Category: Illness or disabilities
Introduction and description
If you look at the section on Emotion, you will see that all Emotions come on a sort of sliding scale.
From no emotion at all, one can go through emotions of gradually increasing intensity, until extremes of emotion result. Thus from happiness we can be propelled in some cases to overwhelming euphoria and elation – the state of mania in manic depression.
But from simple sadness, we can gradually sink into extreme unhappiness and then onwards to depression until eventually we reach such a state of depression, it is described by doctors as ‘clinical depression’.
People who are depressed are, on the whole, cut off from the spiritual world. It is this feeling of separation from the love and goodness that flows from ‘heaven’ that causes the feeling of isolation, loneliness and hopelessness. It is a block to all creativity, [although there are exceptions, those who have channeled the despair], often it does not affect reasoning or our powers of memory. In some senses, the left brain is working overtime whilst the right brain has 'gone to sleep'. Logic, memory all function as normal and often a manic depressive uses these times to record the insights and inspiration received during the periods of mania. Beethoven received his musical inspiration at times of mania, but recorded them in times of depression.
According to Wikipedia, a person who is depressed can also feel – “anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions, and may contemplate, attempt, or commit suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains, or digestive problems may also be present.”
In effect, depression affects any number of other emotions and the systems of our body, swinging them to excess in one direction or another.
Adverse events - in people's lives can result in extreme unhappiness, which if left to smoulder escalate into full scale depression.
Intellectual overload - Depression can also result from too much emphasis on left brained activity and not enough on right brained. Thus an over emphasis on reasoning, control, logic, memory etc can completely dampen the creativity and imaginative side of us which gives joy. Control freaks are often depressed!
Overload activities - if you glance through the list of other overload events, medicines, illnesses, toxins, parasites, viruses, bacterial infecion, they can all result in depression, especially if they stack up against you.
Nutritional deprivation - vitamin deficiency and incorrect diet can result in depression
Pharmaceuticals - It is also worth knowing that pharmaceuticals have a particularly nasty record for bringing on depression. The eHealthme site collects the Adverse Drug reports submitted by doctors to the FDA and SEDA in the USA. It then summarises them for ease of use. We originally provided a direct link to Depression listed on this site and the pharmaceuticals that can cause it, but the eHealthme website developers frequently reorganise the site and thus break the links. Thus in order to find out which pharmaceuticals are implicated in Depression
- Follow the LINK to the eHealthme website
- Using the ‘All conditions’ index find the appropriate entry
- Now scroll down until you get to the section marked ‘Drugs that could cause ”
The list shows you all the drugs implicated in CAUSING Depression as well as the number of people who have made a complaint to their doctor and had their case reported by him. Note that it is up to the doctor whether he reports or not.
As of October 2016, about 2,900 pharmaceuticals were in this list. Examples include [this list is by way of example, there are many more types]
- Chemotherapy drugs can cause depression
- Some asthma treatments can cause depression
- Quite a large number of ACE inhibitors can cause depression - including the well known ones like Ramipril
- Statins have a horrific record for producing depression. Lipitor alone according to the eHealthme website has caused well over 4000 cases of depression and the other statins have a similar record
- Acne treatments also have a horrific record for inducing depression
- Anti-virals also have a poor record
- Multiple sclerosis drugs
- Anti-emetics - some drugs to treat nausea and vomiting
- Muscle relaxant drugs
- quite a large number of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs
- Thyroid hormone treatment drugs,
- Many insomnia treatment drugs [including most of the benzodiazepines],
- Pain relievers - a number of drugs used to treat pain such as the opioid analgesics even aspirin and paracetemol; as well as NSAIDs
- Crohn's disease treatments
- Proton pump inhibitors - used to treat gastric problems
- HRT drugs
- Immunosuppressants
- Blood thinners - like Clopidogrel
- Antihistamines - of which a large number create depression
- Some Contraceptives including the hormonal vaginal rings
- Calcium channel blockers - a large number cause depression and have a very bad record in tis respect
- Epilepsy treatment drugs - for example Neurontin alone has resulted, according to the eHealthme site, in over 4000 cases of depression
- Drugs to induce abortions
- Diabetes treatment drugs - such as metformin
- Anxiety treatment drugs - such as Lorazepam, and the other benzodiazepines
What is also extraordinary is that drugs like the antipsychotics and antidepressants also have a record for creating depression in a devastating spiral of decline and increasing doses. To take but one example, Seroquel, according to the eHealthme site, is responsible for well over 4000 cases of depression. Paxil, another antidepressant, appears to be responsible for over 5000 cases of depression, again according to the eHealthme site.
Symptom based
The conventional medical treatment for depression involves pharmaceuticals - often very strong ones which can become addictive. This is symptom based treatment.
Cause based
The cause based approach requires you to find out why you became depressed and to tackle this. This is the approach I have recommended in Healing yourself.
- Reorient your activities - If it is due to an overload of logic based and left brained activity, you need to start using some of the activities I have described under the 'suppression' section.
Listen to music more, for example, paint pictures or sculpt, go for a gentle walk in the country, perhaps walk round a beautiful garden. Every single one of the actions described helps you to open up the right brain and get you back in touch with your composer and the spiritual world. And none of the activities is onerous or involves harsh chemicals. Furthermore, they are all very simple to do, requiring very little expense. Love is very effective - giving love, not expecting it or taking it - so thinking of other people [or animals] and helping them and caring about them.
- Change your diet - change your diet to one with more fresh organic foods, or which is more nutritionally balanced.
Brain Bio Centre - The Brain Bio Centre is an out-patient clinical treatment centre, specialising in the 'optimum nutrition' approach to mental health problems. The centre offers comprehensive assessment of biochemical imbalances that can contribute to mental health problems, and advice on how to correct these imbalances as a means to restore health.
In the observations below, the 'healing' section provides cases from the PubMed site or other medical literature of other mechanisms which have helped heal depression.
How it works
The reason we may get a spiritual experience - whether positive or negative - is dependent on what caused the depression, thus you need to find the cause and then use the descriptions I have given on the site for causes to see how it worked.
Related observations
Healing observations
- A 13-Weeks Mindfulness Based Pain Management Program Improves Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic Pain Compared with Waiting List Controls 023457
- A mixed-methods systematic review of the effects of mindfulness on nurses 023451
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness Versus Yoga: Effects on Depression and/or Anxiety in College Students 023449
- A resilience intervention involving mindfulness training for transplant patients and their caregivers 023450
- ALA and depression in women 011999
- Bach, Dr Edward - All we have to fear is fear itself 011143
- Banana (Musa spp) from peel to pulp: ethnopharmacology, source of bioactive compounds and its relevance for human health 019294
- Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention – a randomized controlled pilot trial 027616
- Bingen, Hildegard of - Licorice 022698
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Charlie's healing power 011524
- Calming the mind: Healing after mass atrocity in Cambodia 023864
- Cannabis and depression 007996
- Cannabis and depression 007993
- Cannabis and depression 007737
- Cannabis and insomnia 007991
- Cannabis and sleep apnea 007590
- Cannabis, OCD and schizophrenia 007588
- Cannabis, pharmaceuticals and suicidal depression 010371
- Canon Frederick Kill Harford and the Guild of St Cecilia 022324
- Chamomile tea and depression 005372
- Charles Burnett – Spiritual medicine, music and healing in Islam – The Maqam 022096
- Citrus fruits, kaffir lime leaves, selenium and its anti-depressant effect 013090
- Classic psychedelic use is associated with reduced psychological distress and suicidality in the United States adult population 015592
- Cod liver oil and depression 012189
- Cognitive behaviour therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations (COMMAND): a randomised controlled trial 019896
- Community Music Therapy with Traumatised Refugees and Torture victims in Berlin – Case history Herr A, a Kurdish man from Turkey 027398
- Constance Newland - Myself and I 015516
- Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 05 016023
- Crown Court Case worker - and the agony of amalgam fillings 012316
- Culpepper's Complete Herbal on Great and Lesser Burnet 020743
- Curing AIDS and HIV in Botswana 013082
- Dancing and depression 013374
- Depression and nutritional deprivation 011995
- Depression helped by drumming, hope, healthy eating and nature 012349
- Dr David Harvey-Austin healing the side-effects of mercury amalgam fillings 012311
- Dr David Harvie-Austin - Case study with Angela Kilmartin 012313
- Dr Duke's activity in Caffeic acid 017760
- Dr Duke's Analysis of Tabernanthe iboga 017451
- Dr Duke's list of activity for Vitamin B6 017763
- Dr Duke's list of activity for Vitamin C 017762
- Dr Duke's list of anti-depressant activity for celery 012447
- Dr Duke's list of biological activities for Vitamin C 017880
- Dr Duke's list of chemicals and activity for the Shallot 017969
- Dr Duke's list of Chemicals and their Biological Activities in: Prunella vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae) -- Heal-All, Self-Heal 018270
- Dr Duke's list of Plants with Antidepressant activity 018472
- Dr Duke's list of Reproductive system activity for the Dog Rose 018091
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Dr Nadine Burke Harris - How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime 015244
- Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - Food is the Best Medicine 027894
- Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet 027895
- Dr Tom Nyerges - Chronic Mercury exposure from amalgam fillings 012312
- Dr William Sargant - The Traditional healers of the Luo tribe in Kenya 024326
- Dr William Sargant - The Traditional healing of the Samburu 024327
- Dr William Sargant – Casting out demons in church 024394
- Dr William Sargant – Healed via over breathing and controlled drowning! 024395
- Dr William Sargant – Zar healing 024393
- Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride - Heart attack through 'evil fats'? 027893
- Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones over Skin, Appendages, and Mucosal Status in Postmenopausal Women 017928
- Effects of flotation-REST on muscle tension pain 027630
- Effects of flotation-restricted environmental stimulation technique on stress-related muscle pain: what makes the difference in therapy--attention-placebo or the relaxation response? 027612
- Effects of normal meals rich in carbohydrates or proteins on plasma tryptophan and tyrosine ratios 017319
- EFT and depression 006214
- EFT and depression 006207
- Epiphany MDMA (Ecstasy) by Winn 020276
- Essential fatty acids and the brain 011998
- Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of Floatation-REST 027617
- Eye diseases, depression and Cod liver oil 012182
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - And music therapy 015985
- Fish, heart and blood circulatory problems and mercury 012482
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope 017443
- Fungal infections and mental illness 006899
- Gardening as a therapeutic intervention in mental health 027733
- Green tea and depression 005389
- Gupta, Robert – TEDtalk Between music and medicine - 02 021967
- Gurdjieff - Described by Fritz Peters 010721
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Insanity cured by powerful emotions – faith and belief in the spiritual world 026197
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 01 The need for patience and trust 023182
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 02 The blessings of friendship-love and love-love 023183
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 03 Life is the people who love you; no one will ever choose to stay alive for an iPhone 023185
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 04 How to be there for someone with depression or anxiety 023186
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 05 Know thyself 023187
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 06 Communing with Nature 023188
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 08 Reducing threats 023190
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 10 Relaxation and breathing 023192
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 11 Love 023193
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 14 Books and reading as a means of healing depression 023199
- Healing by AVOIDING all foods sprayed with glyphosate [Roundup] 026330
- HIV and cannabis 007594
- Home-based deep breathing for depression in patients with coronary heart disease 016571
- How to Rid Your Body of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals: A 3-Step Plan to Recover Your Health 026662
- I Overcame Depression MDMA by Liquid Messiah 020271
- I Was Able to Forgive and Move On MDMA (Ecstacy) by Trancer 020283
- Ibn Hindu - The Key to Medicine and a Guide for Students 022095
- Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment with isoflavones derived from red clover extracts 017929
- Introspective Nap Time Nelumbo Nucifera (Sacred Lotus) & Skullcap by CognitiveLiberty4all 017495
- Jane Dunlap - Who should take LSD? 015522
- Ji-Hae Park: The violin, and my dark night of the soul 013584
- Joseph ben Judah ibn Aknin - Music therapy from Tibb al-Nufus (Hygiene of Souls) 022278
- Kava, disability and depression 010343
- Keith Howard - Delsjumjaku Demnimeevic Kosterkin sings and plays excerpts from a ritual 022294
- Lipids, low cholesterol, depression and suicide 011997
- Liszt - The passage he played produced a visible effect on her similar to that of an electrical discharge 024531
- Literature and art therapy in post-stroke psychological disorders 020763
- Lyall Watson - Trance dancing as a cure 011390
- Maimonides - Maimonides and Philosophy, Eight Chapters, 5 022277
- Making love and depression 005784
- MDMA: a catalyst for healing my fears and depression 020273
- Metagenomic testing as a means of identifying the pathogens causing Autism and Mood disorders 026781
- Metagenomic testing as a means of identifying the pathogens causing IBS and diarrhoea 026758
- Metagenomic testing for pathogens in gut and mouth in patients with Alzheimer's disease 026762
- Metamorphosis San Pedro by Anopseudonym 014813
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depressed individuals improves suppression of irrelevant mental-sets 023456
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Patients With Depression Decreases the Need for Outpatient Visits 023455
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy with Older Adults: A Qualitative Review of Randomized Controlled Outcome Research 027537
- Mircea Eliade - On Soul Retrieval 011594
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind 015009
- Mrs Grieve on Milk Thistle 017231
- Mudras - Cleansing mudra 016854
- Music therapy - In the Mansuri hospital Cairo and Edirne hospital 022280
- Music therapy – Case history of James, an ex-miner from the north of England 027393
- Nicotine as Therapy 017963
- No Boundaries Ibogaine by TPTB 017442
- O'Keeffe, Georgia – Travelling and warmth as a means of harnessing depression 023198
- Omega 3 fatty acids and manic depression 006183
- Omega-3 and omega-6 content of medicinal foods for depressed patients: implications from the Iranian Traditional Medicine 017018
- Organic solvent-induced bipolar disorder: a case report 016661
- Overwhelmingly Majestic Nature of Life Ecstasy by wombat17s 020279
- Pine needles, anxiety and depression 016956
- Placebo: Cracking the Code 016557
- Priestley, J B - Margin Released – The healing power of being engrossed in writing 023804
- Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases - John Wesley 03 024641
- Promising effects of treatment with flotation-REST (restricted environmental stimulation technique) as an intervention for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): a randomized controlled pilot trial 027611
- PubMed - Steiner Eurythmy - And chronic disease 013778
- PubMed - Steiner Eurythmy - And Depression 013760
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Healing 'passions of the soul' and insomnia with music 014680
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Healing with music 014679
- Rebirth Ibogaine by Psychenaut 017445
- RobCast No.1 (My plant medicine journey with Ayahuasca and San Pedro) 017559
- Rosa Damascena has a Small Effect on SSRI-induced Sexual Dysfunction in Female Patients Suffering from MDD 019797
- Rosa damascena oil improves SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction in male patients suffering from major depressive disorders 019796
- Sadhguru - Insight Into Depression 014245
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga 017439
- Selenium to heal psychosis 013080
- Sensory deprivation and sleep as a cure for illness 011882
- Short communication-Evaluation of antianxiety and antidepressant properties of Carthamus tinctorius L. (Safflower) petal extract 020846
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 01 022233
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 02 022234
- Taking an integrated approach: managing women with phytoestrogens 017919
- Tarantella 003028
- The Australian fruit salad experiment 013364
- The Day That Changed My Life MDMA by Igloo 020270
- The effect of raising and lowering tryptophan levels on human mood and social behaviour 017317
- The effects of tai chi on depression, anxiety, and psychological well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis 026381
- The Healing Power of Sleep 026790
- The microbiome-gut-brain axis: implications for schizophrenia and antipsychotic induced weight gain 026783
- The Serotonin hypothesis – curing illness with food 028494
- Therapy... For Me MDMA (Ecstasy) by Cherrybomb 020281
- TMS and manic depression 006486
- Traditional Iranian medicinal foods for depressed patients 011994
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - Milk and beef facts 029101
- Unrequited love, grief and kava 010344
- Valerian insights – Valerian by NorthernLite source EROWID 019307
- Vignoli, Tito - The healing power of music 003684
- Villa Nova, Arnaldus de - Opera Omnia – On Cures for lovesickness 022286
- Vitamin D deficiency and Hyperthyroidism 012197
- Wesley, John - Sermon 89 - extract on the benefits of sleep 024655
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 01 026306
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 02 026307
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 03 026308
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 04 026309
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 05 026310
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06 026311
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 07 026312
- Wombats against depression - The story of Matthew Murphy 017639
- You don't believe in God, do you? 021147
- Zinc and depression 006870
- Zohar - II 165a – Depression and unhappiness 014896
- A study of the association between Crohn's disease and psychiatric illness 026322
- A unified model of shared brain structural alterations in patients with different mental disorders who experience own-thought auditory verbal hallucinations-A pilot study 029518
- Addison's disease and mood disorders 007004
- Addison's disease psychosis 007002
- Agrypnia and Hallucination, auditory - from FDA reports 024503
- Alpha-interferon and mental disorders 016907
- Amitril 017993
- Artificial food colourings and psychotic reactions 005658
- Atrial flutter and Hallucination, auditory - from FDA reports 024507
- Bipolar and Hallucination, auditory - from FDA reports 024508
- Cannabis and depression 007737
- Characteristics of infrasound and its influence on workers in working environment of certain thermoelectricity works and department 027779
- Charles Bonnet syndrome with major depression in a Chinese middle-aged man 019943
- Childbirth, hallucinations and ergotism 006804
- Clinical course of illness in women with early onset puerperal psychosis: a 12-year follow-up study 017916
- Clinical review: Major consequences of illicit drug consumption 006854
- Cognitive behaviour therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations (COMMAND): a randomised controlled trial 019896
- Cotard's syndrome: analysis of 100 cases 023101
- Dental amalgam fillings, anxiety, anger and depression 012331
- Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome: implications for patient care. 013025
- Doxepin hydrochloride 018929
- Eskalith 018966
- Gluten Sensitivity 023512
- Hallucinations from sleeping sickness 006340
- Hallucinations from welding the San Francisco Bridge 006900
- Hallucinations in a 15 year old boy 006916
- Hallucinations in the elderly, the stressed and BZ users 013023
- Hallucinations, beta blockers and glaucoma 012270
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Higher than a kite taking PRISTIQ 012632
- Intensive Care Unit Hallucinations and Delirium 012141
- Inter-relationships between isotretinoin treatment and psychiatric disorders: Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, psychosis and suicide risks 017641
- Lamisil 006893
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs K from Pretoria sees her dead son and goes out of body 023311
- Lithane and Lithobid 019264
- Malaria treatments, psychoses and anorexia 012798
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Mercury amalgam fillings and schizophrenia 012330
- Metoprolol-induced visual hallucinations 012264
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind 015009
- Miss Russell from Edmonds, Washington hears a full celestial orchestra in a state of depression 023408
- Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis 027628
- Myxedema madness and hallucinations 006919
- Nardil 019672
- Neurobehavioral effects of aspartame consumption 024037
- Neuropathy, hallucinations and bacterial infection 010181
- Organic solvent-induced bipolar disorder: a case report 016661
- Overview of existing research and information linking isotretinoin (accutane), depression, psychosis, and suicide 017644
- Oxazepam and Serax 002207
- Paroxysmal perceptual alteration and hallucinations from anti-psychotics 013024
- Philipine lad just wants the voices to stop 005033
- Psychiatric disorders in neurology 020778
- Psychiatric disturbance and sexually transmitted diseases among gay and bisexual men 013021
- Psychosis and suicidal intentions with propranolol: still not recognized 012273
- Psychosis and the menopause 006743
- Retinoic acid and affective disorders: the evidence for an association 017643
- Road traffic accident as an iatrogenic complication of steroid treatment in Crohn's disease 026339
- Ruptured intracranial dermoid cyst presenting with neuropsychiatric symptoms: a case report 017811
- Safety profile of antiviral medications: a pharmacovigilance study using the Italian spontaneous-reporting database 026179
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga 017439
- Seeing little green spots 014404
- Sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infection prevalence in an outpatient psychiatry clinic. 013018
- Suicidal ideation from Accutane 005248
- Thallium poisoning 006891
- The harmful effects of cardiovascular drugs 012267
- The terrible spectres of the bookseller Christoph Friedrich Nicolai 023924
- Timolol and psychosis 012274
- Toxocara infection in psychiatric inpatients 012728
- Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city 012729
- Two boys with encephalitis and anorexia 012799
- Vitamin D deficiency and its effects 007172
- Vitamin D deficiency and psychiatric problems in the elderly 007171
- Vivid and bizarre dreams, Hallucinations, Erectile dysfunction and Psychosis from beta blockers 012276
- Ziprasidone Hydrochloride 020468
- Zoloft and Sertraline 005069
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- A golden shaft of light beamed down through the middle part of his body 021148
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? 012261
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Illusions of psychiatry 012262
- Anne Thomson - Attempted suicide 014257
- Beuys, Joseph - Show your wound 021062
- Browne, Sir Thomas - Religio Medici - I'm sure there is a common spirit 010149
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Imagination does not breed insanity 003717
- Churchill, Winston - The useful bite of the black dog 023195
- Cohen, Leonard - Anthem 023433
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The Garden of Bocaccio 011090
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Untitled 011094
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Youth and Old Age 011084
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - Discovers Hell 005146
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase 005173
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase 005169
- Descartes, Rene - The illusion of Insanity and the false awakening 014489
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope 017443
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 12 Writing and the useful bite of the black dog 023197
- I Overcame Depression MDMA by Liquid Messiah 020271
- Introspective Nap Time Nelumbo Nucifera (Sacred Lotus) & Skullcap by CognitiveLiberty4all 017495
- Jobs, Steve - Spiritual soul searching 015564
- John Fletcher - Melancholy 012542
- Kava, disability and depression 010343
- Lincoln, Abraham - Harnessing the black dog 023194
- Overwhelmingly Majestic Nature of Life Ecstasy by wombat17s 020279
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 2 008019
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 3 008020
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 4 008021
- Redon, Odilon - the Chariot of Apollo series 008023
- Sadhguru - Insight Into Depression 014245
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga 017439
- Schulz, Charles - Depression 017102
- Sheila Berry - Attempted suicide 014256
- Suicide attempt by taking an assortment of pills 014255
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXI to XXIX, Gitanjali 011030
- Thomson, James B.V. - Insomnia 010837
- Thomson, James B.V. - Mater Tenebrarum 010838
- Thomson, James B.V. - The City of Dreadful Night 010836
- Unrequited love, grief and kava 010344
- Valerian insights – Valerian by NorthernLite source EROWID 019307
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Becalmed 011016
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06 026311
- Wombats against depression - The story of Matthew Murphy 017639
- Yerka, Jacek and William Ernest Henley - I am the captain of my soul 014750
- You don't believe in God, do you? 021147
Out of time
- Anne Thomson - Attempted suicide 014257
- Cotard's syndrome: analysis of 100 cases 023101
- Deep depression 000116
- Deep depression 000115
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Nurse D. Greenwood has an OBE 023692
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope 017443
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs K from Pretoria sees her dead son and goes out of body 023311
- Laubscher, B J F – The artist who, when in need of inspiration, would put her hand on the planchette - Moenie bang wees vir die dood nie 023317
- Metamorphosis San Pedro by Anopseudonym 014813
- No Boundaries Ibogaine by TPTB 017442
- Rebirth Ibogaine by Psychenaut 017445
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 1 008018
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 2 008019
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 5 and Closed Eyes 008032
- RobCast No.1 (My plant medicine journey with Ayahuasca and San Pedro) 017559
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga 017439
- Severe depression 000117
- Sheila Berry - Attempted suicide 014256
- Suicide - Down the well like Alice in Wonderland 014258
- Suicide attempt by taking an assortment of pills 014255
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 03 026308
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 04 026309
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06 026311
- You don't believe in God, do you? 021147
- A golden shaft of light beamed down through the middle part of his body 021148
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope 017443
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Suicide prevented by a vision of her Saviour 028048
- You don't believe in God, do you? 021147
In time
- Cognitive behaviour therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations (COMMAND): a randomised controlled trial 019896
- Colin Wilson - Major George Sully becomes possessed 010735
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase 005173
- Descartes, Rene - The illusion of Insanity and the false awakening 014489
- Dr William Sargant - The Traditional healers of the Luo tribe in Kenya 024326
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope 017443
- Gurdjieff - Described by Fritz Peters 010721
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Haunted by ghosts: Prevalence, predictors and outcomes of spirit possession experiences among former child soldiers and war-affected civilians in Northern Uganda 025256
- Higher than a kite taking PRISTIQ 012632
- Intensive Care Unit Hallucinations and Delirium 012141
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs K from Pretoria sees her dead son and goes out of body 023311
- Laubscher, B J F – The artist who, when in need of inspiration, would put her hand on the planchette - Moenie bang wees vir die dood nie 023317
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Nightmares from illegal abortions in Iran 006809
- No Boundaries Ibogaine by TPTB 017442
- Paroxysmal perceptual alteration and hallucinations from anti-psychotics 013024
- Pesticides - Depression and death in Farmer's wives 014497
- Phil Collin's past life 007394
- Philipine lad just wants the voices to stop 005033
- RobCast No.1 (My plant medicine journey with Ayahuasca and San Pedro) 017559
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga 017439
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Suicide prevented by a vision of her Saviour 028048
- Suicidal ideation from Accutane 005248
- Suicide attempt by taking an assortment of pills 014255
- Sweet, sweet dreams 010368
- The Day That Changed My Life MDMA by Igloo 020270
- Thomson, James B.V. - Insomnia 010837
- Vivid and bizarre dreams, Hallucinations, Erectile dysfunction and Psychosis from beta blockers 012276
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 01 026306
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 02 026307
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 03 026308
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 04 026309
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 05 026310
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06 026311
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 07 026312
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Stuck in one of those vicious circles where negativity seems to feed upon itself 022039
- Yerka, Jacek and William Ernest Henley - I am the captain of my soul 014750
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06 026311
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 07 026312
Environmental Influence
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Dr J C Barker - The auto-suggestive power of curses and death prayers 011941
- Laubscher, B J F – The artist who, when in need of inspiration, would put her hand on the planchette - Moenie bang wees vir die dood nie 023317
- Tibetan Buddhism - Monks and Tummo 010753
Other observations
- Alzheimer’s Linked to Sleeping Pills and Anti-Anxiety Drugs 012619
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase 005170
- Link between depression and academic self-esteem in gifted children 015195
- Possible Permanent Effects of MDMA - Brain damage 014792
- Premature babies and mental illness 006799
- Randall Jarrell – I see at last that all the knowledge 012548
- The efficacy of Chinese medicine – The Erabu Sea snake 028220
- Toxic wheat in the USA and UK 013096
- Unique Psychic Difficulties 14 months after Ayahuasca 011592
- Vibroacoustic disease 027784
- Vibroacoustic disease: some forensic aspects 027785