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Blood circulatory system disease

Category: Illness or disabilities



Introduction and description

According to Wikipedia

"the Blood Circulatory system is an organ system consisting of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, that helps maintain homeostasis (e.g., regulation of temperature) and transport life-giving oxygen, nutrition, and hormones to cells throughout the body and toxic waste products away".

In effect, the blood takes nutrients, oxygen and messages to cells to help them thrive and carries away waste products.  An interesting combination of food chain, communication network and sewer. 

What goes into the blood stream comes principally from the lungs and intestine.  If our veins are exposed in any way to the outside world from injury or surgery, then an entry point is provided for bacteria, fungi, viruses and other substances to enter. Periodontitis - and bleeding gums - allow bacteria to enter for example.  


And of course there is the injection and the catheter.

We have a complex system of protection against bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals and fungi entering the blood stream in the form of the gastrointestinal system.  If we swallow something that is bad for us, for example, we are sick [nausea] or we get diarrhoea, in both cases these two mechanisms serve to flush away harmful inputs. The acid in the stomach acts to destroy many bacteria, fungi and viruses.  There are friendly bacteria in our Intestines that also act to repel invaders on our behalf.  If this system is allowed to function properly, in a process called the Metabolic process, the blood stream is protected from invaders.

The immune system is our second line of defence.  It is very susceptible to zinc deficiency and mineral imbalance itself, so if we don't eat properly or are silly about mineral intake, then our immune system does not function correctly.  Anything which compromises our immune system in any way thus serves to allow irritants to enter the blood stream. 

It does not particularly matter what the irritant is.  If we can imagine a pipe being subjected to corrosive substances or filled with gunge, then some gunge is going to settle and solidify and some of the corrosive substances are going to attack the pipe walls.  If the flow round the pipes isn't terribly fast [no exercise] then the chance for it to settle and corrode become higher. This is why Exercising and keeping fit in a gentle sort of way, is helpful in general, it keeps the pipes open.  

Again, it does not matter what the irritant is.  In the rather simplified mindset we tend to get from 'those who advise' the emphasis has been on smoke and smoking as THE cause, but smoke is but one of numerous irritants.   It can be too much glucose, a parasite, a virus, bacteria, fungi, a drug, a pharmaceutical, too much adrenaline from stress and emotion......

What happens when we scratch ourselves or hurt ourselves?  What is the one thing that soothes the inflammation?  Ointment.  And the build up of fatty plaque is actually nature's way of providing ointment to a wound.  It is an effect not a cause.  Under all that fatty cholesterol you might find the remains of the culprit - a smothered virus, or a suffocated parasite [sorry I've become facetious here].  Cholesterol is not the problem.  Cholesterol is a symptom - an indicator.

All those names

The medical profession have invented a host of names to describe various aspects of disease of the blood circulation system.  I am not sure this has been a great deal of help, it certainly sounds grand to whip out these expressions at a medical conference to show you know your stuff, but from the patient's point of view [who is after all the client in all this] it is simply confusing.  Some names describe the disease and some the symptoms.  Let us have a look at this forest of nomenclature:

  • Endothelial dysfunction - is a' systemic pathological state of the endothelium' - the inner lining of blood vessels and can be broadly defined as an imbalance between vasodilating and vasoconstricting substances produced by (or acting on) the endothelium
    Atherosclerosis - is when an artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of calcium and fatty materials. It reduces the elasticity of the artery walls and therefore allows less blood to travel through. This also increases blood pressure. It is known to be a chronic inflammatory response in the walls of arteries, caused largely by the accumulation of macrophages and white blood cells [the ones that have died in our defence]. It is commonly referred to as a hardening or furring of the arteries.
  • Heart failure and coronary heart disease - one of the effects of inadequate blood supply to the heart can be that it gets damaged
  • Cholesterol problems - The correct medical name for cholesterol problems is dyslipidemia.  Dyslipidemia is an 'abnormal' amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood. In developed countries, most dyslipidemias are hyperlipidemias; that is, an elevation of lipids in the blood.  Note that this is a symptom not a cause, it is an indication that we are being attacked by a pathogen and the cholesterol is needed in larger quantities for repair
  • Dyslipidemia - see above Cholesterol problems
  • Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, together known as the lung vasculature.

  • Oedema  - was formerly known as dropsy and is “ an abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin or in one or more cavities of the body that produces swelling”. It can be caused by kidney damage, but the more frequent cause is blood circulatory problems, which prevent fluid returning to the kidneys to be processed.
  • Hypotension  - is abnormally low blood pressure especially in the arteries of the systemic circulation.  It is best understood as a physiologic state, rather than a disease. It is the opposite of hypertension, which is high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps out blood. If it is lower than normal then it is called low blood pressure or hypotension.  The causes of low blood pressure can be slightly more complex than those shown below in 'causes', refer to the hypotension section for more detail
  • Hypertension - Hypertension is high blood pressure.  It is sometimes called arterial hypertension and is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS or APLS or), often also Hughes syndrome, is classified as an 'autoimmune, hypercoagulable state caused by antiphospholipid antibodies'.  It is worth adding there is no such thing as an autoimmune disease, the body does not attack itself, it is attacking something.  Antiphospholipid syndrome was described in full in the 1980s, after various previous reports of specific antibodies in people with systemic lupus erythematosus and thrombosis.  The real cause are viruses notable the CMV virus but others may be implicated.

Eur J Neurol. 2013 Aug;20(8):e105-6. doi: 10.1111/ene.12179.  Anticardiolipin antibodies-associated stroke in primary CMV infection.  Lioger B, Debiais S, Lauvin MA, Bonnaud I, Maillot F, Ferreira-Maldent N.  PMID:  23829236

There is only one remaining blood circulatory problem and it does not come within the same sort of classification as those above, being a different problem usually caused by surgery or physical trauma to the body.  Loss of blood and haemorrhaging.


The causes are as follows:


As large numbers of viruses are able to get into the blood stream and indeed get to their target organ of attack via the blood stream, they are a major irritant. There is evidence on Pubmed to support the theory that dysfunction can be caused by an active infection in the arterial wall.  Just two of the viruses implicated are the herpes related cytomegalic virus and chlamydia pneumonia.  The HPV virus is strongly implicated.  Other viruses are also implicated and this research is ongoing.

" From emerging viruses to cardiovascular disease: preventive measures matter. Clough JD.  Cleve Clin J Med. 2003 May;70(5):383.  PMID: 12779127"



A huge numbers of toxins [and I do not exaggerate] are capable of entering the blood stream via our lungs.  Nanoparticles have started to become a major problem in this area.   Heavy metal poisoning has also been linked with blood circulatory diseases.  Any small particle which can enter the blood stream firstly causes inflammation of the artery and vein walls [endothelial dysfunction] which then leads to atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.  The particles may also attack the heart itself.  Examples of toxins - too numerous to mention individually - include of course the smoke from smoking, diesel fumes, mercury and cadmium, aluminium, lead or other heavy metal particles, pesticides, and fungicides, insecticides, household sprays and cleaning agents.

Clear links are starting to emerge between dental fillings - particularly dental amalgam fillings, which are heavy metal based,  and endothelial dysfunction and heart disease.  In the UK, this link is being denied because dental amalgam fillings are cheap compared to other froms of filling, but in countries where the health services are vastly superior to that in the UK - Scandinavia and Canada for example, mercury based fillings are being or have been phased out, for both health and environmental reasons - see Fish.

Fungal infection 

see the observations for an explanation and the section itself.  Fungi are irritants.


A vast number of pharmaceuticals interfere with the protection system of the body by altering the chemical defences, causing mineral imbalance which does the same thing, or affecting the immune system; this then allows irritants to enter the blood stream.  The number is too many to list but to give you some examples:

  • Antibiotics - There is a link between drugs that attack the natural protective flora of the intestine [such as antibiotics] and the leakage of food particles, bacteria, viruses and toxins into the blood stream.  There, all these particles affect the entire body and can cause both heart disease and other diseases.
  • Anti-fungals - for the same reason as that described above
  • Anti-virals - for the same reason
  • Antacids and heartburn treatments - which destroy the natural acid protection in the stomach needed to repel bacteria etc
  • Anti-diarrhoea medication - as diarhoea is the body's defence mechanism -  an attempt to expel harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites as well as toxins, by stopping the reaction we simply cause the organism to remain in the body and do harm.
  • Anti-emetics - as the body's reaction to harmful inputs is to be sick, anything which stops this natural reaction serves to enable the invaders to enter the fortress.
  • Lithium - which by interfering with the mineral balance of the body causes mineral imbalance and thus excess minerals then enter the blood stream.
  • ACE inhibitors - which cause zinc deficiency and by causing zinc deficiency suppress the immune system and as a consequence, rather ironically cause heart disease and endothelial dysfunction
  • Diuretics - which also cause zinc deficiency in the same sort of way
  • Chemotherapy drugs - which cause mineral imbalance in general
  • Laxatives - ditto
  • Anti-histamines – for example “cimetidine is a well-recognized zinc chelator. PMID:10394044
  • Obesity and slimming drugs - for example Diet pills such as Fen-Phen “produced an annual incidence of 25-50 cases of pulmonary hypertension per million per year”.

  • Statins -  cause iron overload, iron overload causes zinc deficiency.  Zinc deficiency causes ..... see above,  but the principle result is cell death, and the compromisng of our immune system.  Statins are known to cause muscle damage, the heart is a muscle, they may also be causing other damage.
  • Immunosuppressants - Glucocorticoids are part of the feedback mechanism in the immune system that turns immune activity (inflammation) down. They are therefore used in medicine to treat diseases caused by an 'overactive immune system', such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and sepsis.  But the immune system is not 'over-active', it is a perfectly designed system, it does not malfunction, it is reacting to something and by turning the immune system down the possibility for infection results
  • Bronchodilators - many of which act against the bodily mechanisms that  'sustain inflammatory reactions'. Phrased this way - medical speak - it gives the impression that the body is undertaking a barmy action, but the immune system is a perfectly designed system and is simply producing a protective mechanism against hostile substances entering the body.  By contracting the smooth muscles in the lungs and trachea for example, the immune system defences prevent any more of the noxious substance entering the body, in effect limiting the damage they are doing by restricting where they go and how far round the bloodstream they get – an attempt to keep them well away from the brain and other vital organs.   Bronchodilators act against these natural defences and thus enable toxins to enter the body.
    Osteoporosis treatments - which compromise the immune system
  • Diabetes treatments - which also  compromise the immune system
  • Calcium channel blockers - which by blocking the calcium channel, serve to disrupt the nervous system and the immune system
  • Pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs - which as their name suggests act to reduce inflammation and by doing so block the immune response
  • Insomnia treatments - for reasons I am not able to fully work out, but the scientific evidence is there
  • Beta blockers  can cause blood circulatory disorders by slowing the heart rate and by decreasing the pumping ability of the heart muscle, thus decreasing the blood supply in the circulatory system.  It may give the heart a rest but it can cause havoc with the circulatory system and may even speed atherosclerosis
  • Inhaled anaesthetics and injected anaesthetics - although the effects may only be temporarry unless abused
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Antidepressants
  • Vaccines - which represent a severe threat to the system, for this reason they are described in more detail below
  • Other illegal pharmaceuticals

there are a lot more, as I say too many to list in full.

Endocrine system disease or damage


If the endocrine system is in any way disrupted by damage or disease, or at times of extremely high hormonal output, the hormones act like toxins and irritants.  Adrenaline released by stress for example [see below] can act like a toxin.  During the Menopause particularly high levels of hormones can be circulating in the blood, furthermore, oestrogen affects how blood vessels narrow and widen and how they respond to injury, so changes in oestrogen levels mean changes in the reactivity of the blood vessels. Many women with heart failure are postmenopausal women and oestrogen imbalance has been therefore proposed as a pathogenic factor in female patients

Nutritional deprivation

Nutritional deprivation of various sorts from Mineral deficiency and vitamin deficiency to overdosing on certain foods.  Overdosing appears to be the biggest problem.  The food factory that is our intestines and stomach can do the equivalent of go on strike if it is overloaded.  Many foods taken at overdose proportions become toxic and overflow from the Intestines into the blood circulatory system.  In effect, we are poisoning ourselves by overdosing on anything.  Food becomes a poison and the poison enters the blood stream.  A diet high in sugars and carbohydrates, for example, will produce an excess of glucose and at the levels often entering our blood stream reaches toxic proportions and becomes a severe irritant. 

  • Alcohol in excessive doses acts in the same way.
  • Mineral supplements, Vitamin supplements and dietary supplements - are also a problem, in a sense we can see that the problem is mineral imbalance eg.  "In patients with metabolic syndrome, body iron overload exacerbates insulin resistance, impairment of glucose metabolism, endothelium dysfunction and coronary artery responses. PMID: 22647488"



Parasites from liver flukes to tapeworms, from toxoplasmia gondii to ascaris. Being with cats may be the problem.  For example:

 Hemotrophic mycoplasmas (HM) are highly specialized red blood cell parasites ... [in studies it was observed that] the parasite interacted directly with endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo. Endothelial activation, widespread endothelial damage, and adherence of red blood cells to the endothelium were evident …. PMID: 23398879


The species Chlamydia pneumoniae …. can cause severe respiratory disease and pneumonia and has been linked to chronic diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis and even Alzheimer's."


- such as Legionella, Leptospira, Coxiella burnetii and Rickettsia rickettsii.  Here's a rather chilling little bit of research


About 20 species of rapidly growing mycobacteria species that are capable of infecting human beings and causing bloodstream infections have been identified. Many more of these species are being discovered worldwide …. they have a high predisposition to ...colonise and infect intravascular catheters. ….The best outcome of cure without recurrence depends on a combination of at least 4 weeks of treatment with ...removal of the intravascular catheter. PMID: 23347634

Sedentary lifestyle


 in effect a lack of exercise.  Any form of gentle exercise helps to keep the blood flowing through the circulatory system, pounding away in a gym is not necessary, all that is neded is a gentle walk away from pollution.  The exercise not only helps to keep the channels open, but speeds the removal of any toxins from the body - making sure the toxins get to the kidneys.

Physical trauma

 can cause damage, Surgery for example has a record of producing endothelial dysfunction.

By exposing the blood stream to the external environment, the door is open for 'germs' - bacteria, fungi and so on to enter the blood stream.  


- see both Hypoxia and Hypoxia side-effects


emotional stress  and other high emotion is the emotional trigger to the sympathetic nervous system. High levels of the 'fight or flight' stress neurotransmitters act as irritants in the blood stream.


smoke is a toxin in this respect.



and Food allergies or other allergies.   You may think this is a silly entry, but if you follow the link to food allergies you will be able to see the logic behind this entry.  Very briefly, vaccines do not contain just the virus or bacteria against which we are being immunised.  Vaccines contain a lot of 'extras' and these extras can include mercury, glucose, sucrose, monosodium glutamate, soy, milk proteins .... the list is long. 

When a vaccine is injected into the blood stream it is supplied with what are called adjuvants which tell the immune system to fight whatever is in the vaccine.  Again an adjuvant is a foreign body and some are based on aluminium, capable of destroying the blood brain barrier. 

If all these extras are also in the vaccine, the immune system builds up a memory that these 'extras' are pathogens.  From this we can develop allergies - to food, to all sorts of things depending on what was in the vaccine. 

If you then eat or drink the food, or encounter the allergen [for example glycerin in hair shampoo - some flu vaccines contain glycerin ]  you stress the system and this can lead to hypertension, hypertension is a symptom of food allergy and allergy in general.

There is a further stage.  If you in any way compromise your gastrointestinal system or  intestinal flora and food particles enter the blood stream; or you compromise your bodily protection system by the inadvisable use of antihistamines for example, and again the allergen enters the blood stream, severe allergic reactions or intolerance will ensue, the particle will be engulfed and it will be engulfed by antibodies.  Over time the detritus is deposited on the walls of the arteries and we get atherosclerosis.  Thus some cases of atherosclerosis may be do to undiagnosed food allergies or other allergies.

There are links between IBS and endothelial dysfunction - an intestine compromised and leaky gut.


Symptom based treatment


The medical community propose a host of drugs to combat this problem, based on attacking the symptoms, including some of the very drugs that are causing the problem in the first place:

Treat the cause

In contrast the 'alternative medicine' fraternity base the treatments on a multi-faceted approach.  In the first place the emphasis is on finding the cause from those above.  Then the principle of Healing yourself is applied, for example

  •  Exercise - Use the approaches described in Exercising and keeping fit
  •  Food - Cut down the carbs, never overdose on any food or drink, and use foods as your friend in combatting oxidative stress. See Eating for health.   Address any mineral imbalance by using the foods in this group.  Even the menopause can be helped by the right foods.
  •  Reduce stress - Use controlled breathing exercises as a way of improving circulation and helping relaxation, try to remove the causes of the stress and use relaxation techniques to help reduce stress, note that any of the activities described in the suppression category of the site would help here
  •  Toxins viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals etc - home in on the source of toxins whether pollution, smoke, drugs or pharmaceuticals and get rid of them.  Chelating agents may be needed if you have been badly exposed to such pollutants as lead or pesticides
  • Use the allergy determination process - to determine which foods you may now be allergic to as a result of vaccinations
  • Organise food allergy test and heavy metal tests with reputable laboratories  to determine your current risk and if you are at risk, change your diet and [if the cause is dental fillings], get yourself a better dentist who can sort the problem out for you

How it works


In cases where blood circulatory system disease has caused hallucinations or similar experiences, the cause tends to be hypoxia.


You need to have the Model of the Mind open and have read How spiritual experence works.

If we look at this from a logical point of view, what we see is that the Will is being assaulted by a Threat of extraordinary proportions. 

The 5 senses along possibly with the nervous system are telling it that it is in danger, that the threat is both real and enormous.  Thus the Will is being told DO SOMETHING. 

But what if it can do nothing?  It has searched the Memory for a learnt function to deal with it and finds nothing and the Threat is there now, it has no time to learn.  If you cannot avoid the threat – the messages get louder and louder – THREAT, THREAT, THREAT – 'we are about to die captain we don’t want to go with you, your little cells and organs want to live'!

There is little input from the Reasoning function – after all what can it do?  And the intensity of the messages being sent it from Perceptions is overwhelming – DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING!!!  The Will may first tell the Autonomic system [via Endorphins] that it can do nothing and to cease complaining, but there comes a point where the Will gives up, exhausted, and lets the Composer take over. The ego has been squashed.

And we get our spiritual experience.

References and further reading

An exceptionally important section that is pertinent to this section is that on Anaphylaxis.  The reason will become clear if one follows the LINK.  The description uses the work of the Nobel prize winner Dr Charles Richet


The observations below also include healing ones as well and here the mechanism is described in the observation


Related observations