Observations placeholder
Echinococcus cysts in mentally disturbed children
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Neurochirurgie. 1985;31(5):425-8.
[Voluminous intraventricular hydatid cysts in children].
[Article in French]
Mircevski M, Mircevska D, Boyadziev I, Basevska R.
During the last 10 years (1973-1982), we have surgically treated 9 children for large echinococcus cysts with intraventricular localization. In 7 cases the cysts were localized in lateral ventricles and in 2 cases in IVth ventricle and cerebellum. The children were from 3 to 11 years old. All cases were with signs of mental retardation and immediately before surgical treatment with signs of brain incarceration. In 7 children there was a disorder of consciousness, from drowsiness to deep sleep. The treatment was conducted with two surgical methods. All children survived the surgical treatment.
PMID: 4088409
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Echinococcosis [Tapeworms]Parasites
Autism, savantism and other forms of PDDBrain damage