidable epidural haematoma 012428
- Vaccines may cause brain damage 006403
- Vaccines narcolepsy and hallucinations 006404
- Vaccines, demyelation and brain diseases 006955
- Vincristine hallucinations 006929
- Visual Hallucinations Following a Left-sided Unilateral Tuberothalamic Artery Infarction 012496
- Wain, Louis 001599
- Wain, Louis 001598
- Waugh, Evelyn - Evelyn was behaving peculiarly, talking to the table lamps in the dining room and to the toast rack at breakfast 022779
- Waugh, Evelyn - He acquired a memory 'not at all hazy - just sharp, detailed and dead wrong' 022778
- When are menopausal symptoms psychiatric? 006745
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise 021106
- Aluminum-induced entropy in biological systems: implications for neurological disease 015269
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? 012261
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Illusions of psychiatry 012262
- Artaud, Antonin 006126
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004020
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004029
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004028
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004027
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004026
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004025
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004024
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004023
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004022
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 004021
- Barrett, Syd 001473
- Barrett, Syd - Barrett 004170
- Barrett, Syd - Octopus 004172
- Barrett, Syd - The Madcap laughs 011905
- Bell, J S - Bell's theorem 002972
- Benjamin Rush on the diseases of the mind 007926
- Blind artist Arthur Ellis, 66, paints his visual hallucinations 025260
- CA the blind musician 021833
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- Car accident results in NDE 013028
- Chance Taylor - the little boy with perfect pitch 011253
- Chuang Tzu - from Confucius and the Madman 015075
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Remembering 014816
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Will and Command 014819
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Prosopagnosia 011833
- Douglas Coupland - The sudden gain of synaesthesia 014420
- Dudley Moore - I can hear the music all around me. 012471
- Eddie 021832
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The celebration of diversity 011750
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Experiments - With Mr Karabanda’s son, the numerical genius who turned out to be a savant 027380
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The importance of love in healing 014244
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Where is the soul? 015099
- Leslie Lemke 006096
- Lindsay Gordon, Adam - With Elgar and Song of Autumn 015287
- Lindsay Gordon, Adam - With Elgar and the Swimmer 015286
- Lindsay Gordon, Adam - Wormwood and Nightshade 001948
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 1 007083
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 2 000208
- Nash, John Forbes - Dream-like delusional hypotheses 001606
- Nijinsky 001608
- Oliver Sacks - L-DOPA, Parkinson's, Tourette's and mania 014344
- Oliver Sacks - The twins, numbers and celestial music 005943
- Pascal, Blaise - The Memorial of Pascal 000037
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Some estimates on shamanic capabilities 016266
- Smetana - Dreams 025226
- Smetana - Evening songs [small excert] 025225
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Blaník 025220
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Moldau 025215
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Šárka 025217
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Tábor 025219
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Vyšehrad 025216
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Z českých luhů a hájů 025218
- Smetana - String Quartet No 1 in E minor (From My Life) 025214
- Smetana - String Quartet No 2 in D minor 025224
- Smetana - The Czech dances 025228
- Smetana - The Kiss - A ty mé robe Hajej můj andílku 025223
- Smetana - The Kiss - Hajej, můj andílku 025222
- Wain, Louis 004145
- Wilson, Brian - Good Vibrations 001597
- Wilson, Brian - Pet Sounds 004155
Out of time
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise 021106
- Alexander, Dr Eben - enters the Inner Court 007906
- Alexander, Dr Eben - everything has a purpose, even a near death experience 007907
- Alexander, Dr Eben - has to go back 007908
- Alexander, Dr Eben - meeting Intelligences 007905
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise 007903
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the spirit helper 007904
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the underworld 007902
- Betwixt Life and Death: Case Studies of the Cotard Delusion 023099
- Bob Woodruff’s Out-of-Body Experience in Iraq 023113
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience 013029
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE 025804
- Car accident results in NDE 013028
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – A full description of his Near-Death-Experience 023280
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The deranged Morning glory man 015587
- Eleanor was so calm and peaceful, completely unafraid 021619
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Sarah's out of body experience when clinically dead 011904
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- How to destroy your mind 002139
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 07 2 Diseases which Can Produce the Phenomenon; Infectious diseases, and especially typhus 025273
- Man crushed by a racehorse has OBE 013026
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 25 Communication from his dead grandpa 011225
- Mellen Thomas Benedict 002507
- My Wealth of Knowledge - Drixoral Cough Liqui-Caps and Robitussin - by E. Gates 017472
- Oliver Sacks - Stephen goes out of body 001644
- Out-of-Body Experience During Awake Craniotomy 023094
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects 013056
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Feels no pain 003687
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience 014693
- Six year old boy has NDE when the garage door closed on his head 021166
- Temporal lobe involvement in Capgras syndrome 026290
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 02 022994
In time
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- A Lilliputian army under the floorboards: persistent delirium with complete though prolonged recovery 023035
- Alix Fox - when love is scented with lemons, life with olfactory synaesthesia 027672
- Auditory verbal hallucinations with 'rich emotional content' 012336
- Braid, James - Brain damage and hypnosis 004226
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience 013029
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE 025804
- Cannabis and morning glory seeds - by Waking dream 015586
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- Cats, CMV, herpes and being bipolar 006112
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – A full description of his Near-Death-Experience 023280
- Close to death from a haemorrhaged brain tumour 021140
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The deranged Morning glory man 015587
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - hallucinations and visions 016647
- Douglas Coupland - The sudden gain of synaesthesia 014420
- Dr J C Barker - The brain damaged girl who predicted her own death 011929
- Epilepsy with 'pervasive visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions' 012343
- Foer, Joshua - National Geographic - Remember this 015609
- Foster, Charles C - Mind reading examples 020438
- Foster, Charles C - Rapping on the railings 020446
- Foster, Charles H - Chatting with Virgil 020444
- Foster, Charles H - Give my love to Frank 020445
- Foster, Charles H - Hearing voices 020441
- Foster, Charles H - Mind reading examples 2 020439
- Foster, Charles H - New York DayBook, June 7, 1873 020440
- Foster, Charles H - The journalist from the Philadelphia Press 020436
- Foster, Charles H - The spirit who died of apoplexy 020443
- Generalized argyrosis in man: neurotological, ultrastructural and X-ray microanalytical findings 024202
- Goes, Hugo van der - Death of the Virgin 022282
- Hallucinations from a faulty van 006798
- Hallucinations from drug withdrawal 014312
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- Hencher, Alan – Predicts the death of Dr J C Barker 024899
- How to destroy your mind 002139
- Hustvedt, Siri - My pre-sleep cinema of ghouls and monsters 001621
- ICU Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Study Group - The nightmare seemed to go on and on 012210
- Joan of Arc - W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The trial of Joan of Arc 014049
- Lead in lipstick - Cosmetic companies 014501
- Leifchild, Reverend John – The death of her son is anticipated by Leifchild’s aunt in an hallucination 026980
- Long lasting impaired cerebral blood flow after ecstasy intoxication 016549
- Mad itching - 'sensory hallucinations of pruritogenic stimuli' 006133
- Madness in a bottle 010373
- Mail online - How to get high without drugs: Is hyperventilating your way into a trance using 'holotropic breathwork' the latest new age craze 016547
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 13 - A vision of the past of the house in which they lived 011191
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 14 First experiments with automatic writing 011192
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 15 Starting to see auras 011193
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 16 Automatic writing and nearly as many messages in foreign languages, as in English 011194
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 17 Seeing Matron's dead Mum 011195
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 18 Putting to rest the soul of the cruelly treated 011196
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 21 Getting 'outside help' for school work 011199
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 22 Automatic writing and the little boy who was knocked down by a car 011222
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 25 Communication from his dead grandpa 011225
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 26 More communication from his dead grandpa 011226
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 27 Diagnosing disease 011227
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 28 Thomas Penn diagnoses his granny's problems 011228
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 29 Thomas Penn and an accurate diagnosis of a gammy leg 011229
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 30 Automatic drawing experiments overview 011230
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 31 Automatic drawing experiments 011231
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 32 Automatic drawing experiments - Picasso 011232
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 33 Automatic drawing experiments - Leonardo da Vinci 011233
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 34 Automatic drawing experiments - Isaac Oliver 011234
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 35 Automatic drawing experiments - Durer 011235
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 36 Automatic drawing experiments - Beardsley 011236
- Marie Bottini, aged thirteen, fractures her skull and receives comfort from her dead father 025210
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Misdiagnosis and years of agony 006860
- My Wealth of Knowledge - Drixoral Cough Liqui-Caps and Robitussin - by E. Gates 017472
- Oliver Sacks - Blind Rosalee sees Arabs on stairs 013552
- Oliver Sacks - L-DOPA, Parkinson's, Tourette's and mania 014344
- Oliver Sacks - Stephen goes out of body 001644
- Oliver Sacks - The twins, numbers and celestial music 005943
- Osmond, Dr Humphry - A negative adrenochrome experience 015793
- Palladino, Eusapia - Dr. Joseph Yenzano and the mouth with warm breath 020427
- Palladino, Eusapia - Levitating, tapping, flashes of electricity and apporting 020419
- Palladino, Eusapia - Paris 1898 020428
- Pascal, Blaise - The Memorial of Pascal 000037
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects 013056
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Capacity and duration of perceptions 003698
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Every sound produced an experience of light and colour 003689
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - If I imagine something is going to happen, it does 003692
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Learning how to control the recall 000944
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Mental walks to aid recall 003693
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling tables of numbers 003696
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling the perceptions of childhood 003695
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - The effects of synaesthesia 003688
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Using images and symbols to help in recall 003699
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Words and vivid images 003690
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience 014693
- The 'little idiot' who saw her mother die in a dream 017037
- The accident in the hammock 011429
- The story of Louis V.... as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité 028180
- TIHKAL - Alexander Shulgin - 4-HO-DiPT 014801
- TIKHAL - Alexander Shulgin - DET 014804
- Toxins and fetal brain damage 010187
- Trakl, Georg - Delirium 001076
- Trapped in his mattress 014949
- Vasiliev, Professor L L - Experiments in mental suggestion – The manifestations of astonishing telepathic perceptions by Mme. De Thy’s mentally deficient brother 024877
- Wain, Louis 001598
- Wain, Louis 004146
- Wain, Louis 001599
- Waugh, Evelyn - He acquired a memory 'not at all hazy - just sharp, detailed and dead wrong' 022778
- Dr J C Barker - The brain damaged girl who predicted her own death 011929
- Hencher, Alan – Predicts a plane crash in Nicosia, where 124 persons were killed 024900
- Hencher, Alan – Predicts the crash of a Caravelle jetliner from Malaga in southern Spain 024901
- Hencher, Alan – Predicts the death of Dr J C Barker 024899
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects 013056
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - If I imagine something is going to happen, it does 003692
- The little boy who knew that Johnny Cash was going to be in church with him 025926
- Close to death from a haemorrhaged brain tumour 021140
- Dr J C Barker - The brain damaged girl who predicted her own death 011929
- Dudley Moore - I can hear the music all around me. 012471
- Eleanor was so calm and peaceful, completely unafraid 021619
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Sarah's out of body experience when clinically dead 011904
- Leifchild, Reverend John – The death of her son is anticipated by Leifchild’s aunt in an hallucination 026980
- Music Therapy – Judith Nockolds and Jim 021974
- St Andrews University - Insecticides and brain damage 014737
- The 'little idiot' who saw her mother die in a dream 017037
- The death of Anna Katharina Ehmer: a case study in terminal lucidity. 027429
- The story of David 011156
Environmental Influence
- Foster, Charles C - Rapping on the railings 020446
- Foster, Charles H - The journalist from the Philadelphia Press 020436
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Brain damage and insanity induced by powerful emotions – terror 026077
- Manning, Matthew - Bending keys and - das Ur Gahirn 011178
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 01 How it all began 011179
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 02 Pebbles on the window 011180
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 03 The objects moved get bigger 011181
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 04 Floating rubbers and pinging sounds 011182
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 05 'The force resides principally with Matthew' 011183
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 06 The house looked like a bomb had hit it 011184
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 07 Acid, pools of water and caustic chemicals 011185
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 08 Objects travelling by themselves up the stairs 011186
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 09 Missing objects are returned unharmed 011187
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 10 School beds moving by themselves 011188
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 11 School and objects hurtling towards somebody, as if to strike the person 011189
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 12 Icy chill climbing their legs and apparitions on the wall 011190
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 19 Bending silver spoons 011197
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 20 Bending six inch steel nails 011198
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 23 'House elves' and 'Brownies' 011223
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 24 Vanishing, hovering and flying bath plugs 011224
- Palladino, Eusapia - Cesare Lombroso witnesses levitation 020431
- Palladino, Eusapia - Dr. Joseph Yenzano and the mouth with warm breath 020427
- Palladino, Eusapia - Genoa with Professor Morselli in 1906-7 020426
- Palladino, Eusapia - Levitating, tapping, flashes of electricity and apporting 020419
- Palladino, Eusapia - New York levitations 020429
- Palladino, Eusapia - Paris 1898 020428
- Palladino, Eusapia - Pierre Curie 020430
- Palladino, Eusapia - Professor Galeotti in July 1907 - Double arms 020422
- Palladino, Eusapia - Scientific investigators on the Continent 020425
- Palladino, Eusapia - The floating trumpet 020423
- Palladino, Eusapia - The Milan Committee 1892 020420
- Palladino, Eusapia - The Society for Psychical Research 1895 020424
- Palladino, Eusapia - The Warsaw sittings 1894 - Levitation 020421
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects 013056
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Feels no pain 003687
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Temperature control 003686
Other observations
- Abnormal respiratory drive in vibroacoustic disease 027789
- Acute encephalopathy followed by permanent brain injury or death associated with further attenuated measles vaccines: a review of claims 012317
- Alprazolam zombie 002195
- Alzheimer’s Linked to Sleeping Pills and Anti-Anxiety Drugs 012619
- Chronic pesticide exposure: Health effects among pesticide sprayers in Southern India 027721
- Contamination of French drinking water 008341
- Contamination of Thailand's, Hungarian and Bangladesh's drinking water with arsenic 008349
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - David and learning 006058
- Echinococcosis endemic in China 012741
- Effect of low-frequency but high-intensity noise exposure on swine brain blood barrier permeability and its mechanism of injury 027791
- Effects of GSM modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on permeability of blood-brain barrier in male & female rats 019576
- Epilepsy in vibroacoustic disease: a case report 027794
- EU paper on nanoparticles and health hazards 006337
- ffects of lifetime occupational pesticide exposure on postural control among farmworkers and non-farmworkers 027720
- Foster, Charles H - Dr. John Ashburner when called to Foster's bedside 020437
- Foster, Charles H - Writing the brother's initials on his arm 020442
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Paralysis caused by brain damage and ‘intellectual labour’ 026043
- Indoor risks of pesticide uses are significantly linked to hazards of the family members 027722
- Influence of nanoparticles on blood-brain barrier permeability and brain edema formation in rats 024196
- Involvement of cannabinoid receptors in infrasonic noise-induced neuronal impairment 027792
- Metals and brain disease 006160
- Parvovirus B19 infection of brain: possible role of gender in determining mental illness and autoimmune thyroid disorders 027591
- Possible Permanent Effects of MDMA - Brain damage 014792
- Respiratory squamous cell carcinomas in vibroacoustic disease 027793
- The effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on neuroinflammation response in rat brain 022801
- Toxic fish, metals and nanoparticles 006334
- Toxic nanoparticles and the human food chain 006336
- Vibroacoustic disease 027784
- Vibroacoustic disease: some forensic aspects 027785