Observations placeholder
Keats, John - Letter March 1819
Type of Spiritual Experience
So many powerful interpretations can be made of this simple set of pararaphs - the obsessive nature of wanting - desire - the inability because of this to relax, the inability to truly 'see' because of the 'unwandering eye'.
But one can also put a positive slant on it in terms of destiny - each creature has a purpose - a destiny and 'its eyes are bright with it' - from the apparently lowly to the apparently not so lowly.
A description of the experience
John Keats - Letter March 1819
The greater part of Men make their way with the same instinctiveness, the same unwandering eye from their purposes, the same animal eagerness as the Hawk ..... I go among the Fields and catch a glimpse of a stoat or a field mouse peeping out of the withered grass - the creature hath a purpose, and its eyes are bright with it.
I go amongst the buildings of a city and I see a Man hurrying along - to what? The Creature has a purpose, and his eyes are bright with it.
The source of the experience
Keats, JohnConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Unrequited loveSuppressions
Beauty, art and musicCommuning with nature
Premature birth