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Observations placeholder

Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones over Skin, Appendages, and Mucosal Status in Postmenopausal Women



Type of Spiritual Experience


I'm not sure what they mean by appendages and I dare not hazard a guess!!

A description of the experience

Obstet Gynecol Int. 2011;2011:949302. doi: 10.1155/2011/949302. Epub 2011 Nov 1.

Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones over Skin, Appendages, and Mucosal Status in Postmenopausal Women.

Lipovac M1, Chedraui P, Gruenhut C, Gocan A, Kurz C, Neuber B, Imhof M.

  • 1Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Public Teaching Hospital Korneuburg, 2100 Korneuburg, Austria.


Objective. Evaluate in postmenopausal women the effect of red clover extract (RCE) isoflavones over subjective status of skin, appendages, and several mucosal sites.

Method. Postmenopausal women (n = 109) were randomly assigned to receive either two daily capsules of the active compound (80 mg RCE, Group A) or placebo of equal appearance (Group B) for a 90-day period. After a washout period of 7 days, medication was crossed over and taken for 90 days more. Subjective improvement of skin, appendages, and several mucosal site status was assessed for each studied group at 90 and 187 days using a visual analogue scale (VAS). In addition, libido, tiredness, and urinary, sleep, and mood complaints were also evaluated.

Results. Women after RCE intervention (both groups) reported better subjective improvement of scalp hair and skin status, libido, mood, sleep, and tiredness.

Improvement of urinary complaints, nail, body hair, and mucosa (oral, nasal, and ocular) status did not differ between treatment phases (intra- and intergroup).

Overall satisfaction with treatment was reported higher after RCE intervention (both groups) as compared to placebo.

Conclusion. RCE supplementation exerted a subject improvement of scalp hair and skin status as well as libido, mood, sleep, and tiredness in postmenopausal women.

PMID:  22135679

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

