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Observations placeholder

Vitiligo and Vitamin D deficiency



Type of Spiritual Experience


Better to get your vitamin D from sunshine and foods - follow the link below to see which foods contain Vitamin D

A description of the experience

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2013 Nov-Dec;79(6):750-8. Doi: 10.4103/0378-6323.120720  The role of vitamin D in melanogenesis with an emphasis on vitiligo. AlGhamdi K1, Kumar A, Moussa N. Department of Dermatology; Vitiligo Research Chair, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Vitiligo is a common pigmentary disorder caused by the destruction of functional melanocytes. Vitamin D is an essential hormone synthesized in the skin and is responsible for skin pigmentation. Low levels of vitamin D have been observed in vitiligo patients and in patients with other autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the relationship between vitamin D and vitiligo needs to be investigated more thoroughly.

We reviewed the literature to date regarding the role of vitamin D in skin pigmentation. Our review revealed that vitamin D deficiency has been identified in many conditions, including premature and dysmature birth, pigmented skin, obesity, advanced age, and malabsorption.

Vitamin D increases melanogenesis and the tyrosinase content of cultured human melanocytes by its antiapoptotic effect. However, a few growth-inhibitory effects on melanocytes were also reported. Vitamin D regulates calcium and bone metabolism, controls cell proliferation and differentiation, and exerts immunoregulatory activities. Vitamin D exerts its effect via a nuclear hormone receptor for vitamin D.

The topical application of vitamin D yields significant results when used in combination with phototherapy and ultraviolet exposure to treat vitiligo in humans. Vitamin D decreases the expression of various cytokines that cause vitiligo. In conclusion, application of vitamin D might help in preventing destruction of melanocytes thus causing vitiligo and other autoimmune disorders. The association between low vitamin D levels and the occurrence of vitiligo and other forms of autoimmunity is to be further evaluated.

PMID: 24177606

The source of the experience

Other ill or disabled person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

