Observations placeholder
Cardano, Geralamo - Wisdom, trance and going out of body
Type of Spiritual Experience
He also received most of his inspiration and wisdom in a trance state
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion
The philosoher Jerome Cardano of Pavia [1501-76] could, from the time he was 55 throw himself at will into a trance. He describes for us the course of his psychic exteriorisation
"When I go into a trance, I have a sensation near my heart as though my soul were parting from my body, and this separatuion then takes place in the whole of my body, above all in my head and brain. After that I have no sensation, save the feeling of being out of my body"
During the trance he no longer felt the gout, from which he suffered greatly in a normal condition, because his sensibility was completely exteriorised [Cardano De Rerum varietata XXXIV]