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The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry--the 2012 experience
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is very long for an abstract and I have extracted a pertinent sentence. The paper is worth examining in full - use the PMID identifier.
A description of the experience
J Med Toxicol. 2013 Dec;9(4):380-404. doi: 10.1007/s13181-013-0352-5.
The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry--the 2012 experience.
Wiegand T1, Wax P, Smith E, Hart K, Brent J.
In 2010, the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) established its Case Registry, the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC). All cases are entered prospectively and include only suspected and confirmed toxic exposures cared for at the bedside by board-certified or board-eligible medical toxicologists at its participating sites. The primary aims of establishing this Registry include the development of a realtime toxico-surveillance system in order to identify and describe current or evolving trends in poisoning and to develop a research tool in toxicology. ToxIC allows for extraction of data from medical records from multiple sites across a national and international network. All cases seen by medical toxicologists at participating institutions were entered into the database. Information characterizing patients entered in 2012 was tabulated and data from the previous years including 2010 and 2011 were included so that cumulative numbers and trends could be described as well. The current report includes data through December 31st, 2012.
During 2012, 38 sites with 68 specific institutions contributed a total of 7,269 cases to the Registry. The total number of cases entered into the Registry at the end of 2012 was 17,681. Emergency departments remained the most common source of consultation in 2012, accounting for 61 % of cases. The most common reason for consultation was for pharmaceutical overdose, which occurred in 52 % of patients including intentional (41 %) and unintentional (11 %) exposures.
The most common classes of agents were
- sedative-hypnotics (1,422 entries in 13 % of cases)
- non-opioid analgesics (1,295 entries in 12 % of cases),
- opioids (1,086 entries in 10 % of cases) and
- antidepressants (1,039 entries in 10 % of cases).
The most common associated agent alone or in combination was the non-opioid analgesic acetaminophen, being reported in 10 different cases. Other common agents and agent classes involved in death cases included ethanol, opioids, the anti-diabetic agent metformin, sedatives-hypnotics and cardiovascular agents, in particular amlodipine.
There were significant trends identified during 2012.
Abuse of over-the-counter medications such as dextromethorphan remains prevalent. Cases involving dextromethorphan continued to be reported at frequencies higher than other commonly abused drugs including many stimulants, phencyclidine, synthetic cannabinoids and designer amphetamines such as bath salts. And, while cases involving synthetic cannabinoids and psychoactive bath salts remained relatively constant from 2011 to 2012 several designer amphetamines and novel psychoactive substances were first reported in the Registry in 2012 including the NBOME compounds or "N-bomb" agents.
LSD cases also spiked dramatically in 2012 with an 18-fold increase from 2011 although many of these cases are thought to be ultra-potent designer amphetamines misrepresented as "synthetic" LSD.
The 2012 Registry included over 400 Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) involving 4 % of all Registry cases with 106 agents causing at least 2 ADRs. Additional data including supportive cares, decontamination, and chelating agent use are also included in the 2012 annual report. The Registry remains a valuable toxico-surveillance and research tool. The ToxIC Registry is a unique tool for identifying and characterizing confirmed cases of significant or potential toxicity or complexity to require bedside care by a medical toxicologist.
PMID: 24178902
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Analgesics - opioids [pharmaceuticals]Anti-depressants
Calcium channel blockers
Diabetes treatments
Pain killers and NSAIDS