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Globe artichokes and the liver
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Przegl Lek. 2012;69(10):1122-6. [Artichoke--herbal drug]. [Article in Polish] Kulza M, Adamska K, Seńczuk-Przybyłowska M, Woźniak A, Wachowiak A, Miechowicz I, Horoszkiewicz M, Nowak G, Florek E. Laboratorium Badań Srodowiskowych, Katedra i Zakład Toksykologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego, Poznań. mkulza@ump.edu.pl
The liver is the gland most vulnerable to the toxic effects of xenobiotics, as responsible for their metabolism. Significant impact on the functioning of this gland has a style of life: alcohol consumption, diet with high fats ingredients and prooxidative substances and synthetic drugs.
Very improtant aspect in herbal medicaments is protective properties on parenchymal organ-damaging.
Concomitant intake of plant extracts containing cytoprotective compounds, may increase the efficacy of treatment and reduce side effects.
One of the plants of the hepatoprotective action is artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.).
Artichoke with multiple therapeutic properties and practically no side effects is recommended not only in disorders of the liver, but also in the prevention of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia or dyspeptic disorders.
PMID: 23421105