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Tooth and gum disease and its effects on the body
Type of Spiritual Experience
I have placed this under healing because the overall conclusions of the paper were that if tooth and gum diseases could be eliminated via proper dental care, then many of the other diseases caused by the bacteria that are in the mouth and then pass into the gastrointestinal system would no longer cause any damage.
There have been a number of similar studies with similar findings, for example:
Elderly Finns have high a prevalence of signs of infections of dental origin, which is associated with several socio-demographic and health-related factors. Horizontal bone loss was found in 94%, vertical bone loss in 19%, periapical lesions in 46%, furcal lesions in 19% and carious lesions in 39% of the subjects. Only 3% of the subjects were free of dental infections, while 2% had mild, 17% moderate and 78% severe risk of dentogenic infection. Statistically significant co- factors were - number of regular drugs in use, drugs reducing salivation, alcohol consumption, cardiovascular disease, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. PMID: 22746153
Here an added and useful finding is that pharmaceuticals can reduce the protective effect that saliva can bring. Another example links the bacteria in the mouth to the same diseases but in addition to dementia
Tooth loss in adults diminishes quality of daily life, affecting eating, speaking, appearance, and social interactions. Tooth loss is linked to severe periodontitis and caries; and to risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and dementia. PMID: 24272316
Finally, this third paper describes two of the bacteria respnsible for all these diseases and describes one novel healing substance the authors have found to combat the bacteria
Antrodia camphorata (A. camphorata) is a unique, endemic and extremely rare mushroom species native to Taiwan, … reports on the effects of A. camphorata against dental pathogens have been limited. Oral health is now recognized as important for overall general health, including conditions such as dental caries, periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) are the most common bacteria associated with dental plaque and periodontopathic diseases, respectively. Thus, our study examined the ability of five various crude extracts of A. camphorata to inhibit the growth of dental bacteria and anti-adherence in vitro. ….. Based on the result of this study, the ethyl acetate and chloroform extracts of A. camphorata may be good candidates for oral hygiene agents to control dental caries and periodontopathic conditions. PMID: 25144619
A description of the experience
J Investig Clin Dent. 2014 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12119. Association between indices of clinically-defined periodontitis and self-reported history of systemic medical conditions. Chrysanthakopoulos NA1, Chrysanthakopoulos PA. Department of Pathological Anatomy, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
AIM: The aim of the current research was to investigate whether possible associations exist between indices of clinically-defined periodontitis and several systemic medical conditions in outpatients referred to a special hospital clinic.
METHODS: The study sample consisted of 3360 outpatients aged 45-65 years. Data were collected by means of an oral clinical examination and a self-administered questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the questionnaire items was done with Fisher's exact test and the logistic regression model to assess possible associations between systemic medical conditions as independent variables, and the relative frequency of periodontal pockets ≥5 mm and clinical attachment loss (CAL) of ≥6 mm as dependent variables.
RESULTS: The depth of periodontal pockets was significantly associated with male sex, the presence of vascular disease, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes mellitus, other endocrine diseases, thyroid disease, respiratory allergies, and rheumatoid arthritis. CAL was significantly associated with the mentioned conditions, and also infective endocarditis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but not other endocrine and thyroid disease.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings confirm the results from previous investigations in which a number of systemic medical conditions were significantly associated with probing pocket depth and/or CAL.
© 2014 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
PMID: 25048420
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Asthma and allergyAutoimmune diseases
Bacterial infection
Diabetes treatments
Heart failure and coronary heart disease
Lung disease
Mouth and tooth disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Thyroid disease