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Observations placeholder

Manning, Matthew - The Link - 02 Pebbles on the window



Type of Spiritual Experience


At the time the poltergeist phenomena was occurring I was due to sit the Common Entrance Examination which would determine which school I was to go to after I had left preparatory school, and I was very tense. I believe that this may have been a contributory factor to the outbreak of the phenomenon in the first place, and that because of the tension I felt, I was generating "energy" which was helping to cause the poltergeist activity. [MM]

A description of the experience

The Link – Matthew Manning

With similar happenings continuing and increasing in intensity, the phenomena appeared to get more powerful. They became a daily routine and always took place between 7.00 a.m. and 7.30 a.m.; this period covered half an hour when the family was in a semi-conscious state, just awaking.

From the top of the stairs it was possible to hear knocks and other sounds as the upheavals increased, but we did not witness any of these objects in flight. Invariably the objects which were moved were light--weight ornaments, chairs, cutlery, ashtrays, baskets, plates, a small coffee table and a score of other articles, but none was ever broken or spilled. The tankard was regularly moved; we wondered if it was perhaps some form of defiant protest against my father, since it was his tankard, and he alone drink from it. Also a vase of flowers would frequently be brought and placed on the breakfast table, in front of where my mother sat.

On one occasion my father entered the living room early, before any disturbances had taken place, and put in the room a transistor radio playing music. This appeared to have a deterrent effect, as the phenomenon was not as strong as had been previously experienced.

As the physical manifestations increased, the house began to produce erratic and unsuspected taps and creaks. The noises would vary from a dull knocking- to a sound like a small stone being thrown at the window, and they continued throughout the day and night in all parts of the house.

On several occasions at night all the doors and openings into the living room were sealed by cotton threads which would be snapped if anyone entered the room; and the staircase was similarly booby trapped. It appeared 0har nothing could be attributed to human mischief as the threads remained intact but the room was again disturbed.

The source of the experience

Manning, Matthew

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps





Being a child
Brain damage

