Autoimmune diseases
Category: Illness or disabilities
Introduction and description

The official definition of an Autoimmune disease is a disease of the organs in the body that results from [and I quote]
.... The abnormal immune response of the body against tissues normally present in the body. It may be restricted to certain organs (e.g. in autoimmune thyroiditis) or involve a particular tissue in different places (e.g. Goodpasture's disease which may affect the basement membrane in both the lung and the kidney).
In both autoimmune and inflammatory diseases the condition arises through aberrant reactions of the human adaptive or innate immune systems.
- In autoimmunity, the patient’s immune system is activated against the body's own proteins.
- In inflammatory diseases, it is the overreaction of the immune system, and its subsequent downstream signaling (TNF, IFN, etc.), which causes problems.
A substantial minority of the population suffers from these diseases, which are often chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening. There are more than eighty illnesses caused by autoimmunity. It has been estimated that autoimmune diseases are among the ten leading causes of death among women in all age groups up to 65 years. The treatment of autoimmune diseases is typically with immunosuppressants—medication that decreases the immune response. ”

Now initially I accepted this definition. But after a while I started to question what amounts to a very odd explanation.
Why should the immune system attack the body at all?
There is no earthly reason why the body should attack itself.
I then looked at the record of immunosuppressants which are, to say the least, a little on the 'iffy' side, and I questioned this assumption even more.
Immunosuppressants, it would seem, led to more diseases than I could list on this page. By suppressing this supposedly over active system, they virtually killed it off and illness followed on from illness.
As I keep repeating in every section, this site is not a medical site and nor does it pretend to be one, but there is one thing that became apparent - large numbers of people suffer from hallucinatory experiences and more serious spiritual experiences - like death - from both immunosuppressants and these diseases.

This site aims to find out why these experiences are happening and thereby help people and give comfort. As a consequence, I needed to find out why this was happening.
So here we go, with a possible explanation.
I am afraid this is original research, but it is backed by hundreds of papers from Pubmed, and I will try to give references where possible [space permitting] so bear with me.
Illnesses and diseases

Not so long ago, there was no such thing as an Autoimmune disease.
Then as time went on a gradually growing number of illnesses have been added to the list.
Diseases once classified as 'syndromes' are now being classified as autoimmune diseases.
It is perhaps worth adding that as the medical profession have become more pharmacologically biased and less interested in cause based medicine, they have also become less respectful of the design of the body as a perfect machine, which only loses its perfection from external attack - external attack, not internal.
This website has detailed descriptions for a small number of supposedly autoimmune diseases with their observations, but I have not gone overboard, preferring to keep to the main classification of diseases around the organs themselves. The list that follows is neither complete, nor probably one with which everyone would agree, simply because there is no agreement in the medical community in general:
Blindness, macular degeneration and other sight impairment
Within this general category of diseases are some which are inflammation based and are classified as autoimmune diseases. These include:

- Uveitis - an inflammation of the uvea - the middle, pigmented vascular structures of the eye and includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Pharmaceuticals have been shown to cause Uveitis LINK. [as of October 2016 750 drugs were implicated]. In addition Parasites, Toxins, Bacteria, and Viruses have all been shown to cause the disease, particularly those that cause Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease, Syphilis, Toxocariasis, Toxoplasmic chorioretinitis, and Tuberculosis
Brain damage
a long list but including such diseases and illnesses as
- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a disease of the brain 'which usually occurs following a viral infection but may appear following vaccination, bacterial or parasitic infection, or even appear spontaneously'
- Hashimoto's Encephalopathy is a rare autoimmune disease associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In effect it is brain damage - encephalitis - caused by thyroid disease. It is linked to bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, fungi, parasites and pharmaceuticals - see LINK. As of October 2016 about 500 drugs were implicated.
- Myasthenia Gravis - classified as a muscle disease but principally caused by damage to organs of the brain. There may also be thymus damage - damage to the organ of the immune system itself
- Schizophrenia - even schizophrenia is being included now as an autoimmune disease by medics even though it is well known that the causes are viruses, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, toxins, fungal infections and parasites. The response by the immune system in this case is definitely not inappropriate as the brain is often under severe attack. Schizophrenia is associated with bornavirus, the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, as well as Borrelia species bacteria. Schizophrenia is also linked to neonatal infection with Coxsackie B virus (an enterovirus). Prenatal exposure to influenza virus in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of schizophrenia 7-fold including viruses in vaccines. The observations for schizophrenia itself show the other causes.
Bone and skeleton diseases

which include
- Rheumatoid arthritis - Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with parvovirus B19 and the herpes family of viruses, it has also been linked to the Borrelia bacteria of the spirochete phylum [a parasite], transmitted primarily by ticks and some by lice.
- Ankylosing spondylitis of which one known cause is the Klebsiella bacteria, but pharmaceuticals are also a major cause - see LINK. As of October 2016 about 550 drugs were implicated. Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that usually affects the axial skeleton and can progress to stiffness and progressive functional limitation. Acute anterior uveítus [eye disease] is the most common extra-articular manifestation, occurring in 20%-30% of the patients with ankylosing spondylitis
- Psoriatic arthritis - a type of inflammatory arthritis that will develop in up to 30 percent of people who have the chronic skin condition psoriasis. Common symptoms include Pain, swelling, or stiffness in one or more joints; Joints that are red or warm to the touch; Sausage-like swelling in the fingers or toes, changes to the nails, such as pitting or separation from the nail bed, pain in the area of the sacrum (the lower back, above the tailbone). A small number of pharmaceuticals are implicated in this condition, including Vitamin supplements - see LINK.
Blood circulatory system diseases

..of which there are many, but only a few are currently classified as autoimmune diseases, notably:
- Antiphospholipid syndrome or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome which appears to be caused by viruses notably the CMV virus. Antiphospholipid syndrome also called Hughes syndrome, causes blood clots (thrombosis) in both arteries and veins as well as pregnancy-related complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm delivery, or severe preeclampsia.
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia occurs when red blood cells (RBCs) burst (lyse), leading to insufficient plasma concentration. It can be caused by having a blood transfusion from someone infected with pathogens [viruses, bacteria, toxins, fungal infections, heavy metals etc] and by the antigens they cause
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is defined as low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) with normal bone marrow. It causes a characteristic rash and an increased tendency to bleed. It often follows an infection
- Kawasaki disease - is a disease in which the medium-sized blood vessels throughout the body become inflamed. It is largely seen in children under five years of age. Its rarest but most serious effect is on the heart where it can cause fatal coronary artery aneurysms in untreated children. There is often a pre-existing viral infection
- Giant-cell arteritis or Horton disease is an inflammatory disease of blood vessels most commonly involving large and medium arteries of the head, predominantly the branches of the external carotid artery. It is a form of vasculitis. The most serious complication of GCA is permanent blindness
Deafness and tinnitus

A small number of infections of the ear and diseases of the ear are now being classified as autoimmune diseases, although their causes appear to be much the same as all the others in this section
- Autoimmune inner ear disease - is characterized by rapidly progressive bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Research has found that long term abuse of opiate-based painkillers (such as OxyContin and Hydrocodone) is one major cause and can lead to profound hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear.
Endocrine system diseases

A number of these have recently entered the list of so called autoimmune disorders including the following diseases:
- Addison's disease - a rare, chronic endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce sufficient steroid hormones (glucocorticoids and often mineralocorticoids). It is characterised by abdominal pain and weakness, but under certain circumstances, these may progress to Addisonian crisis, a severe illness which may include very low blood pressure and coma. A significant number of pharmaceuticals are implicated as the cause for this disease - follow LINK. As of October 2016 300 drugs were implicated.
- Graves' disease (or Basedow-Graves disease) is classified as an Autoimmune disease, but it is also a Thyroid disease as it most commonly affects the thyroid, frequently causing it to enlarge to twice its size or more (goiter), become overactive, with related hyperthyroid symptoms such as increased heartbeat, muscle weakness, disturbed sleep, and irritability. It can also affect the eyes, causing bulging eyes (exophthalmos). It affects other systems of the body, including the skin, heart, circulation and nervous system. It is caused by viruses or bacteria
Exocrine system diseases

The main diseases included here are the following:
- Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic disease in which the body's white cells destroy the exocrine glands, specifically the salivary and lacrimal glands, that produce saliva and tears, and leads to the development of dry mouth and dry eyes
Sjogren’s syndrome can present along with other connective tissue disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
People with secondary Sjogren's frequently continue to develop additional autoimmune disorders, such as Interstitial Cystitis.
It appears to be caused by pharmaceuticals – see LINK, and viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Hepatitis C (HCV), and human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1). As of October 2016, about 1,100 drugs were implicated.
Heart diseases
Heart disease is know to be caused by bacteria, viruses, toxins etc. Of the numerous conditions of the heart, the so called auto-immune diseases include:
- Myocarditis or inflammatory cardiomyopathy is inflammation of heart muscle (myocardium). Myocarditis is most often due to infection by common viruses, such as parvovirus B19, less commonly nonviral pathogens such as Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) or Trypanosoma cruzi (a parasite), or to drugs (pharmaceuticals and non pharmaceuticals - see LINK). As of October 2016 about 1,200 drugs were implicated in causing this.
Intestine diseases

Amongst the many diseases of the intestine and colon, those classified as autoimmune diseases include
- Crohn's disease - One study has found ileocecal Crohn's disease is associated with viral species from the enterovirus genus. It is also associated with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, the norovirus CR6 strain and chemical toxic damage[toxins]. Pharmaceuticals especially antibiotics are also implicated
- IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is associated with the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia, and pathogenic strains of the protozoan parasite Blastocystis hominis. Irritable bowel syndrome in those with HIV is associated with the protozoan Dientamoeba fragilis. IBS is also associated with the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. It is also assocated with numerous pharmaceuticals, particularly antibiotics and acne treatments - see LINK. As of October 2016, about 1,300 drugs were implicated.
- Coeliac disease - linked with a number of viruses and toxins as well as a host of pharmaceuticals - see LINK. As of October 2016 about 650 drugs were implicated.
- Ulcerative colitis (Colitis ulcerosa, UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and a disease of the colon (the largest portion of the large intestine), that includes characteristic ulcers, or open sores. The main symptom of active disease is usually constant diarrhea mixed with blood, of gradual onset. Ulcerative colitis shares much in common with Crohn's disease, another form of IBD, but Crohn's disease can affect the whole gastrointestinal tract while ulcerative colitis only attacks the large intestine. Again, pharmaceuticals are heavily implicated in this disease - see LINK. You will see that a staggering 8,500 plus people suffered from this after taking Accutane - an acne treatment. As of October 2016, 1,200 drugs were implicated as a cause.
Kidney diseases

yet more diseases being classified as autoimmune include:
- IgA nephropathy also known as Berger disease - caused by viruses and bacteria
- Glomerulonephritis - is a term used to refer to several renal diseases (usually affecting both kidneys). Many of the diseases are characterised by inflammation either of the glomeruli or small blood vessels in the kidneys, hence the name, but not all diseases necessarily have an inflammatory component. Primary causes are intrinsic to the kidney. Secondary causes are associated with certain infections - bacterial, viral or parasitic pathogens, drugs and pharmaceuticals - this LINK takes you to the drugs implicated. As of October 2016 about 350 drugs were implicated
Bladder and urinary tract disease
- Interstitial cystitis, or bladder pain syndrome, is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder. It results in urinary urgency, urinary frequency, and symptoms that overlap with other urinary bladder disorders such as: urinary tract infection (UTI), overactive bladder, urethritis, urethral syndrome, and prostatitis. The condition often co-exists with fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, temporomandibular disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, tension headache, chronic low back pain, chronic pelvic pain (women), and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (men). There are links with bacteria, and a small number of pharmaceuticals - see LINK. There is also a viral link, for example the adenovirus is but one virus implicated.
Quantity of isolated NCA [non-clostridial anaerobic] bacteria was significantly higher than that of FA [facultative anaerobic]. In etiologic structure of CRC [chronic recurrent cystitis], NCA bacteria, enterobacteria, and CNS [coagulase-negative staphylococci] predominated. In 85.7% of cases following NCA were identified in biopsy samples: Propionibacterium sp. (41.8%), Peptococcus sp. (35.7%), Eubacterium sp. (28.6%), Peptostreptococcus sp. (14.3%), and Bacteroides sp. (14.3%). PMID: 21446162
Liver diseases

There are numerous liver diseases whose causes include viruses, bacteria, toxins, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, parasites and fungi. The medical community have started to classify the immune reaction to these as an autoimmune disease, and have as a consequence begun to include known viral diseases in particular in this category [for reasons I am unable to comprehend], for example
- Autoimmune hepatitis - it is known that hepatitis is caused by Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses, Yellow fever virus, KIs-V and adenoviruses. Hepatitis is also a disease with strong associations to pharmaceuticals as the cause - see LINK. As of October 2016, about 1,200 drugs are implicated as a cause.
- Primary biliary cirrhosis - a disease marked by the slow progressive destruction of the small bile ducts of the liver, with the intralobular ducts (Canals of Hering) affected early in the disease. When these ducts are damaged, bile builds up in the liver and over time damages the tissue. This can lead to scarring, fibrosis and cirrhosis. It was previously thought to be a rare disease, but more recent studies have shown that it may affect up to 1 in 3–4,000 people; the sex ratio is at least 9:1 (female to male). Individuals with PBC may present with Fatigue, Pruritus (itchy skin), Jaundice, local collections of cholesterol in the skin, especially around the eyes. It is associated with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome (in up to 80% of cases). Viruses, parasites etc are all implicated and there is the normal link with phramaceuticals as the cause - see LINK. As of October 2016 around 250 drugs were implicated.
Lung diseases

The diseases of the lung now being classified as autoimmune diseases include:
- Asthma - Asthma is associated with rhinovirus, human respiratory syncytial virus, and the bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae. Chlamydia pneumoniae is particularly associated with adult-onset asthma. In addition to these various toxins are also implicated
- COPD -Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (which includes both chronic bronchitis and emphysema) is associated with Chlamydia pneumoniae and Epstein-Barr virus
- Goodpasture syndrome (GPS;) is a disease in which antibodies/pathogens attack the lungs and kidneys, leading to bleeding from the lungs and to kidney failure. It may quickly result in permanent lung and kidney damage, often leading to death. Known causes are toxins such as organic solvents (e.g. chloroform) or hydrocarbons, tobacco smoke, metal dust; viruses such as the influenza A virus [and any vaccines which use this virus], Cocaine inhalation; bacteria and pharmaceuticals - see LINK.
Muscle diseases
Which are occasionally classified with skeletal diseases and at other times with skin diseases as the symptoms often include the skin and skeletion. Diseases in this category include
- Dermatomyositis – inflammation of the muscles and skin and caused by infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus, Chlamydia pneumoniae, psittacosis, and other types of infections. Some cases of dermatomyositis actually "overlap" (i.e. co-exist with or are part of a spectrum that includes) other autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, lupus, scleroderma, or vasculitis.
- Eosinophilic fasciitis also known as "Shulman's syndrome", a form of fasciitis, the diseases that affect the fascia, the connective tissues surrounding muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Unlike other diseases in that category, it is limited to the arms and legs, and usually resolves itself.
- Polymyositis is a type of chronic inflammation of the muscles. Symptoms include pain, with marked weakness and/or loss of muscle mass in the muscles of the head, neck, torso and upper arms and legs. The hip extensors are often severely affected, leading to particular difficulty in ascending stairs and rising from a seated position. Low grade fever and peripheral adenopathy may be present. Polymyositis is also associated with interstitial lung disease. Known causes are pharmaceuticals [particularly statins - see LINK], parasites, viruses and bacteria as well as toxins. As of October 2016, about 300 drugs were implicated.
Statins are an extensively used class of drugs, and myopathy is a …. well-described side effect of statin therapy. Inflammatory myopathies, including polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and necrotizing autoimmune myopathy, are rare, but debilitating, side effects of statin therapy that are characterized by the persistence of symptoms even after discontinuation of the drug PMID: 23580790
Nervous system diseases
The full description for this group of diseases and their causes can be found by following the link, amongst the nervous system diseases diseases that are now being classified as automimmune diseases we have:
- Multiple sclerosis
- Motor neurone disease -Motor neurone diseases is also known as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and as Lou Gehrig's disease in the United States
- Guillain–Barré syndrome
- Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis (BBE)
- Peripheral neuropathy (PN) - damage or disease affecting peripheral nerves. Known causes are viruses, bacteria, toxins, vitamin deficiency, pharmaceuticals (e.g., chemotherapy), traumatic injury, and nutritional deprivation
- Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Pancreas diseases

A number of diseases of the pancreas are gradually being classified as autoimmune diseases, though again, the causes are known and have nothing to do with the immune system.
Viruses implicated include the Coxsackie virus, Cytomegalovirus, Hepatitis B virus, Herpes simplex virus, Mumps, and Varicella-zoster virus.
The bacteria so far implicated include Legionella, Leptospira, Mycoplasma, and Salmonella.
Toxins are also heavily implicated and fungal infections, for example, the Fungi Aspergillus.
Parasites are a known cause in particular Ascaris, Cryptosporidium and Toxoplasma. The so called autoimmune diseases include:
- Autoimmune pancreatitis
- Diabetes mellitus -Diabetes mellitus type 1 is also associated with viral species from the enterovirus genus, specifically echovirus and Coxsackie B virus (the latter it is thought may infect and destroy the insulin producing beta-cells in the pancreas and also damage these cells via indirect autoimmune mechanisms). Diabetes mellitus type 2 is associated with cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C virus, enteroviruses and Ljungan virus
Reproductive system diseases
The main causes here include viruses, bacteria, fungus, toxins [which are heavily implicated in a number of problems], and pharmaceuticals. The main illnesses classified as autoimmune but which appear to be the immune response to toxins is Endometriosis.
Skin diseases

The section on skin diseases includes a full list, the main causes here include viruses, bacteria, fungus, toxins, and pharmaceuticals, but examples include
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Alopecia areata (AA)
- Hives/urticaria
- Adiposis dolorosa, also known as Dercum's disease, a rare condition characterized by multiple, painful lipomas – benign tumours on the trunk, the upper arms and upper legs. One known cause is pharmaceuticals see LINK
- Pemphigus vulgaris is a chronic blistering skin disease with skin lesions that are rarely pruritic, but which are often painful. A known cause of this is Ramipril - the ACE inhibitor, but other pharmaceuticals may be implicated
Stomach disease
Most cases of stomach ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. But there are other causes. Gastroparesis, can be caused by physical blockage at the distal end of stomach. Furthermore one of the most common causes of chronic stomach problems is use of pharmaceuticals - aspirin and other NSAIDS, narcotics, proton pump ihibitors, ACE inhibitors plus others. This LINK shows you the literally hundreds and hundreds that just cause stomach discomfort. Other causes include Toxins, Stress, Artificial food colourings, Parasites, heavy metals, fungi and a growing number of viruses. According to medics, Pernicious anaemia is an autoimmune disease, but here I'm afraid the evidence just does not stack up.
Whole body diseases
There are a number of diseases and illnesses in which the whole body is affected - organs, skeleton, skin and muscles. In general this is simply an indicator that the pathogen that is causing the illness has infiltrated a large number of parts of the body. In all cases the culprits are pharmaceuticals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and toxins. Examples here include:

- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis or Wegener's granulomatosis (WG), is a form of vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) that affects small- and medium-size vessels in many organs. Damage to the lungs and kidneys can be fatal. Other symptoms include Upper airway, eye and ear disease; Nose: pain, stuffiness, nosebleeds, rhinitis, crusting; loss of hearing ; strawberry gingivitis, underlying bone destruction with loosening of teeth, non-specific ulcerations throughout oral mucosa; pseudotumours, scleritis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, episcleritis; pain or swelling (60%), often initially diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis; nodules on the elbow, purpura, various others; and occasionally sensory neuropathy (10%)
- Mixed connective tissue disease - or Sharp's syndrome is a disease, in which the body's defense system appears superficially to attack itself. It is sometimes equated with the term "Undifferentiated connective tissue disease". It combines features of scleroderma, myositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis (with some sources adding polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and inclusion body myositis). It causes joint pain/swelling, malaise, muscle inflammation, and thickening of the skin of the pads of the fingers.
- Vasculitis and Behçet's disease - produces systemic vasculitis and often presents with mucous membrane ulceration and ocular problems - oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis. It can also involve the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological systems. As the disease can affect nearly every organ in the body, other conditions such as migraines/central nervous system problems, tachycardia and joint pain and swelling are also common. It can be fatal due to ruptured vascular aneurysms or severe neurological complications. Certain strains of Streptococcus sanguinis have been linked to this disease. Chlamydophila pneumoniae , Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human herpes virus (HHV) are also linked to the disease.
Vasculitis is associated with HIV, parvovirus B19, and hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis C virus is an established cause of vasculitis.

- Systemic lupus erythematosus, - SLE or lupus can affect any part of the body. If we accept current medical opinion 'The immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage'. But research has found that Lupus is associated with the viruses parvovirus B19, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus. There is evidence that infection with the virus is associated with a higher risk of numerous so called autoimmune diseases especially dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome and multiple sclerosis. EBV is the human herpes virus 4 and is caught by the oral transfer of saliva and ‘genital secretions’. Another known cause is pharmaceuticals both legal and illegal - medics have even given the result the name drug induced lupus. SLE most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The course of the disease is unpredictable, with periods of illness (called flares) alternating with remissions. SLE can be fatal. The leading cause of death is from cardiovascular disease due to accelerated atherosclerosis.

- Relapsing polychondritis (also known as "Atrophic polychondritis," and "Systemic chondromalacia") is a condition characterized by inflammation and deterioration of cartilage. Although the disease usually causes pain and deformity if unrecognized and untreated, it can be life-threatening when respiratory tract, heart valves or blood vessels are affected. The disease is not well known, and often undiagnosed. It is also known as chronic atrophic polychondritis, Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger syndrome, von Meyenburg's disease, generalized chondromalacia, and systemic chondromalacia. A small number of pharmaceuticals are implicated in the disease - see LINK. There are case reports on Pubmed of people treated with antibiotics who then develop this disease.
- Sarcoidosis - is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) that can form as nodules in multiple organs. The granulomas are most often located in the lungs or its associated lymph nodes, but any organ can be affected. In most cases it clears up by itself without any medical intervention, despite this some cases do go on to affect the person long-term or become life-threatening. It has an average mortality rate of 5% in untreated cases. Sarcoidosis is associated with Mycobacteria species, and the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Borrelia burgdorferi, and there also seems to be a link with parasites.
- Rheumatic fever - is an inflammatory disease that occurs following a Streptococcus pyogenes infection. It can involve the heart, joints, and skin. The illness is so named because of its similarity in presentation to rheumatism. Rheumatic fever is responsible for many cases of damaged heart valves; it is serious and has a case-fatality rate of 2–5%. Unless treated it recurs. The incidence of recurrence with a subsequent untreated infection is substantially greater. People who have suffered a case of rheumatic fever have a tendency to develop flare-ups with repeated strep infections.

I do not think the immune system is responding inappropriately, I think it is responding appropriately to pathogens that have been missed.
In fact it is often doing an extraordinary job given the very very unwise actions we undertake. Just think for a moment of all the stupid, in fact truly stupid ways in which we destroy our own defences - the only defences we have - against external pathogens
- Anti-emetics - which stops us vomiting out pathogens
- Anti-diarrhoea medication - which stops us pooing out pathogens
- Antihistamines - for example cough medicines or nasal sprays, like Benadryl or Tylenol to dry up the 'runny nose', which means pathogens can enter the lungs and brain via the nose
- Antibiotics - randomly, even when there is no bacterial infection; antibiotics kill off gut flora and many of our other natural defences all over the body. There are antibiotics in skin creams, vaccines, and food via the food chain. It has become one of the most dangerous medicines used on us and by us
- Proton pump inhibitors or heartburn and antacid medication - which affects the stomach acid which both processes food but also kills off pathogens
- Diuretics - which remove the water used in flushing away pathogens
- Surgery - to remove our gall bladder [the source of bile acid], or surgery which damages our organs [for example gastric band which reduces gut flora] or surgery which leaves us open temporarily to invaders, or plastic surgery
Our immune system isn't acting against us, we are acting against it. And it is having to fight like a thing possessed because we are probably full, absolutely full to the brim with pathogens as a consequence.

Once I had looked at these diseases at the level of the organ itself, it was clear that the pattern repeated itself over and over again. Practically all disease was caused by only a small number of deadly types of pathogen - viruses and vaccines, bacteria, parasites, toxins [including heavy metals and nanoparticles], fungi, radiation and pharmaceuticals and drugs. At a time when we have never before had so many pathogens to fight, we take 'medicines', which are actually not medicines at all but symptom suppressors, that weaken the immune system or completely disable it. We must be mad!!
Nutritional deprivation can play its part in illness.
Hypoxia also played its part, but these did not involve the immune system. Hypoxia and nutritional deprivation simply weakened the immune system and made it more likely we got the big Six.
Ultimately if we follow the cause effect chain back far enough the cause is always the same things. If the immune system is reacting, it is because we have a very effective immune system and it has detected something truly nasty - truly nasty. If you glance for a moment at the viruses swirling about this planet, you will see that HPV, VZV, CMV, EBV, Herpes simplex plus a whole host more have infected almost entire nations. The USA appears to be a nation that is almost 100% infected by a virus of some sort if its own statistics are anything to go by. And these viruses cause cancer, debilitating painful disease, organ failure and death.

All herpesviruses, for example, share a characteristic ability to remain quietly dormant within the body over long periods only to reappear years later when the person is feeling low or immunocompromised. There is considerable evidence that this family play a significant role in the existence of autoimmune diseases and they occur in families often passed from mother or father to children. This has led to many researchers assuming there is some kind of genetic link, but the link is that the people are living together and viruses like these can be passed by a simple kiss.
The use of immunosuppressants under these circumstances, which simply fight our own immune system when it is doing its best for us, is not only madness, it is a sort of suicide. We should be bolstering it, not trying to tone it down. If we have an area that is inflamed then there is a very strong possibility that it is inflamed for a reason.
A little anecdote. I have a friend in Belgium whose wife smoked - a lot. Smoke is classified as a toxin. After a few years she developed chronic pains in her joints - her knees, her shoulders, her hips. The doctor looked at the inflammation and pronounced it to be rheumatoid arthritis. She had a knee replacement, it didn't work. She had a shoulder operation, it didn't work. We all knew the cause. We knew it was the smoke that had settled itself via her blood stream into just about every joint of her body and which was now attacking her mercilessly. Carbon is a chelator of minerals.
There is no such thing as Autoimmune disease.
There are a host of pathogens attacking us in a truly dreadful manner with an immune system fighting for its and your life.
The following sections summarise the evidence above for each disease within each major category of ultimate cause
Viral activity in ‘susceptible hosts’ has been proven to trigger “multiple host autoimmune diseases”, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. One very virulent virus associated with MS is EBV – the Epstein-Barr virus, a virus of the herpes family. EBV has the potential to trigger a wide range of autoimmune diseases. But autoimmune diseases are strongly associated with a large number of different viruses including enteroviruses such as Coxsackie B virus, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 and HIV. Autoimmune thyroid disease is associated with Epstein-Barr virus
Herein, we propose that viral infection can induce a deficient cell stress response and thereby impairs stress tolerance and makes tissues vulnerable to damage. Having a valid paradigm to address the pathological impacts of viral infections could lead to effective new therapies for diseases that have previously been unresponsive to intervention. Host response to viral infections can also lead to autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes. .... . PMID: 22797944
The following paper describes how just one bacteria can trigger a host of so called autoimmune diseases. It is known that bacteria cause autoimmune diseases. Two bacteria specifically mentioned quite frequently in Pubmed papers are the Helicobacter pylori and the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, more are described above
Previous studies have suggested that there may be an association between some immune-mediated diseases and risk of tuberculosis (TB).
METHODS: We analyzed a database of linked statistical records of hospital admissions and death certificates for the whole of England (1999 to 2011), and a similar database (the Oxford Record Linkage Study (ORLS)) for a region of southern England in an earlier period. Rate ratios for TB were determined, comparing immune-mediated disease cohorts with comparison cohorts.
RESULTS: In the all-England dataset, there were significantly elevated risks of TB after hospital admission for the following individual immune-mediated diseases: Addison's disease, ankylosing spondylitis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, chronic active hepatitis, coeliac disease, Crohn's disease, dermatomyositis, Goodpasture's syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), myasthenia gravis, myxedema, pemphigoid, pernicious anemia, polyarteritis nodosa, polymyositis, primary biliary cirrhosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), thyrotoxicosis and ulcerative colitis. Particularly high levels of risk were found for Addison's disease (rate ratio (RR) …Goodpasture's syndrome, , polyarteritis nodosa, dermatomyositis , scleroderma and autoimmune hemolytic anemia
CONCLUSIONS: These two databases show that patients with some immune-mediated diseases have an increased risk of TB, although we cannot explicitly state the direction of risk or exclude confounding. Further study of these associations is warranted, and these findings may aid TB screening, control and treatment policies. PMID: 23557090
Pharmaceuticals and drugs

I think you will have gathered from the evidence collected in the section on Illnesses and diseases that pharmaceuticals are a very very major cause of autoimmune diseases. I have put in only a fraction of the pharmaceuticals that appear to cause immune responses - what the medics call hyper-immunity, but in fact is an immune response by the body to what it perceives is a toxin/poison. According to eHealthme there are thousands of drugs that have caused autoimmune diseases, along with quite a few other diseases to accompany them. Treatments for acne, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, osteoporosis treatments, pain killers and NSAIDs including aspirin, asthma and COPD medication, the benzodiazepines, insomnia treatments, calcium channel blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors, anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers, and MS treatments are all implicated - and there are more. Here is but one example
Accutane (latest outcomes from 28,267 users) … is often used in acne, acne cystic. Commonly reported side effects of Accutane include inflammatory bowel disease, colitis ulcerative aggravated, ulcerative colitis, depression aggravated, depression… and autoimmune disorder. (latest reports from 9,678 patients) has been reported by people with acne, hepatitis c, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis. [source eHealthme]
I was placed on High daily doses of morphine for pain in 2006. In 2009 I was placed on Subutex as a way of being detoxed and to control pain. I currently still take one 8 MG pill 4 times daily. I now suffer from auto immune desease and have interstitial lung desease and severe inflamtion of my hands and legs
Symptoms of autoimmune disease began approx 12hrs after receiving ketorolac injection and have became progressively worse since
Vitamin supplements

Overall there is a a strong link between both allergic and autoimmune conditions and vitamin supplements, mineral supplements and dietary supplements in general, especially in the young
Vitamin A supplementation was associated with increased atopy.... especially in those who received simultaneous BCG …. Early vs delayed BCG was not associated with symptoms of atopic disease, but vitamin A supplementation increased odds of wheeze …. neonatal vitamin A supplementation was associated with increased atopy. PMID: 23991838
Fungal infections
Fungi are a major source of autoimmune diseases, but there appear to be some cases where the fungus only gains a hold because the immune system is struggling to combat a viral or bacterial infection or pharmaceutical. In effect the fungus is less a cause and more of a symptom.
Nutritional deprivation
Including both vitamin imbalance and mineral imbalance. There are papers that link zinc deficiency and Vitamin D deficiency for example with many autoimmune diseases.
It may be worth noting that one sure sign of an immune system under stress is mineral imbalance and the one mineral that is a key indicator is zinc. If the immune system is attempting to fight a pathogen and losing, then zinc levels will be low and there will be the need to bolster zinc levels using food to help it fight back.
In the plasma of RA patients copper and ceruloplasmin levels were found to be significantly increased whereas zinc levels were significantly decreased. ..... Plasma copper was significantly correlated with some of the biohumoral markers of RA, but did not correlate with any of the clinical indices of the disease. Plasma zinc was significantly correlated with numerous of the biohumoral as well as clinical markers of RA. ….. plasma zinc was found to be lower in RA patients taking NSAIDs and/or steroids. PMID: 8353981

So what this is saying is that NSAIDs and steroids may appear to be relieving the inflammation, but actually what they are doing is reducing the effectiveness of the immune system in its fight against the pathogens. It also indicates that a body that is having to fight against illness has a requirement for high levels of zinc in order to 'feed' the immune system and help it. This is borne out by many other studies, for example
High dietary phytate content that compromises zinc nutriture is thought to be a major problem among children of the developing world. ...We tested the hypothesis that zinc absorption would be increased in Malawian children fed a reduced-phytate corn-plus-soy diet compared with a standard high phytate diet. Twenty-three children hospitalized in Blantyre, Malawi, were enrolled. Children were selected from those recovering from tuberculosis and from well children ...Among the 14 children recovering from tuberculosis, dietary phytate reduction resulted in higher fractional absorption ..and total zinc absorption. No effect of phytate reduction was seen in the well children. These preliminary results indicate that phytate reduction may be beneficial in improving zinc nutriture in groups with increased zinc requirements who consume a cereal-based diet. PMID: 11110854
...phytate - bran - depletes zinc levels. Give your family and pets bran and you could be knocking their immune system for six.
Many viruses can cause autoimmune diseases, thus there is the possibility that if you are vaccinated using a live virus that you may develop an autoimmune disease. Viruses do not die, they lay low and wait for an opportunistic moment then strike back. The body may have learnt how to fight the virus, but it won't have killed it. It will still be there. At times of low immunity, viruses come out of hiding - like the chicken pox virus when it re-emerges to become shingles. As we saw above, any number of viruses cause autoimmune diseases, thus if we inject ourselves with those viruses and they are live, we are in effect, increasing our risk of disease indefinitely into the future.

There are other problems with vaccines. Thiomersal is also known under the trade name Merthiolate. It is based on mercury, so it can be classified as a heavy metal and toxin. It has been used as a preservative in vaccines, immunoglobulin preparations, skin test antigens, antivenins, ophthalmic and nasal products, and tattoo inks. Its use as a vaccine preservative 'was controversial', and it was theoretically phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the United States, the European Union, and a few other countries “to assuage popular fears”. The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these fears, however, I found many papers on Pubmed which support the fact it is implicated in at least some autoimmune diseases.
There is another reason why vaccines may be a problem. In order to understand this process, I have provided a section in the science section - Vaccines - which should help to explain the reason why Vaccines are a particular problem. It may be of interest to also see the sections on Food allergy and Asthma and allergy, to see how this spills over into other areas.
There appears to be a clear and proven link between Vaccines and a number of nervous system diseases.
[Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity Immunol Res, 2013, Chris Shaw, L. Tomljenovic and Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013: Unveiling the pathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects Journal of Autoimmunity, October 2013, Carlo Perricone, Serena Colafrancesco, Roei D. Mazor, Alessandra Soriano, Yehuda Shoenfeld]
Artificial food colourings
There is a proven link between these and some autoimmune diseases.
A number of parasites are implicated in skin infections and diseases, the explanation of the diseases above lists some of the parasites respnsible, however, many others are implicated. The bacteria Bacillus oleronius, carried by the Demodex folliculorum mite, for example, is implicated in a numberof skin diseases and Leishmania - a genus of trypanosomatic protozoa - causes skin sores which erupt weeks to months after the person affected is bitten by sand flies. Parasites as a whole cause untol misery and untol number of illnesses.
We report the case of a 38-year-old immunocompetent male with a polymyositis as the presenting manifestation of T. gondii infection. … After finding a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for T. gondii, together with additional clinical findings, a diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis was made.PMID: 23543435
Particularly gastric band, plastic surgery, gall bladder removal, tonsil removal [the tonsils are used to store immune system defences], adenoid removal [removal of the protective defences] , kidney and liver [damage to filtering mechanisms], knee and hip joint replacements. The following is extremely helpful and shows that in the case of joint replacements it is the metals that are the main problem
Metal orthopedic implants may be the primary cause of allergies. that may lead to implant failure. Patch tests screening should be obligatory prior to providing implants to patients. People with confirmed allergies to metals should be provided with implants free from allergenic metals. PMID: 23212287
Heavy metals and Toxins

- Clin Exp Rheumatol. 1993 May-Jun;11(3):271-81. Copper and zinc status in rheumatoid arthritis: studies of plasma, erythrocytes, and urine, and their relationship to disease activity markers and pharmacological treatment. Milanino R, Frigo A, Bambara LM, Marrella M, Moretti U, Pasqualicchio M, Biasi D, Gasperini R, Mainenti L, Velo GP. Istituto di Farmacologia, Università di Verona, Policlinico di Borgo Roma, Italy.
2012 Nov;17(6):647-55. doi: 10.1007/s12192-012-0352-4. Epub 2012 Jul 14. Loss of stress response as a consequence of viral infection: implications for disease and therapy. Hooper PL, Hightower LE, Hooper PL. Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes, School of Medicine, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA. phoopermd@gmail.com
Int J Rheum Dis 2011 Aug;14(3) Investigation of bacterial and viral agents and immune status in Behcet's disease patients from Iran. Irschick EU et al Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria. eveline.schretter-irschick@i-med.ac.at PMID: 21816027
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2012 Sep;25(4) Allergy to orthopedic metal implants - a prospective study. Kręcisz B, Kieć-Świerczyńska M, Chomiczewska-Skóra D. Center of Occupational Allergy and Environmental Health, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland. krecisz@imp.lodz.pl
Infection.2013 Aug;41(4):859-62. doi: 10.1007/s15010-013-0427-x. Epub 2013 Apr 1. Severe polymyositis due to Toxoplasma gondii in an adult immunocompetent patient: a case report and review of the literature. Cuomo G, D'Abrosca V, Rizzo V, Nardiello S, La Montagna G, Gaeta GB, Valentini G.
- Clin Med Re. 2013 Jun;11(2): Statin-associated polymyositis following omeprazole treatment. Kanth R, Shah MS, Flores RM.
Chem Res Toxicol. 2010 Feb 15; Metal allergy--a review on exposures, penetration, genetics, prevalence, and clinical implications. Thyssen JP, Menné T National Allergy Research Centre and Department of Dermato-Allergology, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Niels Andersens Vej 65, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark. jacpth01@geh.regionh.dk
Brain Cog. 2009 Feb;69(1):188-93. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2008.07.008. Epub 2008 Aug 30. Anomalous brain dominance and the immune system: do left-handers have specific immunological patterns? Lengen C, Regard M, Joller H, Landis T, Lalive P. Schloessliöä AG, Private Psychiatric Hospital, Schloesslistrasse 8, CH-8618 Oetwil am See, Switzerland. charis.lengen@schloessli.ch
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