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Masters and Houston - Out of body LSD experiences
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience – Dr Robert Masters and Dr Jean Houston
There is also a fairly common experience where the subject seems to himself to project his consciousness away from his body and then is able to see his body as if he were standing off to one side of it or looking down from above. A few subjects feel that they are able to leave the material body and move about in something like the astral body familiar to occultists. This astral body is described as being diaphanous and almost, but not quite, immaterial. It may be composed of 'energy', 'electrical impulses' and so on. Some identify this astral body with an aura they earlier had perceived as radiating from them, an 'energy force field' surrounding the body. The perception of the aura by psychedelic subjects is very common