Premature birth
Category: Events
Introduction and description
Medically a premature baby is defined as the birth of a baby less than 37 weeks gestational age. What marks out premature babies is that they are, of course, smaller than full term babies, but many are born without their organs having had enough time to fully develop. Some of these babies show obvious disabilities, some have less obvious problems that only surface later. Even with considerable medical care the organs may never fully develop even though the baby survives.
Several organ systems mature between 34 and 37 weeks, so any baby born before this time or during this time is going to have at least one of their organs not fully developed. One of the main organs greatly affected by premature birth is the lungs. The lungs are one of the last organs to mature in the womb; because of this, many premature babies spend the first days/weeks of their life on a ventilator.
With improved health care, more and more very premature babies are being 'saved'. Babies as young as 24 weeks old have been nursed to survive and there are even some cases of babies as tiny as 21 weeks being 'saved'. But of course babies this tiny really do have few organs properly developed and external care never fully matches the growing conditions of the womb. In all cases there is the risk of brain damage, but the risk increases significantly as the age of the baby decreases. As Wikipedia says “there are ethical controversies over the aggressiveness of the care rendered to such infants”.
Wikipedia lists a whole host of terrifying neurological problems that can result from being premature.
“apnea of prematurity, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), developmental disability, transient hyperammonemia of the newborn, cerebral palsy and intraventricular hemorrhage, [the latter affecting 25 percent of babies born preterm], mild brain bleeds or severe bleeds often resulting in brain damage or even death”.
Due to the order in which the brain develops, a premature baby is more likely to have 'white matter' 'brain abnormalities. This is the area of Memory, and thus intellect, thus a child with these areas damaged may exhibit signs similar to autism or savantism, or the damage may be far worse and severe learning difficulties of all sorts – language, behavioural, and so on may result.
But what seems clear is that very occasionally by a strange fluke of fate or Destiny, just the right amount of 'brain damage' is done and the child becomes a genius in touch with the spiritual world on a permanent basis.
The autistic savant Derek Paravicini, for example, was born at 25 weeks. The oxygen therapy given during his time in a neonatal intensive care unit rendered him blind and affected his developing brain, resulting in Paravicini developing autism. However, he also has absolute pitch and highly developed musical abilities.
Historical figures who were born prematurely include Johannes Kepler (born in 1571 at 7 months gestation), Isaac Newton (born in 1643, small enough to fit into a quart mug, according to his mother), Winston Churchill (born in 1874 at 7 months gestation), and Anna Pavlova (born in 1885 at 7 months gestation).
Occasionally if not a genius they become 'psychic' like Joe McMoneagle.
All these geniuses and psychically gifted people will spend their whole lives battling illness.
Cardiovascular complications are common due to the failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth. Respiratory problems are common, due to the malformation of the lungs and there may be chronic lung disease. Gastrointestinal and metabolic problems can occur, hypoglycemia, hernias and anaemia, even jaundice. And they will suffer from endless infections because their immune system is not fully functional, anything from sepsis to pneumonia, and urinary tract infection. A large study on children born between 22 and 25 weeks who were currently at school age found that 46 percent had severe or moderate disabilities such as cerebral palsy, vision or hearing loss and learning problems. 34 percent were mildly disabled and 20 percent had no obvious disabilities, while 12 percent had disabling cerebral palsy.
There is in reality no treatment for prematurity. The only true treatment is to avoid the causes listed below. But the medical profession seem to be intent on interfering here and these poor little souls have not been helped in recent times by the inadvisable use of pharmaceuticals by doctors.
Women at risk from premature birth are routinely given [in the USA at least] Antibiotics, NSAIDs, magnesium sulfate, Calcium channel blockers, beta mimetics, atosiban, corticosteroids, oxytocin antagonists, and beta2-agonist drugs. This terrifying list occasionally serves to prevent premature delivery, but it often does untold harm to the baby. For instance, clinical research conducted in 2004 has shown that the postnatal administration of dexamethasone led to permanent neuromotor and cognitive deficits. In addition, a recent large scale study has found that a second “rescue” dose of betamethasone prenatally led to decreased weight, length, and head circumference. The side effects of the corticosteroids were diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, inhibition of growth, hypertension, cognitive problems, anxiety, depression, gastritis, and colitis. One study showed that a single exposure to these same drugs during brain development caused rapid brain degeneration.
There are a huge number of things which can cause premature birth. Poor diet and nutrition; stress, anxiety or depression; lack of adequate rest and sleep on the part of the mother play a part.
Premature birth and other adverse outcomes, including death, are higher among abused pregnant women than among non-abused women.
The EUROPOP study showed that premature birth is related to prolonged work (over 42 hours per week) or prolonged standing (over 6 hours per day). Also, night work has been linked to preterm birth.
Pregnancy interval makes a difference as women with a 6 months span or less between pregnancies have a two-fold increase in premature birth and birth abnormalities in general.
Environmental toxins – heavy metals, pesticides, pollution have an effect. Then there are pharmaceuticals as we have seen above. Viruses can have an impact as well as parasites. Bacterial vaginosis before or during pregnancy can cause premature births as can a host of other bacterial infections. Even periodontal disease has been shown to be linked to preterm birth.
Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.) are a significant factor in premature birth and in problems with development in general. The March of Dimes Multicenter Prematurity and Prevention Study found that 54% of twins were delivered prematurely. Triplets are even more endangered. The use of fertility medication that stimulates the ovary to release multiple eggs and of IVF with embryo transfer of multiple embryos "has been implicated as an important factor in premature birth".
General ill health in the mother can also cause premature births anything from high blood pressure, pneumonia, appendicitis, diabetes, asthma, thyroid disease, weak or short cervixes, uterine malformations and heart disease can result in premature births
And then of course there is the old mother.
Finally, the use of tobacco, cocaine [and other drugs], and excessive alcohol during pregnancy also increases the chance of premature delivery.
Avoid this lot and you stand a better chance of going full term.
How it works
Studies of people born premature and investigated later with MRI brain imaging, demonstrate qualitative anomalies of brain structure and grey matter 'deficits' within temporal lobe structures and the cerebellum that persist into adolescence.
In effect, the principal contributor to spiritual experience is brain damage which sounds extremely upsetting, until one realises what opportunities it opens up for those whose Intellect is not drowning spiritual input.
For more details see the Model of the Mind and How spiritual experience works
It may also be helpful to refer to the Brain and its functions
References and further reading
Premature Babies UK
Neonatology on the Web
The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies – Linden, Paroli and Doron
I may not have observations for all the premature babies who are 'famous' but the following people were born premature
Pablo Picasso, Thomas Hardy, Franklin Roosevelt, John Keats, Mark Twain, Napoleon Bonaparte, Renoir, Sir Winston Churchill, Johann Goethe, Stevie Wonder, D H Lawrence, Thomas Hobbes, Victor Hugo, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Anna Pavlova, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein, along with the figures mentioned in the introduction.
Related observations
Healing observations
- Cardano, Geralamo - Wisdom, trance and going out of body 011256
- Cod liver oil, premature birth, rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis 012190
- Effect of silibinin in reducing inflammatory pathways in in vitro and in vivo models of infection-induced preterm birth 017220
- Mrs Grieve on Mugwort [Artemisia vulgaris] 012749
- Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Video Portrait (Parts 1 & 2) 022326
- Osteopathy and premature babies 006193
- Premature babies, lanolin, olive oil and dermatitis 010131
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - The skilful boatman 013819
- The Healing Power of Sleep 026790
- Vitiligo and Vitamin D deficiency 010133
- Caffeine citrate 018137
- Copper deficiency and the unborn child 006904
- Decadron 018851
- Goethe - The vision of his friend Frederick 011254
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - And the Island of Whistling Spirits 010880
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - Goes to the Place of Dread 010879
- Procardia 015674
- The haunting of Hypollite Clairon 025663
- Vitamin D deficiency and its effects 007172
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Born prematurely and weighed only two pounds at birth 021172
- Cardano, Gerolamo - Universal joints and 'imaginaries' 014625
- Churchill, Winston - Among the Romans not a bird 021563
- Churchill, Winston - Prophesying the future and its dangers 026724
- Churchill, Winston - The useful bite of the black dog 023195
- Darwin, Charles - The Expression of the Emotions 003985
- Darwin, Charles - The Power of Movement in Plants 003986
- Derek Paravicini 006093
- Einstein, Albert - Curved space time 002427
- Einstein, Albert - E=mc2 002431
- Einstein, Albert - On receiving wisdom and inspiration 004193
- Einstein, Albert - Rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law 003931
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of Nature 002428
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of the Universe 010830
- Einstein, Albert - The nature of 'God' 002432
- Einstein, Albert - The Rules and Systems of the Universe 002974
- Einstein, Albert - Time 004874
- Einstein, Albert - Why are we here 004875
- Einstein, Albert - Zero point energy 002429
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The celebration of diversity 011750
- Goethe - Autobiography - On Faith 000276
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000267
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000275
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000265
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000274
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000272
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000271
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000256
- Goethe - Faust Part 2 000258
- Goethe - Faust Part 2 003308
- Goethe - Miscellaneous quotes 1 000253
- Goethe - Miscellaneous quotes 2 000266
- Goethe - Selected poems - And his voice, like a stream, of magic it is 000263
- Goethe - Selected poems - As on the day that gave you to the world 000269
- Goethe - Selected poems - Have you wishes without number 000254
- Goethe - Selected poems - In life like a flood, in deeds like a storm 000273
- Goethe - Selected poems - Tell it to the wisest only, For the mob will mock such learning 000255
- Goethe - Selected poems - The sun proclaims its old devotion 000264
- Goethe - Selected poems - The water lapped, the water swirled 000268
- Goethe - Selected poems - To my garden here translated, Foliage of this eastern tree 000277
- Goethe - Selected poems - Who never wept to eat his bread 010832
- Goethe - Selected poems - Who shall envy me such pleasure 000257
- Goethe - Wilhem Meister 000270
- Hugo, Victor - At Gautier’s Grave 003301
- Hugo, Victor - Misc. Quote - On love 001423
- Hugo, Victor - What, on earth, we call the end, Is the commencement 025293
- Keats, John - Endymion - A Thing of beauty is a joy for ever 000341
- Keats, John - Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds 000343
- Keats, John - Ever let the fancy roam, pleasure never is at home 000340
- Keats, John - from Letters 000342
- Keats, John - Letter March 1819 013202
- Keats, John - Ode on Melancholy - But when the melancholy fit shall fall 003957
- Keats, John - Ode on the Poets - Bards of passion and of mirth 001232
- Keats, John - Ode to a Nightingale 000344
- Keats, John - Quote 001421
- Keats, John - The Tapestry of Life 002337
- Kepler, Johannes - An epiphany of the laws of the solar system 003968
- Kepler, Johannes - Epistola ad Maestlinum - The Sun and the Moon 019755
- Kepler, Johannes - from Optics - On horns 004390
- Kepler, Johannes - Gesam. Werke VII 004391
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmonices Mundi Libri V 003971
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmonices Mundi Libri V – The Matrix 019751
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmony and spirit 003970
- Kepler, Johannes - Notes from Somnium 004388
- Kepler, Johannes - Platonic Universe from Mysterium Cosmographicum 003972
- Kepler, Johannes - The planets’ songs are polyphonic 003969
- Kepler, Johannes - The soul bears within itself the idea of the zodiac 003973
- Kepler, Johannes – De Configurationibus harmonis 019757
- Lawrence, D H - from The Ship of Death 001099
- Lawrence, D H - Promises 1929 013234
- Lawrence, D H - The Bride 001100
- Leslie Lemke 006096
- Newton, Sir Isaac - Principia - Seas of energy 001439
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Laws of motion 003486
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Music of the spheres 003487
- Picasso, Pablo - Guernica 003737
- Picasso, Pablo - The Old Guitarist 003736
- Picasso, Pablo - The Weeping Woman 003734
- Picasso, Pablo - Self portrait 003735
- Ravens 006703
- Renoir - Nudes 3 008044
- St Catherine of Sienna - Judgement of others 013148
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - A Good boy 013212
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - At last she comes 013213
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - From a Railway Carriage 013214
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - If a man love the labour of any trade 013215
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - My Shadow 013211
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - On brownies and boggarts 001555
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - Virginbus Puerisque 013209
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - What is love 013210
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - The skilful boatman 013819
- Tony DeBlois 006097
- Twain, Mark - Who are the oppressors 015802
- Wonder, Stevie - Innervisions (full album) 012030
- Wonder, Stevie - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours 026685
- Wonder, Stevie - Too high 026683
- Wonder, Stevie - Visions 026682
Out of time
- Born prematurely and weighed only two pounds at birth 021172
- Cardano, Geralamo - Wisdom, trance and going out of body 011256
- Churchill, Winston - My New York Misadventure 023788
- Goethe - Faust Part 1 000274
- Kepler, Johannes - from Somnium - Spirit helpers 004389
- Kepler, Johannes - The Daemon from Levania from Somnium 004392
- McMoneagle, Joe - Experimenting at the Monroe Institite 004081
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finding General Dozier 003870
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finds a Soviet plane in Zaire 003869
- McMoneagle, Joe - Has out of body during operation 004084
- McMoneagle, Joe - Ignores the excesses imposed for Remote viewing 004078
- McMoneagle, Joe - Meets a spirit helper 004082
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote viewing achievements 008381
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views 004083
- Near death blind woman sees 001324
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - And his out of body adventures 007961
- Goethe - Selected poems - Tell it to the wisest only, For the mob will mock such learning 000255
- Kepler, Johannes - The Daemon from Levania from Somnium 004392
- McMoneagle, Joe - The small voice inside became a lot louder 003864
- St Catherine of Sienna - The Divine Dialogue 012802
In time
- Churchill, Winston - I see the absolute truth and explanation of things 003982
- Goethe - The vision of his friend Frederick 011254
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - And the Island of Whistling Spirits 010880
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - Combats a Death Prayer 010876
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - Goes to the Place of Dread 010879
- Keats, John - The Tapestry of Life 002337
- Kepler, Johannes - from Somnium - Spirit helpers 004389
- Kepler, Johannes - Notes from Somnium 004388
- Kepler, Johannes - The planets’ songs are polyphonic 003969
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finding General Dozier 003870
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finds a Soviet plane in Zaire 003869
- McMoneagle, Joe - Ignores the excesses imposed for Remote viewing 004078
- McMoneagle, Joe - Meets a spirit helper 004082
- McMoneagle, Joe - Reads Scotty's mind 003868
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views 004083
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views the Abrams XM-1 heavy tank 003867
- Renoir - Boats and Shepherdesses 008050
- Renoir - Clowns and Pierrots 008059
- Renoir - Dances and pianos 008051
- Renoir - Girls combing their hair 008047
- Renoir - Landscapes 1 008062
- Renoir - Landscapes 2 008063
- Renoir - Landscapes 3 008064
- Renoir - Landscapes 4 008065
- Renoir - Landscapes 5 008066
- Renoir - Luncheons and Balls 008049
- Renoir - Nudes 1 008042
- Renoir - Nudes 2 008043
- Renoir - Nudes 3 008044
- Renoir - Nudes 4 008045
- Renoir - Nudes 5 008046
- Renoir - Portraits 1 008053
- Renoir - Portraits 2 008054
- Renoir - Portraits 3 008055
- Renoir - Portraits 4 008056
- Renoir - Portraits 5 008057
- Renoir - Portraits 6 008058
- Renoir - Portraits 7 008060
- Renoir - Portraits 8 008061
- Renoir - Umbrellas 008048
- Renoir - Young boy with a cat 008052
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - And his out of body adventures 007961
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - On brownies and boggarts 001555
- The haunting of Hypollite Clairon 025663
- Toxins and fetal brain damage 010187
- Twain, Mark - Dan DeQuille and thought transference 015798
- Twain, Mark - The missing clippings 015797
- Churchill, Winston - Prophesying the future and its dangers 026724
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - And the Island of Whistling Spirits 010880
- Kepler, Johannes - A Prophecy comes true 004641
- Twain, Mark - Prophesies his own death 015800
- Twain, Mark - Prophesying death 015799