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Observations placeholder

Cassidy, Joe - finding lost ring



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Joe Cassidy

The Diviner

It's not only animals that I find for people; I find valuable objects too. And one time a woman rang to tell me she'd lost her ring. She was moving house and couldn't find it anywhere.

'I've searched high and low,' she said. 'I don't know how much it's worth, but it's so very pretty, and to me it has great value. It belonged to my grandmother, then my own mother. I've admired it all my life, and when I go, I want to pass it on to the next generation.'

Somebody had given her my number.

'They said you're a diviner,' she told me. 'Can you help me to find it, Mr Cassidy?'

This wasn't the first time I've been asked to find jewellery.

'OK,' I said, 'stay on the phone, but I'm not going to talk for a minute or two. I want to zone in on your house. I want to get a vision of it.' Less than sixty seconds passed. Then I said, 'Do you live in an old farmhouse?'

'I do.'

'Is there a room where they'd have kept cheese in years ago? A cool room or a pantry?'

'There is.'

'And you have a freezer in there at the moment. A big chest freezer'


'The ring is behind the freezer'

'No, no it's not. I already looked. We moved the freezer out, and it's not there.'

'I'm getting it's there. Behind the base of it.'

‘Well, I can't move it again at the moment.'

'Sure. But when you can.'

I was picking up that she was an elderly lady and that she wouldn't be able to move that freezer herself. She would have to wait for her son to come and visit.

'Ring me,' I said, 'when you've been able to take a good look. I’d like to hear.'

And later on that evening, she did. 'My son came in. We moved the freezer, but when we looked the ring wasn't there. I began to doubt you, Mr Cassidy. But then ...'


'When we started to push the freezer in again, the ring fell off one of the freezer's legs. So thanks very much.'

It's nice when someone calls to tell me what happened, because sometimes I never hear the outcome. Very often, I only learn I was successful when a friend of the person rings me to ask me to find something for them. They'll tell me that their friend said it was amazing the way I had found their bracelet or their earring or pendant or watch.

The source of the experience

Cassidy, Joe

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Difficult birth


Inherited genes



 Cassidy, J. The Diviner, Dublin: Penguin 2012