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Difficult birth

Category: Events



Introduction and description

 The correct medical name for a difficult birth is 'dystocia', other more meaningful names include difficult labour, abnormal labour, difficult childbirth, abnormal childbirth, and dysfunctional labour.

Childbirth is an extremely dangerous and risky activity, for both the mother and the child. Spiritual experiences caused by childbirth itself are covered in the section on childbirth, but this section looks at the spiritual experiences that result from a baby having experienced a diifficult birth. From the baby's point of view, these experiences result from the longer term consequences of the birth, but most of these are the result of damage to the baby – its little brain and its fragile little body - at birth.

Although one can simplify the damage and call it simply 'brain damage', the damage may be positive spiritually. Children born with a 'standard issue' brain tend to be without spiritual gifts. If they get spiritual experiences they have to work at it, doing the sorts of things I have described in the suppression section. But babies born with a 'damaged' brain often have to do nothing, they get experiences from the moment they start being able to remember and the experiences range from prophecy to healing, visions to inspiration, and hallucinations to inter composer communication.

There is a way in which one can tell if all did not work out quite the way it should have done on your birth. The method is crude, but at least easily done, and the way is to use glasses - spectacles.

If adjustments have to be made to your glasses - reading or other - to level them up because your ears are at different levels or your eyes are, there is a real possibility that your brain will not have the same configuration as other people's and that you may have some unusual abilities. The shape of your head in general can also be an indicator.


Look for a moment at the size of a baby and then the size of the average mother, their hips and the exit for the baby and even the most medically unaware should be able to see that birth is going to be a process fraught with complications.

If you have a Mum with narrow hips and/or a baby weighing more than 8 to 9 pounds, the chances of injury to the baby and the Mum are high. It does not help if the Mum is obese, as an obese Mum cannot produce 'ligamentous relaxation and widening of the symphysis pubis' during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Here are just some of the things that can go wrong which affect the baby: 

Malpresentation – what is called a breech birth in which the baby's head is delivered last and the baby comes out buttocks or feet first
Obstetricians face difficult decisions when the interests of fetus and mother conflict. ….Vaginal delivery involves risks for the breech fetus of brain damage or death caused by umbilical cord compression and head entrapment. …..Uncertainty about the frequency of fetal injuries in vaginal breech deliveries adds to the difficulty of these decisions. PMID: 3280800

Failure of descent of the fetal head through the pelvic brim or the interspinous diameter – so the baby's head is too big to get through the opening, for example, and gets stuck or squashed

Assisted delivery using forceps or vacuum - which squeezes the baby's head.
“Birth injury of the skull and central nervous system can be a complication of a difficult delivery, especially following forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery. Birth trauma of the head can also mimic the appearance of a non-accidental head injury and is therefore an important differential diagnosis”. PMID: 21868179

Obstructed delivery - causing respiratory depression, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), and brachial nerve damage.

Shoulder dystocia - the anterior shoulder of the infant cannot pass below the pubic symphysis or requires significant manipulation to pass below it. In theory, nurses and doctors could be using a technique called the 'McRoberts manouver', but apparently do not always do so
“These data suggest that the McRoberts' maneuver is associated with a significant degree of success in relieving shoulder dystocia and may be associated with decreased morbidity compared with other maneuvers. On the basis of these findings, we recommend the McRoberts' maneuver as the initial technique for disimpaction of the anterior shoulder.PMID: 9077624

Inexperienced or bad help during delivery – poor nursing practises and doctor mistakes can also cause damage to a baby.

The medical profession seem to be a litte blase about the damage to a baby at birth – quote “most fetal birth injuries resolve without long term harm...”. From a more detailed study, there is far more damage done and long term effects than they seem to recognise. Even heart abnormalities occuring years later can very occasionally be traced back to the damage done to the heart at birth by, for example, temporary oxygen deprivation or simple pressure.

It might be worth adding that not all babies with brain damage have it from difficult births, damage can be done prior to birth, as such it is often difficult to pin down what caused the damage...

"A compromised intrauterine environment that delivers low levels of oxygen and/or nutrients, or is infected or inflammatory, can result in fetal brain injury, abnormal brain development and in cases of chronic compromise, intrauterine growth restriction. Preterm birth can also be associated with injury to the developing brain and affect the normal trajectory of brain growth. ….. relatively brief (acute) periods of fetal hypoxemia can have significant effects on the fetal brain, for example death of susceptible neuronal populations (cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex) and cerebral white matter damage. Chronic placental insufficiency which includes fetal hypoxemia, nutrient restriction and altered endocrine status can result in fetal growth restriction and long-term deficits in neural connectivity in addition to altered postnatal function, for example in the auditory and visual systems. PMID: 21527338

How it works

Brain damage

References and further reading

  •  Fetal seizure activity associated with lethal cerebral damage at birth: two cases. Ingemarsson I, Spencer JA. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1998 Jan;77(1):127-9. PMID: 9492735 
  • [Role of prematurity in the development of congenital diseases and in particular epilepsy connected with damage during fetal life and at birth]. Majewska Z. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 1975 Mar-Apr;9(2):159-67. Polish. PMID: 1153051
  • A complicated case: brain damage caused by forceps delivery. Finch J. Nurs Mirror. 1981 Jan 8;152(2):7. PMID: 6906774 
  • Acta Chir Acad Sci Hung. 1965;6(4):353-64. [Fetal injuries in forceps delivery]. [Article in German] Tallián F, Puskás E, Hernády A, Szegedy L, Tomka I. PMID: 5858775

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