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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Manning, Matthew - The Link - 27 Diagnosing disease



Type of Spiritual Experience


Achieved via automatic writing.  I think Thomas Penn was a pseudonym for a bodied soul who had the gift of diagnosis from auras and mediumistic ability.  This is very like the Edgar Cayce examples

A description of the experience

The Link – Matthew Manning

A few days later a friend asked me to allow Thomas Penn to write a diagnosis on his ailing grandfather. Before he could say anymore I interrupted him, telling him not to tell me any more, except the name of the person in question, and his birthday. This he did, and Mr. Penn had this to say:

"Here we have an interesting problem. The weak points are, chest, epigastric region, stomach, digestive organs.  He is liable to colds and rheumatism. He must be strongly advised to resist depressive moods and to fix his mind on the brighter aspects of life. He is greatly affected by environment. He has an iodine deficiency and should eat plenty of fish."

This message appeared to impress my friend as certain parts of it were correct and known to him. There were other parts that he was not certain about and would have to check up on.

Two days later he informed me that the entire diagnosis appeared to be correct; his mother corroborated this.  They also found out later that grandfather was to have an operation; however the hospital could not operate due to the fact that he had a serious iodine deficiency in his body, and he had to be put on a course of iodine tablets.

The source of the experience

Manning, Matthew

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being a child
Brain damage

