Category: Actions
Introduction and description
I originally placed LSD within the medicines category. It is a pharmaceutical and has been used quite extensively by psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Again, we have this tricky definition to contend with - when is a pharmaceutical a drug and when is it not?
But after having collected a significant number of observations, it became clear that the use of LSD, in the right setting, with help and using LSD manufactured under safe conditions so that it is 'pure', has provided people with spiritual experiences they would have received no other way. The egotistical, the vastly intellectual, the memory and fact freak, the materialist, the people with the 'big I am' problems have no earthly chance of ever seeing anything via gentler ways. If you deem yourself 'clever', then LSD may be your only entry into the spirit world. It is not safe, but it appears to be sure. So it is now an 'action' on the site.
LSD-25 is the laboratory nickname given to the formidably titled indole d-lysergic acid-diethylamide tartrate 25. Also called Delysid. It is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. The 25 in the name indicates that it was the 25th in a series of analogous compounds synthesised in the Sandoz laboratories. Although occasionally called lysergic acid, this is incorrect, as this is actually the name of an antecedent compound which has no psychotomimetic properties. A long series of lysergic acid derivatives were made, some are completely inactive and none matches LSD for potency. It shares some of its chemical structure with other so called psychedelics such as psilocybin and DMT.
LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, especially in solution. There is no point attempting to dissolve LSD in water. Chlorine destroys LSD molecules on contact; even though chlorinated tap water contains only a slight amount of chlorine, the small quantity of compound typical to an LSD solution will likely be eliminated when dissolved in tap water. LSD’s potency, however, may last for years if it is stored away from light and moisture at low temperature.
Because the dose is so very key from the safety point of view and doses are tiny, some way is needed of easing their administration, thus the doses are often sold in little press packs called in slang terminology ‘blotters’ on a substrate such as absorbent blotter paper, or alternatively on a sugar cube, or in gelatin. In pure form LSD is a colourless, odorless, and mildly bitter solid.
LSD is classified as a ‘psychedelic’. As long ago as the 1960s Dr Humphry Osmond wrote the following about psychedelics.......
A review of the clinical effects of psychomimetic agents – Dr Humphry Osmond
Our increasingly excellent physical health, with the steady elimination of both acute and chronic infections, ..... our diet, rich in protein and especially B complex vitamins …. – all of these, combined with a society whose whole emphasis is on material possession in a brightly lit and brilliantly coloured synthetic world, will make spontaneous experiences of the sort I have mentioned even fewer. As we grow healthier and healthier, every millimeter that we budge from an allotted norm will be checked.
I believe the psychedelics provide a chance, perhaps a slender one, for homo faber, the cunning ruthless, fool hardy, pleasure greedy toolmaker to merge into that other creature whose presence we have so rashly presumed, homo sapiens, the wise, the understanding, the compassionate, in whose fourfold vision art, politics, science and religion are one. Surely we must seize that chance
In some literature, LSD is also referred to as an 'ego buster'.
LSD is derived from ergot. Ergot itself contains no lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains ergotamine, which is used to synthesize lysergic acid LSA, an analog of and precursor for synthesis of LSD. Ergot is, in turn, derived from a black fungus - the Ergot or ergot fungi - a group of fungi of the genus Claviceps that grows on rye and related plants. It contains alkaloids that can cause ‘ergotism’ in humans and other mammals who consume grains contaminated with its fruiting structure.
Lysergic acid
Ergot’s long history of medicinal use led to attempts to characterize its activity chemically. This began in 1907 with the isolation by G. Barger and F. H. Carrin of ergotoxine, so-named since it appeared to exhibit more of the toxicity of ergot than its therapeutic qualities.
With the isolation of ergotamine in 1918 by A. Stoll came the first therapeutic use of isolated ergoline alkaloids. With the determination of the basic chemical structure of the ergot alkaloids in the early 1930s, an era of intensive exploration of synthetic derivatives began.
The ergot sclerotium contains high concentrations (up to 2% of dry mass) of the alkaloid ergotamine. It also contains other alkaloids of the ergoline group that are biosynthesized by the fungus. Ergot sclerotia naturally contain some amounts of lysergic acid. In effect therefore, lysergic acid is a chemically synthesised derivative of ergot.
These days, Lysergic acid is made by alkaline hydrolysis of lysergamides like ergotamine, or from ergine (lysergic acid amide, LSA), a compound that is found in Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) and Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) seeds. There is also LSA in Rivea corymbosa.
LSA has a vasoconstricting effect meaning that anyone with a bad heart or atherosclerosis risks death from consuming LSA containing plants or substances. If blood is restricted going to the brain, hallucinations will result, but so will brain damage. These two facts are why LSA is a Controlled substance.
The history of the discovery of LSD can be found in the entry for Dr Albert Hoffman.
Legal then illegal
LSD was heavily investigated initially for its properties, during which time its use was legal. It was investigated for psychiatric and medical purposes as well as more unpleasant uses. The CIA spent a great deal of time experimenting with the drug on ‘volunteers’.
In 1963 the Sandoz patents expired on LSD and in the same year, the US Food and Drug Administration classified LSD as an ‘Investigational New Drug’, which meant new restrictions on medical and scientific use.
Around this time several people, including, Timothy Leary, and Al Hubbard, began to advocate the consumption of LSD as an aid to psychotherapy. As a consequence, LSD also became central to the counterculture of the 1960s and early 1970s. At this time LSD was used in psychiatry for its perceived therapeutic value, in the treatment of alcoholism, pain and cluster headache relief, and to enhance creativity. Some psychiatrists believed LSD was especially useful at helping patients to "unblock" repressed subconscious material "The root of the therapeutic value of the LSD experience is its potential for producing self-acceptance and self-surrender," [by forcing the user to face issues and problems in that individual's psyche].
Misuse of LSD, however, produced a backlash and on October 24, 1968, possession of LSD was made illegal in the United States. The last FDA approved study of LSD in patients, ended in 1980, while a study in healthy volunteers was made in the late 1980s. Legally approved and regulated psychiatric use of LSD continued in Switzerland until 1993. As of 2014:
The United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances (adopted in 1971) requires its parties to prohibit LSD. Hence, it is illegal in all parties to the convention, which includes the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe. However, enforcement of extant laws varies from country to country. Medical and scientific research with LSD in humans is permitted under the 1971 UN Convention
Street sales
Meyler’s side effects of psychiatric drugs
A significant problem in street purchase is the uncertain quality and likely impurity of the material obtained
Having created a demand, the illegalisation of LSD simply moved sales of the drug onto the streets and into clubs and bars. The illegal status of LSD means that the drug bought in the street can be impure or a mixture with other unidentified drugs or not LSD at all. This has led to hospital admissions and deaths.
Prohibit a substance which was once freely available, legal and had known pleasurable effects and since the market has been created and will continue, it will be satisfied by whoever is able to manufacture the substance in whatever conditions they have available and under no controls. And because there is money to be made, and the activity is criminal it will attract the criminal fraternity, leading to violence and street battles for sales territory
LSD is experienced in stages.
Initial onset
At first there is a gradual onset of physical symptoms, beginning anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours after the physician or user administers LSD by injection or orally.
If the gap between sessions is not kept at several days [or preferably weeks!] a form of tolerance develops, but as long as a large time interval is kept between administrations, the time taken for onset is largely in relation to the unconscious resistance by the person to the drug.
Next stage
Once the drug starts to take effect, the next stage sets in. There is the possibility at this intermediate stage for there to be nausea. It is worth adding however, that the nausea can be a psychological reaction, not a physiological reaction and is a form of 'purge' physically and mentally:
Exploring Inner Space – Jane Dunlap
The violent nausea recurred and I felt that a great river of vomitus the size of the amazon was gushing through my mouth. It contained the flushings of every toilet of an entire metropolis. Its revolting taste and odour overpowered me and the retchings seemed to tear my stomach apart. Yet I could not vomit enough or in great enough volume
According to Stoll and others, the first noticeable changes to appear in the individual under LSD are physiological ones. Pupil dilation, a deepening and slowing of respiration, tremors, and ataxia occurred regularly in their observations. These symptoms were occasionally accompanied by dizziness, headaches and sweating.
With the exception of pupil dilation and ataxia, however, the physiological changes which occur are not as consistent as stated here. Some people experience an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate, some a decrease. Respiratory changes can be an increase, a decrease or breathing may remain constant . The body temperature can range from feeling cold with actual chills to feelings of warmth accompanied by fever, or no change at all. Visual images can be blurred, dimmed or heightened. In one case history, vision was so heightened the person was able to read a newspaper at 30 feet.
Body sensations are described as ranging from a tingling of the skin to intense pain in which the individual's entire being is centred on the painful organ, or it can product a loss of sensation in various sections of the body to feelings of being completely outside the body with no sensation at all.
There is thus no such thing as a typical LSD experience or typical LSD symptoms, about the only thing one can say is that consistently, LSD does not act like an anaesthetic, the person remains conscious throughout, alert, and relatively compos mentis.
The stage for visions
After the initial effects of discomfort, the real effects of the drug begin to take place and last for around about 6 hours. An LSD session can last for well over 8 hours in total. During this time, if the person keeps their eyes closed, this stage is marked by vivid visions. If, on the other hand, he keeps his eyes open and looks around him, the walls 'breathe', colours in paintings become very rich and paintings can come alive, textures become accentuated, shapes change, faces morph between the person themselves and the faces of people the person knows, or may morph into carton characters or archetypes. There is high emotion. The overall effects actually last about 12 hours but the most intense occur in the first 7 or 8 hours.
The tailing off period
Even after the session is over , you need to recognise that the effects of the drug can last for some time …… in some people it can lead to permanent psychosis.
Long term effects
Unlike many of the drugs that give you spiritual experience, LSD is not a sedative or a hypnotic and as such you are far more able to understand [if this is the right word] or at least take in what is happening and benefit and learn from it.
What marks out LSD seems to be that it if the LSD was pure and the dose controlled and low, it leaves some people with a lasting positive legacy – similar in some people to that obtained in near death experiences or other equally profound experiences [those from profound love making for example].
The sensitivity, the empathy, the heightened emotions all stay.
Overall there seems to be a softening of character, and a move towards a more artistic and creative self, but it does not have to mean you lose your ability to reason or invent, all it means is that you have probably become a more balanced person!!
If the LSD was not pure, or you overdose or overuse the drug, it leads to brain damage.
The following is not advice, it is for information and is from available literature. I have no direct knowledge of LSD as I have never taken drugs.
Suitability - According to the research I have been able to find, LSD is only suited to certain people - in simplistic terms those of a 'left brain' disposition. In effect, people who are of high intellect but low empathy, compassion, creativity, imagination or emotion. 'Right brained' people and similar sensitives, can be permanently damaged by LSD and become psychotic. More details are provided in the science section - follow the LINK
Administration - LSD is typically delivered orally. In its liquid form, it may also be administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection.
Exploring Inner Space – Jane Dunlap
I was usually comfortable when lying down but weak and shaky if I attempted to rise. When LSD is taken by mouth, it leaves an unpleasant chemical taste, somewhat alleviated by chewing gum. Hunger pangs, exaggerated by the LSD, sometimes become severely painful. Cumulatively the feelings are sufficiently unpleasant to assure that the drug would not be worth taking unless the rewards were great
Dangerous combinations - LSD should generally be the only drug taken. The following with LSD are considered dangerous.
Do not take LSD if you are on any form of antidepressants, especially the tricyclic antidepressants. Do not take LSD if you are taking lithium salts [reports have attributed seizures and one death to the combination of LSD with lithium]. MAOIs are also reported to reduce the effects of LSD and there is a danger of overdosing.
Dose - LSD has remarkable clinical properties. Though most drugs are prescribed in milligrams, or thousandths of a gram, LSD-25 is measured in micrograms, or 'gammas', which are millionths of a gram. As little as 10 to 20 gammas may produce physiological reactions in human beings and 50 to 75 gammas will usually produce psychological reactions such as visual images both hallucinations and visions.
The nature of the LSD experience – Dr James Terrill
The dosages have ranged from 50 to 200 micrograms, with the most frequent dosage being 100 micrograms....
Tolerance - Tolerance can build up. This can indicate brain damage from overdose. It is usually impossible to take LSD over successive days, without having to push the dose to dangerous levels……………
Isabel H, Miner EJ, Logan, CR. - Psychopharmacologia 1959;1:109-16
Psychedelics such as LSD-25 and psilocybin-containing mushrooms demonstrate very rapid tachyphylaxis. In other words, one may be unable to 'trip' two days in a row. Some people ….. may not be able to negate tachyphylaxis at all until a period of several days has gone by
or even longer. I think a real warning needs to be issued here about what you are affecting – this is your higher spirit you are calling and you run the real risk of permanently damaging or losing access to your higher spirit – a situation that could lead to despair of monumental proportions. DO NOT MESS WITH THIS DRUG, treat it with respect and leave weeks rather than days between use, treat every session as a sacred act.
Dr Robert S Davidson - tolerance to LSD builds up rapidly and it does not consistently result in a pleasant experience
Antidotes - Chlorpromazine is marketed in the United States as Thorazine and elsewhere as Largactil. Thorazine has also been used by some LSD users to reduce the effects of a so-called "bad-trip." This use was noted by Albert Hoffman in his book LSD, My Problem Child: "The mental effects of Delysid can be rapidly reversed by the i.m. administration of 50 mg chlorpromazine." Some LSD users also use the drug to "shut their head off" in order to sleep during the tail effects of a trip. Thorazine when used for sleep under these circumstances reduces the racing thoughts attributed to LSD use, which is similar to the effects Thorazine holds over manic thoughts.
A Psychedelic Experience – Alan Watts
Elkes found that both chlorpromazine and sodium amytal antagonised LSD
Letting go - One factor above many others that appears to be key to success with using LSD and that is that you have to let go – let the drug take control. If you don't, it will either not work or you will have a very very hard time fighting a battle with it. You – your will, your ego or whatever you like to call it – your current personality is otherwise in battle with the composer and the composer will win, but in a way that may prove utterly traumatic for you. Having chosen this route, having agreed to take the drug, it is as if there is now an unwritten agreement that you are now in the figurative hands of your composer. But for someone with a strong will and who likes to be in control – either the logical soul or the control freak, then the battle can provide real terror.....
The nature of the LSD experience – Dr James Terrill
If the subject is very concerned about maintaining control or fighting the effects of the drug, the experiences can be frightening sometimes terrifying
Attempting other activities - Despite the fact that some people believe they have become geniuses on taking LSD, future leaders of the country, saints and so on, the evidence seems to point to the fact, the person is better avoiding doing anything which requires even half a brain
The Beyond within – Dr Sidney Cohen
Intellectual functioning as measured by the ability to perform well on intelligence tests is worsened. Every investigator, including myself, found that under LSD, abstract reasoning, recall and arithmetical ability were impaired. In view of the subjects’ frequent comment that thinking processes were accelerated, the reduced IQ scores seemed paradoxical. It should be remembered, however, that motivation to perform and attention to the task are important factors in test performances. Both were markedly reduced in all our subjects.
'Right brain' activities, observing/perceiving, painting, music etc, however, improve.
How it works
Some scientific information on how it is thought LSD works physically can be found in the science section- LSD-25.
Functionally LSD appears to mount a direct attack on the ego, but more importantly it also stimulates the composer - the 'dream making' function directly .
References and further reading
The photos on this page are by Carla Mascaro. Carla was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She obtained a degree in anthropology from the Catholic University of Campinas in 1984 and in Journalism at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo in 1987. She currently lives in Italy. Carla is a photo-journalist but also dedicated to photography as an art form. Her aim is to produce images that cover the full spectrum from semi-realistic up to almost surreal. She can be contacted via this link.
Website links
The EROWID entry for LSD.
Other references
- Hofmann, Albert. LSD My Problem Child: Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism and Science (1983)
- Grof, Stanislav. LSD Psychotherapy. (April 10, 2001)
- Marks, John. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control (1979
- Roberts, Andy. Albion Dreaming: A Popular History of LSD in Britain (2008), Marshall Cavendish,U.K,
- Stevens, Jay. Storming Heaven: LSD And The American Dream (1998)
Nina Graboi – Four score and LSD
The room is in darkness except for candles on the small shrine. I narrow my eyes. The flame is a long narrow strip that throws sparks which seem to dance to the sound of Iasos’s Elixir. Today is my eightieth birthday, I have taken LSD to celebrate
The following observations include quite a number from a book by Dr Robert Masters and Dr Jean Houston.
Masters and Houston were two psychotherapists/psychoanalysts who used drugs, principally LSD, in order to evoke buried memories or enable a person to understand themselves.
They recorded some of the results in The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience from which I have extracted a few pertinent observations.
Related observations
Healing observations
- Chandler and Hartman - LSD treatment can be dangerous unless the psychiatrist has had plenty of it himself 025822
- Classic psychedelic use is associated with reduced psychological distress and suicidality in the United States adult population 015592
- Constance Newland - Myself and I 015516
- Grant, Cary - Gloria Powell, National Police Gazette, December 1967 on Cary’s LSD use 025824
- Grant, Cary - Graham McCann on how LSD helped Grant with his burdens 025818
- Grant, Cary - Joe Hymans describes Cary Grant's use of LSD 025819
- Hallucinogens and redemption 017557
- History and future of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) 017454
- Jane Dunlap - Who should take LSD? 015522
- Masters and Houston - False memories true perceptions 015554
- Masters and Houston – The chalice 000139
- Psychedelics as medicines for substance abuse rehabilitation: evaluating treatments with LSD, Peyote, Ibogaine and Ayahuasca 017453
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - Diagnosing disease 011457
- The importance of set and setting in LSD therapy 015584
- The man who had "a bad, bad, BAD trip – An LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025951
- Williams, Esther – Has LSD Therapy 025821
- Wilson, William Griffiths – LSD could help alcoholics stop drinking, AA founder believed 024495
- A Life Cycle - by Halcyon EROWID 015528
- A Strangely Isolated Place LSD & Massage by DayTripper 014717
- Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Healthy Subjects 015588
- Acute health problems due to recreational drug use in patients presenting to an urban emergency department in Switzerland 017418
- Aldridge, Alan - Butterfly Ball 004963
- Anaïs Nin – The LSD trip whose description she fabricated 025952
- Clinical review: Major consequences of illicit drug consumption 006854
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - Prolongation of the hallucinogenic state for 24 to 48 hours beyond the usual time of termination 015526
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - A patient's experience 012220
- Cohen, Leonard - The entire audience turned into one Jew 023429
- David Lewis-Williams - A sensation felt on the skin may be perceived as ‘blue’ 011655
- David Lewis-Williams - On synaesthesia 004939
- Devereux, Paul - What is reality? 021826
- Dr James Terrill - The nature of the LSD experience 015525
- Fleetwood Mac - Peter Green's voices/Man of the world 1969 021539
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD 025836
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 1 015530
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 2 012221
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 4 015533
- Hofmann, Dr Albert - The LSD experience 015521
- Ironside, Robin - Street violinist at Victoria Station 018243
- Jack Sunday - LSD by Jack Sunday 014720
- Jane Dunlap - The nature of the visions 015507
- Leary, Timothy - compares LSD and DMT 005727
- Lilly, John - Confronting the Demons of Catholic imposed sexual hang-up 006053
- Lilly, John - A golden goddess 012222
- Lilly, John - On tripping and full OBEs into infinite distances 014576
- Lycaeum forum - Feeling that time is a spiral 004370
- Lycaeum forum - Tainted torture 014455
- Lycaeum forum - The quality of light is an etherial essence 015536
- Masters and Houston - 3 Psychedelics and sex 015571
- Masters and Houston - 4 Psychedelics and sex - Examples 015572
- Masters and Houston - And particles of light 004927
- Masters and Houston - Entanglement - loops 002699
- Masters and Houston - Loom and tapestry 002707
- Masters and Houston - Monsters and Demons 000976
- Masters and Houston - On distortion 004932
- Masters and Houston - Shrinking 015540
- Masters and Houston - Split consciousness 015544
- Masters and Houston - Time distortion 015543
- McKenna, Terence - Tryptamines, Hallucinogens and Consciousness 002887
- Nicholson, Jack – The Making of Easy Rider – An LSD trip by Lawrence’s grave 025942
- Nicholson, Jack – The Tragedy of The Trip 025940
- Project MKUltra 023388
- Rare footage of 1950s housewife in LSD experiment 004933
- Rita Moreno - And her LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025947
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - Diagnosing disease 011457
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD 015573
- The Sundering of the Veil MDMA & 1P-LSD by Brother23 020266
- These Aren't Toys We Play With LSD & MDA by Indelibleface 017427
- Thompson, Hunter S - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Dead granny crawling up his leg with a knife 015495
- Watts, Alan – An LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025943
- Weapons of mass hallucination 006735
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Healthy Subjects 015588
- Barrett, Syd - The Madcap laughs 011905
- Beatles, the - Rain and Fixing holes 006028
- Beatles, the - Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts club band 006029
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A man patient's experience in a dark room 015511
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - Disrobing was sporadically mentioned, in connection with the ecstatic states 015532
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - I knew I would fall and probably be killed but this didn’t particularly bother me 015531
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - First experience 012219
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - Sees the world for the first time 002764
- Devereux, Paul - What is reality? 021826
- Dr Kary Mullis - The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and astrology 015567
- Dr Sangford Unger - Patient's testimony 015519
- Fleetwood Mac - Albatross 021529
- Fleetwood Mac - Oh well 021528
- Francis Crick - Discovering the structure of DNA via LSD 015565
- Frank Murdoch - And his LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025945
- Gates, Bill - Using LSD 015566
- Grateful Dead - China Cat Sunflower / I Know You Rider (5-3-72) 023389
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Access to unknown functions 011071
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Accessing perceptions - the index 011056
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Being given knowledge of the functions of the universe 011067
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring the tree of life and what it feels like to be a fish 011073
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Loosening and losing of ego boundaries 001411
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The nature of the 'good trip' 011066
- Ironside, Robin - Street violinist at Victoria Station 018243
- Jane Dunlap - Brahms and being cushioned on air 015512
- Jane Dunlap - Reliving a cherished childhood event 015513
- Jane Dunlap - Success on a low dose 015535
- Jane Dunlap - The danger of delusions of genius 015527
- Jane Dunlap - The difficulties of describing the indescribable 015515
- Jobs, Steve - An interview with Daniel Kottke 015576
- Jobs, Steve - LSD, enlightenment and inspiration 015562
- Jobs, Steve - Spiritual soul searching 015564
- Jobs, Steve - What sort of LSD did Steve use 015563
- Lilly, John - On LSD and butterflies 000739
- Lilly, John - The atman 014577
- Lilly, John - The brain is not the mind 014581
- Lilly, John - This beautiful, blissful state 014574
- Logan, Andrew - The British Guide to Showing Off 017789
- Masters and Houston - 1 Psychedelics and sex 015568
- Masters and Houston on the conscious 004926
- McKenna, Terence - Tryptamines, Hallucinogens and Consciousness 002887
- Moody Blues - Dawn is a feeling 015545
- Moody Blues - Departure 005861
- Moody Blues - House of Four Doors 012020
- Moody Blues - Keys to the Kingdom 005878
- Moody Blues - Knights in White Satin 012022
- Moody Blues - Of course you are my bright little star 007395
- Moody Blues - OM 012018
- Moody Blues - Ride my see saw 012016
- Moody Blues - The seven classics 005879
- Moody Blues - The Word 010216
- Moody Blues - Visions of Paradise 012019
- Mullis, Dr Kary - The discovery of PCR 021086
- Mullis, Dr Kary - We both knew I wouldn’t shut up 021089
- Nicholson, Jack – The Tragedy of The Trip 025940
- Paul McCartney - Blackbird 006030
- Paul McCartney - Fool on the hill 004418
- Paul McCartney - The Long and winding road 006025
- Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall 004171
- Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon 004169
- Pink Floyd - Meddle 011906
- Pink Floyd - Saucerful of Secrets 005867
- Pink Floyd - Wish you were here 011907
- Previn, André – with Dory Previn 025960
- PubMed paper - Creativity, alcohol and drug abuse: the pop icon Jim Morrison 011298
- Rolling Stones - Child of the Moon 012093
- Rolling Stones - Gomper 012094
- Rolling Stones - Little Red Rooster 012097
- Rolling Stones - Paint it Black 012098
- Rolling Stones - She's a Rainbow 012091
- Rolling Stones - The Lantern 012092
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man - The Poetic Edda, Virgil and LSD 021790
- the 13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me (1966) 018489
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD 015573
- The Move - hearing the grass grow 005866
- Thompson, Hunter S - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - No sympathy for the devil 001020
- Traffic - Hole in my shoe 012027
- Watts, Alan - On taking LSD 015523
Out of time
- A Psychologist goes out of body 007827
- Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Healthy Subjects 015588
- Brian - The Iridescent Column of Everything 000884
- Byrne, David - And she was 023528
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A man patient's experience in a dark room 015511
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A woman patient's experience 015509
- Dr Sangford Unger - Patient's testimony 015519
- Grant, Cary – Describes the LSD experience 025820
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Leaving your body 011068
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD 025836
- Hofmann, Dr Albert - The LSD experience 015521
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - On hearing Bach and reading poetry 015443
- Jane Dunlap - Brahms and being cushioned on air 015512
- Jeff Neff 010745
- Lady goes out of body on LSD 007828
- Lilly, John - On tripping and full OBEs into infinite distances 014576
- Lilly, John - The atman 014577
- Lilly, John - The barrier to another dimension 014586
- Masters and Houston - Becoming animals 007130
- Masters and Houston - Out of body LSD experiences 004266
- Masters and Houston - Out of body on LSD 004274
- Moody Blues - Keys to the Kingdom 005878
- Moody Blues - The seven classics 005879
- Mullis, Dr Kary - A first experience of LSD 021088
- Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly 001602
- Project MKUltra 023388
- Rolling Stones - Citadel 012090
- Rolling Stones - Gomper 012094
- Rolling Stones - Two thousand light years from home 003827
- Susy Smith - The psychiatrist's experience 015510
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD 015573
- The Tower in an LSD session 007946
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A man patient's experience in a dark room 015511
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 3 007829
- Masters and Houston - 1 Psychedelics and sex 015568
- Masters and Houston - 4 Psychedelics and sex - Examples 015572
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD 015573
In time
- Al Cameron - watching my face melt 029422
- A Life Cycle - by Halcyon EROWID 015528
- A Strangely Isolated Place LSD & Massage by DayTripper 014717
- Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Healthy Subjects 015588
- Alan Ellaway - An experience via LSD and Joni Mitchell 023860
- Aldridge, Alan - Butterfly Ball 004963
- Anaïs Nin – The LSD trip whose description she fabricated 025952
- Beatles, the - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 022968
- Brian - The Iridescent Column of Everything 000884
- Chandler and Hartman - LSD treatment can be dangerous unless the psychiatrist has had plenty of it himself 025822
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A panic stricken nurse 015518
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A woman patient's experience 015509
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A woman patient's reliving of her childhood trauma 015514
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - I knew I would fall and probably be killed but this didn’t particularly bother me 015531
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - Prolongation of the hallucinogenic state for 24 to 48 hours beyond the usual time of termination 015526
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - A patient's experience 012220
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - First experience 012219
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The Beyond within - Sees the world for the first time 002764
- David Lewis-Williams - A sensation felt on the skin may be perceived as ‘blue’ 011655
- David Lewis-Williams - On synaesthesia 004939
- Dr James Terrill - The nature of the LSD experience 015525
- Grant, Cary - Debbie Reynolds describes Cary Grant's use of LSD 025817
- Grant, Cary - Gloria Powell, National Police Gazette, December 1967 on Cary’s LSD use 025824
- Grant, Cary – Describes the LSD experience 025820
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Accessing group perception using emotion as the index 011061
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Ancestral memories 011049
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Collective and racial experience 011052
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Dana relives a traumatic experience from infancy 011059
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Diving to the Underworld 010886
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Emotion as the principle index to perceptions 011064
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Experiencing myself as a sperm competing for the egg 011053
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Experiencing what it is like to be a plant 011070
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Experiencing what it is like to be inorganic 011074
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring common consciousness 011048
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring the tree of life and what it feels like to be a fish 011073
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring your own bodily processes 011069
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - On core experiences 006073
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Peter relives being locked in the cellar 011058
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Rebuilding memory from perceptions 011054
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Reliving being licked by an enormous cow 011055
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Reliving the hurt done to others 011063
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The Dangers of 'False memory' 011060
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The sad case of Renata 011065
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The story of Nadja 011057
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD 025836
- Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder and Risk of Suicide 015590
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 2 012221
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 3 007829
- Harrington, Alan - A Visit to Inner space 4 015533
- Harris, Bob - On taking drugs and the effects of LSD 023158
- Hofmann, Dr Albert - The LSD experience 015521
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - LSD and ego death 015447
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - On hearing Bach and reading poetry 015443
- Ironside, Robin - Street violinist at Victoria Station 018243
- Jack Sunday - LSD by Jack Sunday 014720
- James Coburn – And his LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025944
- Jane Dunlap - An overwhelming love for all who live 007830
- Jane Dunlap - Attacked by a Cobra 015508
- Jane Dunlap - Brahms and being cushioned on air 015512
- Jane Dunlap - Past lives or a vision? 015517
- Jane Dunlap - Reliving a cherished childhood event 015513
- Jane Dunlap - The nature of the visions 015507
- Jane Dunlap - The story of Helen and her death wish 015529
- Jeff Neff 010745
- Leary, Timothy - compares LSD and DMT 005727
- Lilly, John - Looking into a room filled with golden light 014585
- Lilly, John - LSD and self destructive programs 000981
- Lilly, John - On tripping and full OBEs into infinite distances 014576
- Lilly, John - Perception versus Memory 006076
- Lilly, John - This beautiful, blissful state 014574
- Loring Ware - And his LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025949
- Lycaeum forum - Feeling that time is a spiral 004370
- Lycaeum forum - First LSD experience 004946
- Lycaeum forum - Tainted torture 014455
- Lycaeum forum - The quality of light is an etherial essence 015536
- Lycaeum forum - The wood floor seemed to rise and fall like a piano keyboard 014151
- Masters and Houston - 2 Psychedelics and sex 015569
- Masters and Houston - 3 Psychedelics and sex 015571
- Masters and Houston - 4 Psychedelics and sex - Examples 015572
- Masters and Houston - A Medical student goes cave diving 004929
- Masters and Houston - Age regression 015555
- Masters and Houston - Becoming a galaxy 011076
- Masters and Houston - Becoming animals 007130
- Masters and Houston - Castle and forest 004342
- Masters and Houston - Entanglement - knots 002700
- Masters and Houston - Experiences of hell 007282
- Masters and Houston - Exploring his own spiritual body 004313
- Masters and Houston - False memories true perceptions 015554
- Masters and Houston - Feels that his substance now is the same as that of some part of the environment 013873
- Masters and Houston - Giants, Beasts and Titons 015539
- Masters and Houston - Loom and tapestry 002707
- Masters and Houston - Monsters and Demons 000976
- Masters and Houston - Never ending stairs 015542
- Masters and Houston - On becoming a machine 007218
- Masters and Houston - On Castles 004335
- Masters and Houston - On clearings 001892
- Masters and Houston - On distortion 004932
- Masters and Houston - On empathy 016230
- Masters and Houston - On forests 001874
- Masters and Houston - On islands 004928
- Masters and Houston - Perception recall as an aid to purification 015557
- Masters and Houston - Purple seas and serpentine shapes 007285
- Masters and Houston - Shrinking 015540
- Masters and Houston - Split consciousness 015544
- Masters and Houston - Standing against a fairly strong breeze 014177
- Masters and Houston - The citadel 004931
- Masters and Houston - The dive 004930
- Masters and Houston - The forest as a place of enchantment 001895
- Masters and Houston - The vast feminine Earth Mother fertilised by the Sun Father 007330
- Masters and Houston - Time distortion 015543
- Masters and Houston - Transmutation into another substance 004943
- Masters and Houston - Twins 015537
- Masters and Houston – The chalice 000139
- McDormand, Frances - On taking drugs, particularly LSD and mushrooms 025875
- McKenna, Terence - Tryptamines, Hallucinogens and Consciousness 002887
- Miranda's favourite trip from EROWID 014152
- Moody Blues - Departure 005861
- Moody Blues - The seven classics 005879
- Moody Blues - The Word 010216
- Mullis, Dr Kary - A first experience of LSD 021088
- Nicholson, Jack – The Making of Easy Rider – An LSD trip by Lawrence’s grave 025942
- Nicholson, Jack – The Tragedy of The Trip 025940
- Previn, André – The effects of LSD 025956
- Project MKUltra 023388
- Reverend Ernest Pipes - And his LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025950
- Rolling Stones - Gomper 012094
- Sarandon, Susan - On taking Ayahuasca, LSD, mushrooms and marijuana 025874
- Smith, Huston - Cleansing the doors of perception 010171
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - Diagnosing disease 011457
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD 015573
- The man who had "a bad, bad, BAD trip – An LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025951
- The Sundering of the Veil MDMA & 1P-LSD by Brother23 020266
- The Tower in an LSD session 007946
- Watts, Alan - A pool of dazzling flame 004544
- Watts, Alan - Of twigs and tangles 002765
- Watts, Alan - On closed eye visuals 014459
- Watts, Alan – An LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025943
Other observations
- Cohen, Leonard - The entire audience turned into one Jew 023429
- Crick, Francis - Taking LSD 025876
- Jane Dunlap - LSD and addiction 015506
- Jane Dunlap - Overdosing is not a good idea 015534
- Lord Buckley - And his LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025946
- LSD - How much is in the mind? 015585
- McDormand, Frances - On taking drugs, particularly LSD and mushrooms 025875
- Nonnatural deaths among users of illicit drugs: pathological findings and illicit drug abuse stigmata 015591
- Sarandon, Susan - On taking Ayahuasca, LSD, mushrooms and marijuana 025874
- The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry--the 2012 experience 015593
- Zale Parry - And her LSD experience with Dr Oscar Janiger 025948