Extreme emotion
Category: Events
Introduction and description
There are numerous instances on this website of how extremely intense Emotion enables spiritual experience. If the emotion is a positive one - the experience can be that of inspiration, bliss and peace or wisdom. It can also help healing. If the experience is a negative one then the common effect is an hallucination, vision, an out of body experience [or its precursor dissociation] and occasionally near death! We can also die from fear.
I have placed all the 'positive' high emotion actions and events under the heading of Suppression because although the emotion is high the effects are 'calming'.
The negative high emotion events and actions are placed here in the Overload section because when this sort of emotion is high the effects are anything but calming - they overload the system.
You will be able to see that we can voluntarily provoke very high levels of apparently negative Emotion [Actions]. Riding on a roller coaster, for example, is apparently negative because it is designed to provoke fear. But because these acts are voluntary, the effects are only temporary - a temporary overload of the system. Subconsciously too they are maybe not as potentially damaging because in our hearts we know they are short lived and we chose to do them, even if they may even be a little dangerous.
But some extreme emotion may be involuntary and may even be prolonged in its effect. And this high emotion can produce truly intense spiritual experiences.
This section thus does two things:
- It provides a catch all section which enables me to record spiritual experiences which cannot be attributed to any of the other more specific sections
- It enables me to describe in a general way how all high emotion works to give you an experience
All the following Events might be classified as being ones which generate largely negative extreme emotion, often fear, sometimes grief, also pain - the list is not exhaustive but illustrative
To this list of Events can be added a huge number of Illnesses and diseases, which produce Extreme pain and thus very high emotion. Also classified as Illnesses and diseases are a number which might in reality be better classed as events of high emotion, for example:
As we can see high emotion is thus a major contributor to spiritual experience
How it works
You will need to be able to reference the Model of spiritual experience whilst you read the following. This has a definition of the terms I use.
The Model is a model of our Minds showing the functions that are key to spiritual experience. It is divided into three – the Subconscious, the Conscious and the Higher spirit :
- The Higher spirit gives us access to the spiritual world, the specific function that creates spiritual input – dreams visions etc is called the composer;
- Our Conscious mind is the mind of the intellect – reason, memory, and will. It is often described as the ‘masculine’ in us and loosely speaking is processed by our left brain;
- Our Subconscious mind is the mind of emotion and feeling, creativity and imagination, as well as perception. It is also the processor of sensory information and nervous system messages. It is the receiver of information from our autonomic systems including the sexual system. It is often described as the ‘feminine’ in us and loosely speaking is processed by our right brain;
The only route to our composer is via the Subconscious – the feminine side.
The only way we can activate the subconscious is to Squash the Intellect - aspects of our Conscious self.
All spiritual experience works by squashing the 'masculine' Conscious self and letting the 'feminine' Subconscious self take over.
Look again at the Model
All spiritual experience works by overloading or suppressing the functions that produce inputs to the Will. A function is what we were doing at the time, if the experience was involuntary, or what we need to be doing if we deliberately want to have a spiritual experience.
In effect spiritual experience works by the overload [or suppression] of one or more of the following functions [blue boxes, follow the arrows backwards]
- The nervous system
- The 5 senses system
- The autonomic system – especially our sexual systems
- The system of Emotion
- Reasoning
- Memory recall
- Learning - in an indirect temporary way, via Memory
- Objective setting - a function of the will
And this is how all spiritual experience works, all the activities I have described on the website overload or suppress one or more of these functions on a temporary, semi-permanent or permanent basis.
Emotion thus has a hugely important effect. It also has an interesting effect in that if we experience any form of very high Emotion it has a tendency to squash the functions of reasoning anyway, adding to the overall effects.
For a generic description of this activity in context see How spiritual experience works
Related observations
Healing observations
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – On healing 01 016190
- An experience with kava 010341
- Bach, Dr Edward - All we have to fear is fear itself 011143
- Crown Court Case worker - and the agony of amalgam fillings 012316
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Dr William Sargant – Casting out demons in church 024394
- Dr William Sargant – Using extreme emotion to heal PTSD 024403
- Father Mathew and the power of Faith 026221
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - -Background approach to healing summary 026070
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Anaesthesia induced by powerful emotions 026058
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Crying as a means of emotional release 026156
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Imperviousness to cold induced by powerful emotions 026065
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Stammering induced [and cured] by powerful emotions 026087
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Healed by a Navajo medicine man 011903
- Jane Dunlap - Who should take LSD? 015522
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Stone circles were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed 021774
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind 015009
- Mudras - Sokuchi-in - Earth witness 016852
- Music therapy – Chava Sekeles - Therapy can usually be achieved either by excitation or by relaxation 022275
- Omari and Isa Hassan - On the role of ngoma healing [tr Emmanuel Makala] 022090
- Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases - John Wesley 04 024642
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Healing 'passions of the soul' and insomnia with music 014680
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Healing music 014687
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Healing with music 014679
- Scott, Selina - Selina Scott talks to Yasmin Ishaq about Jinns 017174
- THE GREAT JIHAD • sufism in Chechnya 013072
- The Islanders Know... - Kava Kava - by fierphly – SOURCE EROWID 019184
- Yuasa, Professor Yasuo - Emotions and health 021122
- Abraham Ya’ari – Iggrot Erets Yisrael 014919
- Baroness de Boisleve sees her dying son Honore 011395
- Blessed Elizabeth von Reute – Given the Host by an angel 024224
- Dickens, Charles - Hershman and Lieb 014673
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 02 Voices! 028577
- Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head 014234
- Extract Phantasms of the Living - Volume ii - The hopping message 016218
- Felix Fossato of Turin hears the cry from his sick sister 011347
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - Nearly killed by a very evil spirit which possessed the medium 028007
- Hadewijch - Visions - One Pentecost at dawn I had a vision 013853
- Hallucinations from high emotion and hypoglycemia 013003
- Husband sees wife falling 010117
- Laubscher, B J F - The grey apparition floating along as if draped in a long frock and with hooded head that is the harbinger of gloom 023221
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Misery of a poor man 010118
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind 015009
- Mrs Florence M Cheverall, from 16 Devonshire House,Bath Terrace, London SE1 025674
- Mrs. Revell - As soon as I awoke, the wailing musical noise seemed to be everywhere 023445
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Sat helplessly in his hut bathed in pain and misery 016237
- Phantasms of the Living - Volume i - The death of Helen Alexander 016219
- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Volume vi - A shared hallucination 016220
- Scott, Selina - An interview with Canon Paul Greenwell about his ghost work 017173
- Scott, Selina - Selina Scott talks to Yasmin Ishaq about Jinns 017174
- St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi - Fasting and penance 012803
- The nuns who halted the train at the Catona Bridge, Italy 011305
- Thomas Whitchurch-Bennett - sees ghost of Percy Lambert who died there in a car crash in 1913 029601
- Visual hallucinations from the powerful emotion of desire 026035
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- An experience with kava 010341
- Andre Rieu - Poliushko Polie 012124
- Berlioz - chorus from l'Enfance du Christ 021211
- Berlioz - Harold en Italie 021207
- Berlioz - King Lear - Overture 021217
- Berlioz - La damnation de Faust 021213
- Berlioz - Le carnaval romain 021208
- Berlioz - Les nuits d'été 021210
- Berlioz - Les Troyens 01 021214
- Berlioz - Roméo et Juliette 021205
- Berlioz - The Tempest overture 021209
- Berlioz - Waverley overture 021212
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper 011244
- Bow, Clara - IT 006124
- Brahms - Gesang der Parzen op. 89 024379
- Byron, Lord - A fragment of a Turkish Tale 000605
- Byron, Lord - A visitant at intervals appears 010075
- Byron, Lord - Elegy on Thyrza 003708
- Byron, Lord - from Don Juan 003705
- Byron, Lord - from Don Juan 003718
- Byron, Lord - Manfred Act III scene I 003707
- Byron, Lord - The Dream and Manfred 003709
- Byron, Lord - There's music in the sighting of a reed 003706
- Carrey, Jim - article and clips 006177
- Cellini, Benvenuto – The Capitolo to Luca Martin 028899
- Chopin - Sonata in B minor Op. 58 025516
- Cymanfa Ganu 1969 - Llef (Welsh hymn) 017075
- Dickens, Charles - Hershman and Lieb 014673
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Freddie Mercury - On Love as a source of inspiration 022426
- Galois, Evariste - A total transformation of higher algebra 014603
- George Salmon - The Evidence of the Work of the Holy Spirit 024336
- Gurdjieff - Ouspensky learns about the destructive effect of negative emotions 000930
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Summary: Disease is caused by extreme emotions 026056
- Hadamard, Jacques - Archimedes, Daunou and emotion as driver 014469
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - The effects of high emotion 000838
- Koestler, Arthur - Arrow in the Blue 021630
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Creative thought 002684
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Holons 002678
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Learnt function 002677
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - On Nature's subassemblies 002676
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The impossibility of chance in evolution 002680
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The rules of the game 002675
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The unreliability of memory 002683
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Wormholes 002682
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - High emotion 003350
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - On 'entrancement' 002695
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - The dangers of reason 002697
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Extreme emotion 027159
- Levi, Carlo - from Christ Stopped at Eboli 021635
- Liszt - Années de pèlerinage - 01 Première année: Suisse 024541
- Liszt - Années de pèlerinage - 02 Deuxième année: Italie 024542
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 3 O filii et filiae (O sons and daughters) 024546
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 4 Resurrexit! (He has risen!) 024545
- Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 024532
- Liszt - Liebestraum - Love's Dream 024534
- Liszt - Piano Sonata in B Minor 024540
- Liszt - Vision a la Chapelle Sixtine 024535
- Marie Bashkirtseff - The releasing effect of extreme emotion 015011
- Mellery, Xavier - After Evening Prayers 007428
- Mellery, Xavier - Art verges on heaven and earth 007423
- Mellery, Xavier - Chute des dernieres feuilles d’Automne 002339
- Mellery, Xavier - Immortality 007427
- Mellery, Xavier - La delicatesse est fille de la force 007424
- Mellery, Xavier - La Poverella 007421
- Mellery, Xavier - Les rondes des heures 007425
- Mellery, Xavier - L’Eglantier 007422
- Monroe, Robert - Extreme emotion has physical bodily effects 003606
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Repression, suppression and intensified desire 005786
- Porter, Cole - I’ve got you under my skin 026260
- Porter, Cole - Love for Sale 026245
- Porter, Cole - Night and Day 026253
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals 019780
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume IV - On Pain 019775
- Renan, Ernest - The Double Prayer 019781
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 13 from The Manners of Kings Solitude 015283
- Schubert - Divertissement à l'hongroise g-moll D 818 - III. Allegretto 020649
- Schubert - Mass No. 6 in E flat major (D. 950) 020650
- Sibelius - Finlandia 012227
- Smetana - Haakon Jarl, symphonic poem, Op 16 025194
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 01 Transcript extract 016322
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 02 Transcript extract 016323
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 03 Transcript extract 016324
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 04 Transcript extract 016325
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 05 Transcript extract 016326
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 06 Transcript extract 016327
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: We are the stories we tell ourselves 016321
- TEDtalks - Isabel Allende - Tales of Passion 017574
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 06 017858
- Tulsidas - Kavitavali 07:183 017280
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 19 017272
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 30 017273
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 48 017274
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 79 017275
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 92 017276
- Wagner - Fire magic (Feuerzauber) 019745
- Wagner - On the spiritual 005896
- Wagner - Siegfried's Funeral March 010220
- Welsh Revivalists - Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean 017071
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
- William Collins - An Ode for Music 005938
Out of time
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper 011244
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light - The initiation of the Wangarapa by the Wirinum 023365
- Cus D’Amato – from Mike Tyson, Undisputed Truth – Using the out of body experience in boxing 023086
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Hill, Damon – Watching the Wheels – Out of body and possessed by the spirit of Ayrton Senna. ‘ It gave me an insight into a dimension I never knew existed ‘ 023662
- Lancelin, Dr Charles - The process of dynamic willing in OBEs 023122
- Levi, Carlo - from Christ Stopped at Eboli 021635
- Lilly, John - The barrier to another dimension 014586
- Mr S H Beard wills a series of OBEs to his fiancée Miss Verity and her sister, and he is ‘seen’ by both! 023125
- Senna, Ayrton - The out of body experiences of Ayrton Senna and Damon Hill 023037
- Spencer and Gillen - Atnongara stones 006520
- Suso, Henri - Goes out of body on the Feast of St. Agnes 000036
- Suso, Henri - Stella maris Maria hodie processit ad ortum 005818
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - Lihkadusat 011539
- The suicide of the Duke of Abrantes 011306
- Wesley, John - Journal 1739 - extract on rebirth 004138
- Abraham Ya’ari – Iggrot Erets Yisrael 014919
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper 011244
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Hadewijch - Visions - One Pentecost at dawn I had a vision 013853
- Mudras - Sokuchi-in - Earth witness 016852
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals 019780
- THE GREAT JIHAD • sufism in Chechnya 013072
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - Lihkadusat 011539
- Welsh Revivalists - The Holy Spirit engulfing him as a flame of fire 017072
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
In time
- A past life experience of WWI - and an intense, vivid memory of laying in a dark dugout 017449
- A vivid telepathic experience - I knew you would come, I have been calling for you, as your father has had a serious accident and needs your help 025673
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – On healing 01 016190
- Baroness de Boisleve sees her dying son Honore 011395
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper 011244
- Byron, Lord - The Dream 003719
- Cassidy, Joe - 'Sees' a car accident 006668
- Cus D’Amato - from Mike Tyson, Undisputed Truth – Controlling another’s mind 023088
- Dangerous book 010096
- Dickens, Charles - Hershman and Lieb 014673
- Dr Charles Tart - Taps in to others fear and terror 010932
- Dr J C Barker - How death prayers and fear can result in death 011921
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 02 Voices! 028577
- Dream of friend's suicide 010099
- Dream of son's accident 010114
- Dreaming of sick father 010095
- Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head 014234
- Elwin, Verrier – Revivalism, trance states and speaking in tongues 024517
- Eusevgny Faygdysh - The Mystic Cosmos - Psychological trauma and illness 013626
- Extract Phantasms of the Living - Volume ii - The hopping message 016218
- Felix Fossato of Turin hears the cry from his sick sister 011347
- Frido, the dog's, telepathic calls of distress, save his life 028121
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - Nearly killed by a very evil spirit which possessed the medium 028007
- Hadewijch - Visions - One Pentecost at dawn I had a vision 013853
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Healed by a Navajo medicine man 011903
- Hill, Damon – Watching the Wheels – Out of body and possessed by the spirit of Ayrton Senna. ‘ It gave me an insight into a dimension I never knew existed ‘ 023662
- Husband sees wife falling 010117
- Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 1,1997 - Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness 014230
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - Communicating via the mind 016229
- Laubscher, B J F – Has a vision of the death of the little girl who looked after his child 023281
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The ghoul of Ladram Bay 021912
- Liszt - Vision a la Chapelle Sixtine 024535
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr S Brittan from New York, USA 024597
- Mary Flewitt and the ghosts and poltergeists of her family home 029602
- Masters and Houston - Giants, Beasts and Titons 015539
- Menopause and mental disorders 006746
- Misery of a poor man 010118
- Mrs Florence M Cheverall, from 16 Devonshire House,Bath Terrace, London SE1 025674
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Sat helplessly in his hut bathed in pain and misery 016237
- Nicolas Cordier - of stout blows and flying turnips 011345
- Phantasms of the Living - Volume i - The death of Helen Alexander 016219
- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Volume vi - A shared hallucination 016220
- Puharich, Andrija - Beyond Telepathy - Reading the mind of the guide 016236
- Quakers - Holy rollers rolling 004455
- Ramakrishna - A Vision 010724
- Sacred sites and the FieldREG experiments 014232
- Scott, Selina - An interview with Canon Paul Greenwell about his ghost work 017173
- Scott, Selina - Selina Scott talks to Yasmin Ishaq about Jinns 017174
- Senna, Ayrton - I'm sure that the wall moved! 023036
- Sharing the vision of her dying mother 014520
- Sherman, Harold - February 21st 1938 - Monday 015805
- Sherman, Harold - Fire: December 7th, 1937 015806
- Sherman, Harold - The story of the light switch 015808
- Sir Edward Marshall Hall - Automatic forewarning of his brother’s death via automatic writing 028109
- Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose – His Life and Speeches - On empathy 016231
- St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi - Fasting and penance 012803
- Suso, Henri - Stella maris Maria hodie processit ad ortum 005818
- Suso, Henri - The Upper School and the science of Perfect Self-abandonment 000850
- Test of Effects of the deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa 014231
- The little imbecile woman who died raving mad from ill-treatment by her cruel husband and haunted the house where they once lived 026976
- The nuns who halted the train at the Catona Bridge, Italy 011305
- The Possession of a Nun by Asmodeus 024344
- The Possession of Father Surin 024325
- The Possession of Sister Jeanne des Anges 024324
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - 'les-Pieti' 011540
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - Lihkadusat 011539
- The Strange case of Ermine de Reims 020097
- The suicide of Amelia Brentano 017036
- The suicide of the Duke of Abrantes 011306
- Vitebsky, Piers - visit from a dying man 010072
- Watson, Lyall - Telepathy experiments 016240
- Watson, Lyall - Vultures 011388
- Welsh Revivalists - Evan Roberts 017068
- Welsh Revivalists - It is the Spirit alone which is leading us 017069
- Wilkins, Sir Hubert - November 29th 1937 015809
- Wilkins, Sir Hubert - October 28th 1937 015830
- Dickens, Charles - Premonition of a rail crash 014672
- Laubscher, B J F - The grey apparition floating along as if draped in a long frock and with hooded head that is the harbinger of gloom 023221
- The suicide of Amelia Brentano 017036
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
- Baroness de Boisleve sees her dying son Honore 011395
- Dreaming of sick father 010095
- Extract Phantasms of the Living - Volume ii - The hopping message 016218
- Nicolas Cordier - of stout blows and flying turnips 011345
- Phantasms of the Living - Volume i - The death of Helen Alexander 016219
- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Volume vi - A shared hallucination 016220
- The suicide of the Duke of Abrantes 011306
- Vitebsky, Piers - visit from a dying man 010072
Environmental Influence
- Blessed Elizabeth von Reute – Given the Host by an angel 024224
- Dr J C Barker - Australian aboriginal - Death prayers 011940
- Dr J C Barker - How death prayers and fear can result in death 011921
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live 011922
- Dr J C Barker - The auto-suggestive power of curses and death prayers 011941
- Dr. Jean Wier - 1551, near Waldstadt, Germany - Woman taken up by the devil and dropped from the sky 028908
- Felicia Parise and psychokinesis 010740
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Frieda Weisl - making the earth move 008322
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - Nearly killed by a very evil spirit which possessed the medium 028007
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Abdomen and intestine disease induced by powerful emotions 026064
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Aphonia induced by powerful emotions 026137
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Birthmarks induced by powerful emotions – Fear, repulsion and shock 026144
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Cancer induced by powerful emotions 026151
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Cardiac arrest induced by powerful emotions – Lust 026120
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Indigestion induced by powerful emotions – Depression, Jealousy and Fear 026154
- Hasted, Professor John – 22 Spoon bending - Changes of mood and its effect on the success of spoon bending 026908
- Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 1,1997 - Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness 014230
- Laubscher, B J F - Constable laGrange was hit over the head with a broom while no one was anywhere near him 023216
- Laubscher, B J F - The poltergeists who threw rocks and coal in the house of Mr and Mrs Nieuwoudt 023215
- Leedskalnin, Edward - Coral Castle - 20th Century Wonder [Feb 1991] 021806
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Stone circles were laboratories in which power could be collected and stored until such time as it was needed 021774
- Louise Lateau de Bois d’Haine 005917
- Mary Flewitt and the ghosts and poltergeists of her family home 029602
- Mikhailova, Nelya - The family dog, watched with bewilderment as objects near Nelya began to gyrate 023343
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Sat helplessly in his hut bathed in pain and misery 016237
- Nicolas Cordier - of stout blows and flying turnips 011345
- Psychogenic hemorrhages 026130
- Sacred sites and the FieldREG experiments 014232
- Sarce Dazacal, of Buenos Aires and the moving mattress 011344
- Scott, Selina - An interview with Canon Paul Greenwell about his ghost work 017173
- Test of Effects of the deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa 014231
- The little imbecile woman who died raving mad from ill-treatment by her cruel husband and haunted the house where they once lived 026976
- Vitebsky, Piers - visit from a dying man 010072